Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Foiling for a big guy

Created by subseaos > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2019
VIC, 35 posts
29 Dec 2019 1:30PM
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Hi Guys,

I've been surfing 30+ years, windsurfed for about 15 years, moved into Kiteboarding, started SUP about 2 years ago on a 11'2" Starboard Wide point then moved down to 9'6" Whopper and also a Hypernut. I'm a big guy at 115kg and now looking at expanding my water options to Foiling.
Looking for advice on Brand and size of Foil for my weight, seems everything I look at online caters to around 100kg but no specifics for bigger guys so those of you in the bigger range can you shed some light on what worked for you? Also getting a Windwing to have a crack at with SUP/Foil.

I've ridden a few shorter SUP's but obviously with my weight its difficult unless I start on my knees then get on my feet once on the wave, I see Naish has a Crossover board that can be used for SUP/Foil/Windsurf in the 120l range 7'8" would this work?



QLD, 3358 posts
29 Dec 2019 1:53PM
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Hi Tim, we have heaps of guys over 115kg foiling here and all doing really well.

Foil side of things I think Gofoil will suit what you need and this is what a lot of the big guys here have been riding.

Board side of things forget the crossover, and I think 120L is a bit on the light side for you.

To learn on something like our 7'11 x 31 is gold as they are super easy and will get you to understand what board size will be perfect down the track.

At 115kg I think the end goal will be about 6'5.

We have lend boards that we are happy to ship around if people pay the shipping costs. We have a deal that we run where if someone buys a board from us then we will lend them the first board which is usually something to big and you will out grow and this saves wasting money on a board you might only need for a few weeks and then when you are ready you return the lend board and pick up the board that is the perfect size and something you won't out grow.

Hope that all made sense.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions as always more than happy to help point you in the right direction.

Cheers Jacko

VIC, 98 posts
29 Dec 2019 4:06PM
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I see Naish has a Crossover board that can be used for SUP/Foil/Windsurf in the 120l range 7'8" would this work?

A few weeks ago I bought the 2020 Naish crossover 120lt. Its 7'4" long

So far I have used it twice for Windsurf foiling. Its been good fun learning. (I have windsurfed since 1984)

I have also used it for SUP surfing. I was surprised how well it surfed with the quad set up. (I have SUPed for 8 years)

I haven't used it for SUP foiling yet.

I did buy it for mainly SUP foiling, but are having fun slowly teaching myself on the Windsurf foiling first.

I weigh 80kg. Naish do make the same crossover board at 7'4" long in 140 litres.

From my understanding, the 2020 boards are lighter than the earlier models.

Check out the windsurf foil forum, there is a thread about the Naish Crossover 140Lt board, you could ask him about it.

I scratched my head for over a year of what board do I buy. And I am happy I bought this board. It does everything I want it to do so far.

Might even try a wing-ding on it one day.

I have an Axis foil (60 mast, 82 front wing, 440 rear wing, standard fuselage)


5168 posts
29 Dec 2019 2:35PM
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subseaos said..
windsurfed for about 15 years
I'm a big guy at 115kg

120l will be too hard. You need volume otherwise the board tail will be underwater, making the takeoff harder.
Plus it will be hard to balance on it.
135 liters would be a minimum.

At 100kg I learnt to foil with a 135 liters 8'9" board, although I was used to 105 liters 7' SUP boards. Granted it wasn't the most nimble in the air, but it worked, and I learned quite fast because I was able to take tons of waves (and my windsurfing experience helped). I see people now here starting on 7' boards, and if they are not young, their progress is very slow because they take very few waves per session, also because they were not used to SUP 7' boards before and their paddling technique is not optimal for these short boards.

And if you have windsurfing experience, use straps, it will makes learning to foil hugely easier.

QLD, 2035 posts
29 Dec 2019 5:35PM
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G'day subsets. So you're a Heavy Weight. I'm like a 95kg surfer; too many beers in my late 50's hahahaha in my 20's & 30's I have a s@#t load of surfing trophies but weighed like 75kg & have surfed for 50 years already. What are you looking for, subsets. Do you "or" can you Surf is the question???
If you are 100kg I have The Best learners prone foil board for you. it's a 6'3'' by 22'' by 4'' @ 78 litres
The Great MR learnt on a 6' 2'' by 21''inch litres???? foil surfboard & he's a 4 times World Surfing Champion.

Remember subsets; SUP foiling is a lot easier than Prone foiling . IF you can prone foil SUP foiling is a piece of pi@s. Remember a lot of SUP foilers can't prone foil but e.g. they can't surf anyway.

After say 10 goes on a prone foilboard you can start cutting the inches off your prone foilboard until you find your Happy Length.
I'm down from a 6'3'' inch to a 5'10'' inch to a 5'5''inch ready to go down to a 5 footer at 55 litres. And it's taken me 135 days of Prone Foiling. 2 1/2 years already.

