Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Kihei MAUI

Created by Downwinder 27 days ago, 15 Jun 2024
QLD, 2015 posts
15 Jun 2024 3:36AM
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Great to be back on Maui this is like my 18 tour of Hawaii here for like 8 weeks. This was Kihei the other day, nuking 30+ knots

Got me a Custom 9ft x 21"inch Barracuda from Dave Kalama "super lite" (me a beginner KOOK foiler)

Went Jeremy Riggs flat water Pop-Ups yesterday at Kahului Harbour, very educational. I have been good friends with Jeremy Riggs for like 15 years already. Jeremy is the GOAT when it comes to being a coach his mannerism is Legendary 12/10

Even got me a sticker from DA FOIL MONSTA he film the session so you can work on your mistakes.

Hanging out with some great Maui friends, Kihei Run. Randy, Kathy & Tomoko

I'll be doing a lot of island hopping between Maui & Oahu as I still do Prone Paddleboard from a Surfers point of view Prone Paddleboarding complements Surfing especially when the sweep is firing on the Gold Coast Points you need to be a Strong Paddler.

Teaming up with My Brother From Another Mother Blair Thorndike for this years M20 - NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN

I always travel with my surfboards the South Shore has been Pumping "I love Rice Bowls" that reef break is world class I've got it at 6ft & Pumping AND I always catch up with my Oahu friends at Ala Moana Bowl.

An old photo of me surfing the Burleigh Rocky photo by Wilba a professional photographer - So you can see I still love riding a Surfboard.

My old Boardriders Club Catherine Hill Bay (I was a member for like 20 years surfed for Catho against other Boardriders Clubs) are having there 50th in late August so looking forward to flying to Newcastle for that Night.

I enjoy Maui so much, I luv The People, The Place and The Vibe - I Named Both My Dogs Maui & Maliko, I luv my Dogs.

QLD, 2015 posts
28 Jun 2024 5:01AM
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Been having a lot of FUN since Landing on the 10th June the wind has been NUKING 30-40 knots every day.

Been going to Jeremy Riggs Pop-Up class every week been 3 times already going to have a one on one next week "first Time I have ever been coaching in my life"

This is Kane one of THE BEST Downwind Foilers on Maui, him and his girlfriend Gaby are the best and I am very thankful for Gaby letting me borrow the AXIS 1201 wing as I only have the 1401 wing (me a Beginner KOOK) I should have grabbed the 1201 of Guy from SURF FX on the Gold Coast but I will be buying the 1201 when I get back home in August.


it's a real Buzz hanging out talking story when loading the cars for a Foil Downwind Run. This bloke in the Blue Wet-shirt with traditional white cricket hat Alan Cadiz is a weapon of a Downwind Foiler he's my age 62yo we have had many a Paddle Battles over the years when Unlimited SUP Downwind was the rage Alan would beat me by a minute or I'd beat Alan by a minute FUN TIMES.

These two blokes I have know since 2008 Randy Royce and Ralf Sifford Randy is my age 62yo Ralf is 64yo he owned Second Wind JAWS Surfer and a weapon of a Unlimited SUP Downwinder me and Ralf had many a Paddle Battles in the early days agin Ralf would beat me by a minute or I'd beat Ralf like Alan by a Minute FUN TIMES. Ralf is now a Hardcore Downwind Foiler Does a Maliko Run in 40 minutes. The young Foil crew like Kane & Kai Lenny are Foiling Maliko in sub 30 minutes (How Fast Can A Foil Go) Good mate Randy has been testing out some New Prototype Foil Wings from GoFoil that Alex Aguera lent Randy "interesting times" in the Foil World at the moment. Had a great conversation with Alex Aguera the other day at Kanaha.

Thanks gain Gaby for letting me borrow the AXIS 1201 Wing

It's been a great Summer on Maui with a lot of NORTH in the wind making Kihei to Place to Foil. It's a real Buzz watching the wind fill in for a Kihei Run (Being a Beginner Kook) Kihei is THE BEST Place To Learn Downwind Foiling. Remember I have only did a Howard Street DW run about 4 times in April/May 2024 to work Downwinding on a Foil out hahahaha. Slowly working it out at Kihei been getting a lot of 20 second to 40 second Glides - did a few Kook's Beach Kanaha to the Kahului Harbour Runs to work it out. Slowly getting there "there's no short cuts as they say TRUE THAT"

Went over to Oahu for a Paddleboard Race (I still do it all) Good Mate Blair Thorndike organised a Hawaii Kai Paddleboard Race about a 16km 10 mile course the race was sponsored by Big Wave Surfer Kai Lenny, Red Bull, 2 x WSL Champion John John Florence and Magoo's Pizza's GREAT DAY the over 60+ Division is so competitive, it's like an open Division e.g. No Country For Old Men. I was not expecting a podium finish but got 3rd place finish another trophy for the Shrine. 1st Place Patrick Wong 2nd Place David Kalwick are two of the fastest 12ft Stock Prone Paddleboards on Oahu

The following day Sunday I got invited to go on a Yacht by friends at the Hawaiian Yacht Club - They was having a Race Regatta in Honolulu. It was very interesting, as I have never sailed on a Yacht before. It's a 52 footer 14 man/girl crew. Make sure you are fit and strong. The boat owner was a Hawaiian Doctor purchase the boat from Sydney Harbour this boat has won the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race in its category of cause. We got a 2nd Place finish in the race, we should have got 1st Place but the drive f@#d up while tacking.

