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Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

NEW GoFoil GL Wings landing soon

Created by Gofoil Australia > 9 months ago, 3 Jul 2019
Gofoil Australia
NSW, 75 posts
3 Jul 2019 3:56PM
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The first order of the ALL NEW GoFoil GL wings should be landing around the end of the month....First shipment has sold out so get into your local GoFoil dealer or PM me if you want to go on the list for the next shipment...
Checkout what Derek Hamasaki has to say about his new GL180....No one turns a Foilboard like Derek...

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
3 Jul 2019 3:28PM
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QLD, 7080 posts
3 Jul 2019 5:05PM
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They definitely look good any costings yet and got any specs on the new rear wing. Nothing on the web site and what sizes are the new GL's.

Gofoil Australia
NSW, 75 posts
3 Jul 2019 5:19PM
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HI Piros,
Just working on pricing & retailers will have it shortly....New GL wings are 30% lighter & gloss...New "Rear" wings come in a 18N (narrow) & 18W wing...

72 posts
3 Jul 2019 4:36PM
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can someone explain the 'gloss' thing? seems to go against everything I know (which isnt much) about fins and hulls etc. matt is fastest surely.

17 posts
3 Jul 2019 4:56PM
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mattllew said..
can someone explain the 'gloss' thing? seems to go against everything I know (which isnt much) about fins and hulls etc. matt is fastest surely.

I really don't get it either, there is nothing 'gloss' about an americas cup yacht, everything is wetsanded to a 1200 grit finish, anything higher than that and it becomes glossy which is exactly what they don't want because water sticks to it ( no fast)

Maybe it's better purely because it's an improvement on go foils previous finish?

WA, 7492 posts
3 Jul 2019 6:37PM
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mattllew said..
can someone explain the 'gloss' thing? seems to go against everything I know (which isnt much) about fins and hulls etc. matt is fastest surely.

It seems to be a Hawaiian thing they love gloss - JL, PSH, GoFoil. Seriously I do not think you would notice the difference, it is just aesthetics.

VIC, 1469 posts
3 Jul 2019 9:34PM
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Nice, looking forward to these GL wings and maybe get to test before I buy.
Apparently the polished finish make it go faster or maybe perhaps the 30% less weight than previous wings make it go faster, who knows until I try the wings
I like to get the spare mast/fuselage 29.5" Tuttle box because you only have 4 bolts to deal with, that's 2 on the mast and 2 on the wings.

5171 posts
4 Jul 2019 1:10PM
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hilly said..
It seems to be a Hawaiian thing they love gloss - JL, PSH, GoFoil. Seriously I do not think you would notice the difference, it is just aesthetics.

You definitely can feel the difference.
A white glossy SUP board (So I didn't ruin the looks), was noticeably more quick on takeoff (entering the planing) after sanding it at 400 grit.

If I had a glossy foil, I would definitively sand it. Heck I even sand my glossy fins :-)

NSW, 1610 posts
4 Jul 2019 3:51PM
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Will these new wings fit onto current masts? Has anyone tried this yet ?

WA, 311 posts
4 Jul 2019 2:37PM
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colas said..

hilly said..
It seems to be a Hawaiian thing they love gloss - JL, PSH, GoFoil. Seriously I do not think you would notice the difference, it is just aesthetics.

You definitely can feel the difference.
A white glossy SUP board (So I didn't ruin the looks), was noticeably more quick on takeoff (entering the planing) after sanding it at 400 grit.

If I had a glossy foil, I would definitively sand it. Heck I even sand my glossy fins :-)

Water "sticking" to wing or fin can be useful, better it stays attached to the top of the wing than separating early. It's a different application to pushing your gondola across the lineup or an America's cup yacht etc.

I'd definitely leave the mast at #400 though

5171 posts
4 Jul 2019 8:32PM
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Clamsmasha said..
Water "sticking" to wing or fin can be useful, better it stays attached to the top of the wing than separating early. It's a different application to pushing your gondola across the lineup or an America's cup yacht etc.

I do not know what you are trying to say, but sanding a glossy finish makes the water stick to the board/foil surface. This is why it reduces drag, as the drag water on water is lower than water on hull. It also make the separation happen very late.

And the effect is noticeable when entering planing, I experimented it on SUPs and sailboards. Not so much for paddling around.
A surfboard travels between 10 and 20 knts on a wave. Even at 10knts the surface friction is 5 times lower for a sanded finish than a glossy one. Of course it is only a fraction of the total drag (which is composed of friction, form, lift-induced - for the foil -, wave resitance), but you get the idea... and foils travel even faster.

649 posts
4 Jul 2019 9:29PM
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dtm said..
Will these new wings fit onto current masts? Has anyone tried this yet ?

I'm pretty sure it will depend on how close your mast is to tolerance. The 1.5 version is being built to tighter tolerances. No design change, just more accurate manufacturing due to changes at the factory.

You just have to try it.

101 posts
4 Jul 2019 11:31PM
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I think here is a misconception regarding the GoFoil "Glossy thing."
Alex Aguera never says that the "Glossy thing" is faster.
He and Austin Kalama say about their observations:

-"For some reason they're real slippery and stay in contact when you're riding its really easy to go rail to rail "
-"Definitely a lot more responsive"
-"Just more a little more maneuverable"

This can mean that the glossy finish has more bite/grip in the water probably due to the greater resistance to friction.
Or the less weight of the wings.

NSW, 1610 posts
5 Jul 2019 8:36AM
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DWF said..

dtm said..
Will these new wings fit onto current masts? Has anyone tried this yet ?

I'm pretty sure it will depend on how close your mast is to tolerance. The 1.5 version is being built to tighter tolerances. No design change, just more accurate manufacturing due to changes at the factory.

You just have to try it.

Yeah but pretty expensive thing just to try it !! That sounds wise ? Will wait and see how others go I'm sure will know soon enough hopefully it's just a slight adjustment but will see

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
5 Jul 2019 8:12AM
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DTM I'd say from what I saw imported into oz it would only be the real early delivered masts that might not fit off the bat. (from the time when the Kai was the only wing). I'd think nearly if not all of the 29.5 masts will be fine. And then if they don't fit it would be only minor adjustments you can either build up the fuslage or sand away to get to fit anyway. Theres some youtube videos on this. Especially no problem for someone like you who has board build/repair experience.

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
5 Jul 2019 8:21AM
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For example I had the orginal Kai with the 24.5 mast. Then when the downwind wings arrived and before the 29.5 mast was available I bought the downwind pack with the 24.5 mast with IWA, 200 and the 280 and sold my orignal Kai set. Then later the new 29.5 mast came available and I found it was compatable with the whole downwind pack. So it was only the orginal kai mast that was different but that was years ago and even before the blue wings came out.

You can actually see a difference in the 24.5 mast where the brass lugs are fitted (ones that bolt to the board). On the tuttle are slighly different position/depth on the real old Go Foil masts.

NSW, 1610 posts
5 Jul 2019 9:45AM
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Cheers Scotty

456 posts
5 Jul 2019 9:16PM
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We went through this drill in windsurfing decades ago where the differences becomes immediately apparent. Take some boat wax and apply it to the forward 1/3 of your buddy's fin and watch what happens. ;)

As posted above, this little physics factoid has been tested extensively.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"NEW GoFoil GL Wings landing soon" started by Gofoil Australia