Foiling is expensive just like Surfboard riding was in the 70'S = it's called Progression.

VIC, 35 posts
29 Dec 2019 6:56PM
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I've been surfing for over 30 years, windsurfed, kiteboarded, now last few years I've been on a SUP smallest been 9'6" Whopper and Hypernut.

Considered turning my Hypernut into a foil board but think it might be a little on the big side at 9'6", so was looking at a foil ready board. I saw the Naish crossover 120 and thought maybe a good option as I can use it for more that just foiling, now see the 2019 model was 150l at 8' so could use for SUP/Foil/Add sail go for foil sailing or even use a Wind Wing plus my son could get use out of it as well.
Yes I'm seeing how expensive the sport can be, and I thought kiteboarding was expensive!
Was hoping to pick up some secondhand gear but not many options I can find suitable for my size. Not that I can find in the foil side of things anyway, boards don't seem to be that big an issue but finding bigger wings seems a problem unless I go new.

I'm away working offshore just now dos still got a couple of weeks to search online, then hit a few shops when I get home mid January. Only got a month off so want to get in the water as much as possible during that time.

QLD, 2035 posts
29 Dec 2019 6:30PM
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subseaos said..

I've been surfing for over 30 years, windsurfed, kiteboarded, now last few years I've been on a SUP smallest been 9'6" Whopper and Hypernut.

Considered turning my Hypernut into a foil board but think it might be a little on the big side at 9'6", so was looking at a foil ready board. I saw the Naish crossover 120 and thought maybe a good option as I can use it for more that just foiling, now see the 2019 model was 150l at 8' so could use for SUP/Foil/Add sail go for foil sailing or even use a Wind Wing plus my son could get use out of it as well.
Yes I'm seeing how expensive the sport can be, and I thought kiteboarding was expensive!
Was hoping to pick up some secondhand gear but not many options I can find suitable for my size. Not that I can find in the foil side of things anyway, boards don't seem to be that big an issue but finding bigger wings seems a problem unless I go new.

I'm away working offshore just now dos still got a couple of weeks to search online, then hit a few shops when I get home mid January. Only got a month off so want to get in the water as much as possible during that time.

There's a lot of foils on the market But from what I have witnessed:-
Buy a GoFoil or a Neil Pryde for pronefoiling for surfing = both Foils have been proven to be THE BEST.
Then I've been told the Axis is the go to foil for when it comes to Downwind SUP Foiling.

YES, there is a lot of foils out there but the GoFoil & NP have been proven to be the best in the waves = I've tried both & give them both the Thumbs Up.

They say the Axis is the Best for DW but I will find out with-in the next 12 months.

Me personally the NP is the Ants Pants for pronefoiling BUT the GF has less screws & I do love the 200 GF wing being a heavyweight in the surf.

5168 posts
29 Dec 2019 5:27PM
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Downwinder said..
both Foils have been proven to be THE BEST.

"proven" ?

QLD, 3358 posts
29 Dec 2019 9:26PM
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colas said..

Downwinder said..
both Foils have been proven to be THE BEST.

"proven" ?

Haha always funny when someone has only used 2 different foils but they are both the best ever!! Good solid info right there.

Gofoil make nice strong gear that surf well and also has very good DW wings. I would buy gofoil no worries if I was looking for a new foil at the moment.

NP have a good Alloy set up and surf ok from what i see Keahi do on it. I would not buy a NP foil though as I really don't like Alloy and they have far to much of a limit on the foil available with it sounding like company issues not helping with new product coming to market. I am sure others know more on this than me.

Takuma have IMO the best all round wing that I have used, very good in the surf and very competitive for DW and super easy to use. Could definitely work on a few areas of quality and getting the mast stiffer for the bigger wings. I choose to ride these at the moment because for me it works the best but definitely looking at all options lately.

To be honest there are so many good foils and to say any one or two is the best is a huge call, unifoil, MFC, axis and countless others are all good but right now what I would look at is quality and what the company is doing to supply a good range of wings and is there development progressive or just following!!

Right now in Australia it would be hard to go past Gofoil as a All round package, still got some issues but maybe less than others.

NSW, 1100 posts
30 Dec 2019 7:32AM
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Armstrong is all I have to say......

VIC, 35 posts
30 Dec 2019 4:50PM
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Seen this for sale at a reasonable price, GoFoil 2019 Maliko 2800.


QLD, 3358 posts
30 Dec 2019 6:10PM
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subseaos said..
Seen this for sale at a reasonable price, GoFoil 2019 Maliko 2800.


To be Honest i think this is not the best set up for you. That looks like a short mast and with the big 280 wing it has quite a bit of flex plus as good as the 280 is for learning DW it's not a great wing to learn on even at 115kg.

I would look for a longer mast set up with a 200 wing for a good starting set up, the longer mast is much stiffer and will suit you much better. I know gofoil had some on run out but might have all been sold by now, other wise keep a eye out as one will pop up used foreshore around this time of year.

