Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling


Created by Jedibrad > 9 months ago, 25 Aug 2020
NSW, 527 posts
25 Aug 2020 8:31AM
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Please. Please. No More. They are so so lame. If you want to get air, strap yourself to a kite and loop it. End of story.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
25 Aug 2020 9:28AM
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Jedibrad said..
Please. Please. No More. They are so so lame. If you want to get air, strap yourself to a kite and loop it. End of story.

A bit harsh buddy. As someone who can boost and done my fair share of kiteloops, also as a long time Windsurfer I can appreciate the difference and the skills required on both sides. Airing a Wing is much like airing windsurfing, and the added buzz of the foil brings some more to plate also.

I think if you don't want to see foil or Wing airs then don't look.

Crew keep them coming, this is only the beginning .

Here's a flat water hop of mine from the weekend .

Ride safe,


WA, 525 posts
25 Aug 2020 7:51AM
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Jedibrad said..
Please. Please. No More. They are so so lame. If you want to get air, strap yourself to a kite and loop it. End of story.

Get used to them, you are going to be seeing a lot more now that this has been done:

3939 posts
31 Aug 2020 4:06AM
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Not a winger yet, but have a 5.2.
Looks cool. One local kid is getting his wings about 8' high with a 5, in breeze around 14-17 knots, and still safe when he comes in.
Higher than 8 feet? Well, he can let go on the ascent.
He does land non foiling, using up his forward speed to vert and splashdown landings.

3939 posts
31 Aug 2020 4:06AM
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Sorry, his foil 8' high.

611 posts
31 Aug 2020 5:34AM
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I really like this one of Robby Naish doing high speed runs and chop hopping.Got to learn that.

QLD, 6936 posts
31 Aug 2020 8:46AM
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Cool video of Robbie , whats really interesting about the winding is it's bringing both kiters and windsufers to the same arena so expect to see combination of new moves as people from all different water sport genres pick up a wing . The flips and rotations is just the start .I'm sure we'll start seeing mid air releases like supermans ect. So watch this space...... So sorry Jedibrad this is only the start.

202 posts
31 Aug 2020 11:55PM
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Jedibrad said..
Please. Please. No More. They are so so lame. If you want to get air, strap yourself to a kite and loop it. End of story.

Lol. Talk about fighting a losing battle. And so glad you are kill-joy

QLD, 3319 posts
1 Sep 2020 9:18AM
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Airs on the wind wing are not really for me and i can maybe already see where this is headed. IMO it does look kinda silly jumping with a foil as it just has nothing really graceful about it but i feel the same when i see a kite jumping with a foil as it just does not look right and would much rather see the foil used for big flow turns and laid back feel for what foiling really has to offer.

Not against airs and its cool to see crew pushing it as that will only help set new limits and open new ideas into the future but i will be interested to see where this side goes into the next year or so. I would probably give a few a bash if i had a ACL but without it there is no chance my foil will be leaving the water.

NSW, 1080 posts
1 Sep 2020 12:24PM
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Jedibrad said..
Please. Please. No More. They are so so lame. If you want to get air, strap yourself to a kite and loop it. End of story.

Sure ,if you want to go faster,higher, further and WoW the crowd then take the kite out.
But if you want to learn something new and see where it takes you ,then grab a foil and wing, after all we wouldn't bother going to the moon or pushing any boundaries at all ,if we stayed in the comfort zone and just kept doing the same old thing.

611 posts
1 Sep 2020 1:48PM
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paul.j said..
Airs on the wind wing are not really for me and i can maybe already see where this is headed. IMO it does look kinda silly jumping with a foil as it just has nothing really graceful about it but i feel the same when i see a kite jumping with a foil as it just does not look right and would much rather see the foil used for big flow turns and laid back feel for what foiling really has to offer.

Not against airs and its cool to see crew pushing it as that will only help set new limits and open new ideas into the future but i will be interested to see where this side goes into the next year or so. I would probably give a few a bash if i had a ACL but without it there is no chance my foil will be leaving the water.

To each his own...kite jumps impress me but i do not like them, too much like a trapeze act for my taste.

IMHO no sport will come closer to air mojo perfection than Christian Hosoi skateboarding a big halfpipe back in the day, style to burn :)

Anyway,as others have said, wingything is going to get burlier and very technical as the kite/wind foil younger crowd gets sucked in and the gear evolves.

I am 48, no ACL either, so i will be happy to just glide back and forth,learn some transitions,maybe a little chophop when i feel ready.
But the kids will play, testosterone is kind of unstopabble :)

Mitch Pearson
QLD, 270 posts
2 Sep 2020 12:36PM
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202 posts
2 Sep 2020 11:18AM
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You put someone on anything that moves... a bike, motorcycle, skis, snowboard, skateboard, surfboard, wakeboard, sled..... it is not going to be very long at all before they try and get airborne. Long live play.

825 posts
2 Sep 2020 1:39PM
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Mitch Pearson said..

Never let a broken foot let your mates get ahead!

2009 posts
2 Sep 2020 2:53PM
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Honestly kite airs are about the lamest looking form of jump in any sport I can think of.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Airs" started by Jedibrad