disclaimer: I'm a Fanatic & Slingshot dealer in San Francisco, CA
Anyhoo.... just got my board last week and have had it out on the water a few times. I'm relatively new to winging (started in February, but probably have about 50 days on the water... can foil through jibes, tacks, foot switches, etc... not using straps at the moment).
Random thoughts on the board:
-it's thick... seems even thicker than my Slingshot Outwit 5'10" and definitely thicker than the Naish Carbon Pro 95l
-those thicker rails are a little harder to grab onto while pulling myself onto the board. I now grab the top handle oftentimes
-it's heavier than the Slingshot(13.6lbs) by a couple pounds
-seems really stable for flying foot switches... I'm not sure why the board would make a difference but it has for me (possibly deck shape)
-really forgiving on touchdowns even though it has essentially a flat bottom (can't explain this either)
-deck pad is kind of ugly, but I find it very comfortable and grippy... my favorite pad so far
-bottom handle is a game changer for carrying kit to and from the water
-shorter length makes it just a hair more challenging to get up to my feet than the Outwit... take off is similar but have to stand way back
-footstrap plugs and tail kick block seem to be in the appropriate place (not so w/ my Outwit)
-deck shape is nice... seems like the appropriate amount of concave
-i didn't like the centerline arch bar at first, but I got used to it after one day... I now like having it there.
-has that weird flat-head plastic vent plug like older Slingshot boards
anyway, I'm having a lot of fun on this board, and it has inspired me to try and dial in some stuff that I was more hesitant to try before, like switching my feet like windsurfing after a toe-side jibe. it also makes me want to ride with footstraps... but i'm also having fun without them. I find it really good for gliding on windswells here in the Bay.
I'm about 85kg and have used it with the Slingshot Infinity 99 (short fuse big rear) and Infinity 76 (long fuse small rear). Seems really balanced w/ the 99.... the 76 I really had to keep the nose down but the carving was fantastic... so far have mounted both toward the back of the box... will try other settings as well
Great looking boards at a very good price. They do seem a bit heavy and I am not sure about the bottom shape for a wing board. The bottom side handle is definitely the way to go.