VIC, 35 posts
31 Dec 2019 3:27AM
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The above foil has a 65cm mast, I'll be adding a base plate adapter to the Tuttle connecting which if I'm not wrong adds another 5-10cm?

Was thinking to get a 200 wing as well from reading info I might want to change as I got better?



WA, 311 posts
31 Dec 2019 7:14AM
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subseaos said..
The above foil has a 65cm mast, I'll be adding a base plate adapter to the Tuttle connecting which if I'm not wrong adds another 5-10cm?

Was thinking to get a 200 wing as well from reading info I might want to change as I got better?



The 29.5" mast is much better. Even the Iwa flexes the the 24" mast a bit too much.

150 posts
31 Dec 2019 11:08AM
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subseaos said..
Hi Guys,

I've been surfing 30+ years, windsurfed for about 15 years, moved into Kiteboarding, started SUP about 2 years ago on a 11'2" Starboard Wide point then moved down to 9'6" Whopper and also a Hypernut. I'm a big guy at 115kg and now looking at expanding my water options to Foiling.
Looking for advice on Brand and size of Foil for my weight, seems everything I look at online caters to around 100kg but no specifics for bigger guys so those of you in the bigger range can you shed some light on what worked for you? Also getting a Windwing to have a crack at with SUP/Foil.

I've ridden a few shorter SUP's but obviously with my weight its difficult unless I start on my knees then get on my feet once on the wave, I see Naish has a Crossover board that can be used for SUP/Foil/Windsurf in the 120l range 7'8" would this work?



I'm fairly close to your weight and currently at 225lbs dry ride a Kalama 6'8" at 140L would really recommend staying around that vol unless your lucky enough to ride in glass conditions all the time, for us larger riders the GF Iwa wing for punchier days and the GL210 or M200 wings for smaller days can't beat for the heavyweight class with the 29.5 mast minimal flex, avoid the 24" mast way more flex not happening for us big guys,here's my set up

39 posts
31 Dec 2019 11:45AM
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subseaos said..

I've been surfing for over 30 years, windsurfed, kiteboarded, now last few years I've been on a SUP smallest been 9'6" Whopper and Hypernut.

Considered turning my Hypernut into a foil board but think it might be a little on the big side at 9'6", so was looking at a foil ready board. I saw the Naish crossover 120 and thought maybe a good option as I can use it for more that just foiling, now see the 2019 model was 150l at 8' so could use for SUP/Foil/Add sail go for foil sailing or even use a Wind Wing plus my son could get use out of it as well.
Yes I'm seeing how expensive the sport can be, and I thought kiteboarding was expensive!
Was hoping to pick up some secondhand gear but not many options I can find suitable for my size. Not that I can find in the foil side of things anyway, boards don't seem to be that big an issue but finding bigger wings seems a problem unless I go new.

I'm away working offshore just now dos still got a couple of weeks to search online, then hit a few shops when I get home mid January. Only got a month off so want to get in the water as much as possible during that time.

Some pretty screaming off season deals right now. I just picked up the Neil Pryde Glide surf/sup foil for $699 which is $300 off regular price. See some pretty screaming board deals I'm trying to decide on too.

NSW, 851 posts
5 Jan 2020 9:16AM
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GoFoil aus has run out sale on at the moment. Would be a good way to start.

VIC, 35 posts
8 Jan 2020 12:20AM
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Yeah thanks pohaka, I've been looking on line and see some deals, although on the GoFoil site they have last years kit for sale not the new version (1.5) available s a kit.



NSW, 851 posts
8 Jan 2020 3:19PM
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subseaos said..
Yeah thanks pohaka, I've been looking on line and see some deals, although on the GoFoil site they have last years kit for sale not the new version (1.5) available s a kit.



Yes so the 1.0 you buy as a kit as they all fit perfect. If you get additional wings they may not fit unfortunately. 1.5 is all single priced so you can build your own foil as everything fits everything. For a package price get in contact with GF Aus.

VIC, 1469 posts
8 Jan 2020 3:32PM
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pohaku said..

subseaos said..
Yeah thanks pohaka, I've been looking on line and see some deals, although on the GoFoil site they have last years kit for sale not the new version (1.5) available s a kit.



Yes so the 1.0 you buy as a kit as they all fit perfect. If you get additional wings they may not fit unfortunately. 1.5 is all single priced so you can build your own foil as everything fits everything. For a package price get in contact with GF Aus.

the 1.0 will fit with 1.5 wings just need some sanding and massaging
the older 1st batch gofoil may not, like when they/starboard was made the same and they should call that ver1.0, then ver1.5 and now ver2.0
the best mast is 29.5 or 74.93cm and with plate adapter is around 32.3" or ~82cm


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Foiling for a big guy" started by subseaos