I've been riding neutral buoyant wing board and HA foils but wondering whether there is improved glide and pump-ability using the same foil on a mid length of 7 foot ish SUP surf or DW board?
Has anyone been down this road and noticed any better foil performance ?
Thanks for the feedback....
It may sound a bit dumb but I'll try to rephrase it and considering I'm already up on foil ..... if I was out on a foil AR 9.8 on my 5'1" x 23 x 70L wing board in wind chop and able to flag and pump from bump to bump for around 200m, then I came in and changed to say a Sultan Prone 5'10" x 20 x 75L board, would there be a gain on how far I could ride and glide?
I'm wondering how much effect there is on the way the foil performs when the tracks are longer and further forward on a mid length compared to a wing board.
I find there is a lot of foil glide performance lost in lots of little pitch changes. Using a longer board and particularly a DW board make the foil feel like it carries more momentum I think due to stabilizing pitch. Sort of like how a MTB bike rolls faster and further with bigger wheels.
So....it's sounding like I have a good excuse to add the ML board before changing foils at least.
It has been on the cards for 2025 anyway. Ultimately, because I'm too old and impatient to learn to prone, I'm gearing up to SUP surf on those 2-3 foot crowded, glassy mornings, or for afternoon slop sessions when winging or riding the twinny isn't an option.
Hardly anyone talks about aerodynamics in winging or surfing but at 15-20 knots there is going to be an appreciable difference in aero between the different styles of board. A narrow mid length which is also not too thick should have less drag than a DW board.
And when lots of riders claim to feel the difference in mast profiles it's possible that they could also feel less aero drag in different boards.
Our cycling friends are always looking at aero drag while we spend most of the looking at the water.
Just a thought
In the last few Life of Kai episodes he has touched on board performance in the air and how he and KT have been remodelling the nose of his boards.
Dropping into a 50+footer at Peahi with 20 knot winds would certainly be good grounds for testing.