Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Go pro max mounting options

Created by scotty100 > 9 months ago, 15 May 2020
QLD, 233 posts
15 May 2020 3:41PM
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Has anyone advice on best way to mount go pro max for SUP foiling. Tried generic cheap pole mount on paddle and that broke after 4 waves, lucky had string attached. Is original go pro pole mount stronger or does some one have better idea? Thanks in advance

VIC, 17434 posts
15 May 2020 5:06PM
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Just get the mount for the camera in the original packaging (if you kept it) and cut it in a V shape to fit your paddle.. Then duct tape it to your paddle and use a string from your camera around the shaft just in case it comes off.. I've been using this for years without a problem.

367 posts
17 May 2020 2:39PM
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Nice footage. I wonder how this will look with the Gopro Max...

I would like to mount a Gopro Max on a wing with handles , no boom, and I am looking for advice....

WA, 3472 posts
17 May 2020 9:46PM
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I have used the genuine go pro pole mount (with go pro 5) on paddles in the surf for a ages and never broken one.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Go pro max mounting options" started by scotty100