Looks sweet Scotty, actually surprisingly close to Naish' new Hover DW board - oops, might have leaked that a little too early
Dims look good. How's it go?
Naish Hover is 7'6" x 28" @ 135ltr. Haven't tried it yet, but hanging too!
Ride safe,
The back of the Tuttle is 21 inches from the tail DJ. My surfing board is like 17 or something. Na haven't ridden it yet JB, on the weekend for sure
Ask Colas and Piros have been arguing about this for 6 months! My first foil board was about 21.5 inches and it was 7'6" x 28 so I am sure 21 will be fine!
My new one feels pretty good kind of a good alrounder. I can pump it up in the flat no worries and surf pretty good but really made it as a easy DW foil board.
Go Foil recomendations;
Board Length Distance from tail of board
5'0" to 5'9" 8" - 12"
5'10" to 6' 6" 10" - 15"
6'7" to 7'4" 16" - 20"
7'5" to 8'6" 18" - 22"
8'7" to 9'6" 23" - 28"
So my board is 7'8" long so 21" is perfect for a DW board!