Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Still love my Coreban converted foilboard.

Created by Seajuice > 9 months ago, 2 Jun 2019
NSW, 907 posts
2 Jun 2019 8:34PM
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Just got back on my 7ft Coreban Hyper/Wahine board that I converted to a foilboard after being on my 6ft 8" JP foilboard and still loved it! Why?
Well what it does better than the JP is its nose dive recovery due to its nose rocker or maybe I should call it nose kick on shoulder high waves & steep drop waves also where you have to get up on the foil just before the wave closes out to get onto a better section.
The other I have found is its ability to catch whitewash better too. Which I think is due to its heavier weight. The JP slips out from under me easier more like a basic paddleboard.
And lastly seems to be a bit easier to get up & fly against the wind. Again I believe due to its heavier weight.
And now I am glad that it has a fair bit of rocker along the tail area which will help when I start pumping the board more on take off & to continue my runs when or if I ever get that far Lol!.
Also the tail rocker helps with adjusting the sweet spot of a foil too. My Slingshot H4 exact copy chinese foil goes all the way forward with its wedge & my Neil Pryde Large goes all the way back with the same wedge. So the tail rocker helps adjusting the wing angle of attack.
So now understand why JP foil boards have tail rocker also.
So yeah I am very happy with this shape at 7ft x 31wide at 115 litres.
Initially I was a bit hesitant to convert this board as I thought I would have needed a longer board with much flatter rocker. But as I was converting it I saw that foilboards at that time were getting shorter & the tail cut outs & nose kicks were being created. So I was getting even more confident with my choice.
The JP has got its place also in my quiver as it is just sooo light for portability, & instant turning & still has got decent nose dive recovery.
I didn't mention on water stability as both boards at the same width would be fairly similar in my view.
So if anyone has got the same Coreban board & thinking of converting it for foiling. Go for it. Great board for learners.
Just wondering if Coreban have made any foilboards? If not, I reckon they should make some similar & maybe with more chined rails to help with straighter paddling direction & quicker lift. And quite sure they could make them lighter. Mine is approximately 5 kilos heavier than my JP. But this shape for me has been great. Love it in more choppy & lumpy water.
Had a great session in this bay where I had to keep stable in side swell lumps & offshore wind. Short shoulder high right hand rides where I had to get up quick, ride & bail out before hitting the rocks! Ha! The photo doesn't do the wave description & lumpy water any justice due to having much bigger sets coming in after about a 20 to 30 minute wait.

1566 posts
2 Jun 2019 9:17PM
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Nice convert of your training board as you did explain in an old topic from 2015 Seajuice.

Does it need to change the angle of attack with a different wedge or is it OK like that?

VIC, 1469 posts
3 Jun 2019 8:25AM
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good read Seajuice and nice spot you got there and with #1 & #2 ready to hit the fan if needed be

NSW, 907 posts
3 Jun 2019 9:53AM
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Kami said..

Nice convert of your training board as you did explain in an old topic from 2015 Seajuice.

Does it need to change the angle of attack with a different wedge or is it OK like that?

I'm thinking of making another wedge around 8mm. The one I'm using is 13mm which is 2mm less than what I thought I needed. But found it felt right.
But also found it was uncontrollable when I put the Neil Pryde Large foil any further forward. Which says to me that a smaller wedge will work & I could then move the foil further forward.
I'm currently using a 5mm wedge on the JP so wondering how an 8mm wedge will feel on that with the foil further back. I think it would increase paddle speed. But not sure how it will ride.
I am hoping to only use one wedge for both boards. But will have to find the sweet spot positions for the foil.

NSW, 907 posts
3 Jun 2019 10:06AM
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JEG said..
good read Seajuice and nice spot you got there and with #1 & #2 ready hit the fan if needed be

Yeah JEG. This spot I know will need the most stable board when its working. I need to be steady & ready. I wouldn't ever use my JP board here.
But love the JP board in smoother locations & conditions. I have now worked out what board I need where & what conditions. So happy having both.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Still love my Coreban converted foilboard." started by Seajuice