On that same day around noon. Pro Surfer now Lifeguard Tamayo Perry got his Arm & Leg ripped of by a big Tiger Shark while surfing in his lunch break on Oahu's west side Goat island - he bleed out by the time rescuers got to him scary you hear of so many shark attacks in Hawaii over the years, SAD.

Last year when I was in Hawaii Paddle/training on the Hawaii Kai Run there was a Big 20ft Tiger Shark leaking around I was out there that day these Foilboarders filmed it with their GoPro Cameras.

I am into every thing now that I live on the Canal at North Burleigh in a mansion I got my hands on a 17ft DORY BOAT from Sydney. For some cross training - it's the only one of it's kind at North Burleigh "you get a lot of looks" (it's so good for the lower back it's been helping me get to my feet quicker on my surfboard. Like I was talking with Langandy Cheyne Horan retired Pro Surfer from the 70's. I was a big fan of Cheyenne Horan in my youth we are the same age. Anyway we're talking story at Burleigh Rocky the other day Cheyne say Phil I can see the wave but I can't get to my feet (it happens to a lot for surfers in there 60's - So the DORY BOAT is a blessing - the AIS guy "Australian Institute of Sport" look at me when I row past. The DORY BOAT can do 5.6 knots 10.37kph, I have got her up to 5.7 knots But Super Hard to Maintain.

My fastest kilometre is 6 minutes 16 seconds
Fastest 16 kilometres is One Hour 46 minutes 8 seconds = I wanna brake the One Hour 45 minutes mark
Average Stroke 5.73 metres
I don't do anymore than 16km on the Dory Boat. Rowing The Dory Boat at 100% you are spent after 16km.


SAD NEWS then GREAT NEWS Good Friend Tomoko Okazaki got her car stolen at Kihei on Tuesday with a Foilboard and thousands of dollars worth off Foil Gear the Van ANYWAY the kind people of Maui started a Go Fund Me Page in two days it's up to 25 Grand Already - Now Tomoko can buy a decent Van and new foil gear. Stoked for you Tomoko (I f@#n Hate Thieves Low Life Scum)

NSW, 844 posts
28 Jun 2024 8:06PM
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Sounds like you're having an epic time. I'll be over there joining you soon

QLD, 2015 posts
29 Jun 2024 2:37AM
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Parking at Kihei it's an 8 mile 12.8km Epic Downwind Run to Ulna Beach - I'm the ultimate beginner KOOK, slowly working SUP Downwind Foiling out, got a few awesome One Minute Glides yesterday a challenging journey. it's been great catching up with everyone.

Spoke with good mate Chris Pagdilao about the SUP Downwind Foil Journey "everyone suffers when learning at the beginning" Chris Pagdilao teaches Wing Foiling.

Here's an old photo from like 2014 when Mark Raaphorst, Chris Pagdilao, ironphil. Teamed up for the M2O Race Fun Times.

Kathy Shipman is a Weapon on a Water-women. Swam for State of Hawaii Butterfly, held the recored for some 25 years a young girl just broke Kathy's Butterfly record. Kathy's a great surfer I surfed with Kathy at Honolua Bay in 2017 it was pumping 6ft Kath is also a weapon on the SUP Foil super fast, BUT like me Kathy also is not into Winging.

These two women are weapons Devin & Big Wave JAWS Surfer Paige Alms. I have always luv'd hanging out with Devin she's a Hardcore water-women, smashes a lot of guys ego's You Go Girl.

I'll be bringing my 18ft SIC Downwind SUP back home to Australia going to hang her up in the Celling of the Lounge Room (Great Memories) YES Unlimited SUP Downwind is DEAD. SUP Foiling is where it's at. It's faster more Surfable and MORE FUN.

QLD, 2015 posts
Tuesday , 9 Jul 2024 2:08PM
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The Wind on Maui for the next 6 days

Yesterday Kihei was all time there was like 30 foilers paddling out to the wind line. Yesterdays Kihei Run has gave me some of the best Glides in my short Downwind foil journey, too date.

Been Super Blest this Maui Trip with Kihei turning on more so than ever. Kihei is a FUN PARK for the Elite foiler and also great for Learning to foil Downwind. Been going so fast Gliding on the Kihei Bumps with the AXIS 1201. I've had to learn to slow down to go fast, it's a Buzz Surfing the Kihei Bumps.

Been getting my Gluteus Maximus handed to me on the Maliko Runs, Maliko is so technical for the Beginner Kook foiler, super hard to get started. The young guys & girls get up super fast with the pump. If you Can Flat Water Pop-Up it makes Downwind Ocean Foiling so much easier to pump start. At this point I need the Swell to get me started that helps me pump to get Bump to Get Me Up on foil.

The good guys are doing Maliko in sub 30 minutes. Kane DeWilde did a Milko Run in 27 minutes BUT there's a fun Story behind that, why he went so Fast - But they are saying soon Guys will be doing a Maliko Run in like sub 25 minutes "LIKE WOW" how fast can one go on a Foilboard Downwind "LUV IT"

Also there's a Big South Swell on the way could get Ma'alaea firing again I'll have to borrow a surfboard of a Maui mate Legend John Gangini, John's surfing in Tonga at the moment, but will be home on Maui before this swell hit's Ma'alaea I'll be asking for a board in the 8ft+ range Ma'alaea is like KIRRA on Steroids. As I donated my old Black & White Sam Egan magic surfboard I'd leave under Mark Raaphorst place, to Clare Seeger Albino for the Youth of Molokai. in 2 weeks.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Kihei MAUI" started by Downwinder