Much needed input required to help make right choice....
Learned on hypernut (retrofit), got down to 4'8 prone but killing me to ride at best spot near home...1-1.5km paddle out. So revisiting foil sup.
Understand 'shorter the better' but looking more to last longer in happy to compromise a bit of extra length.
Choice down to 6'10/115L or 6'6/130L. Which 'theoretically' will paddle better? Longer/less volume or shorter/more volume?
Competent foiler/sup paddler.80kgs
My humble thanks for the input!
6 10 but 6 6 would be better when up and foiling. I paddle my 6 8 (soon to be 6 6) out to bombies at 105kg. 130l might be corky for 80kg. Demo???
The other option would be a longer prone surf, it can be still much lighter than a SUP, especially in the nose for the swing weight.
Something like:
The 7'3" should be a good compromise.
I am not saying that you should buy a Gong model, it is just as an example.
Plus learning some paddleboard techniques to prone paddle long distance without getting tired. I used the trick of paddling 4-5 strokes on one arm while the other arm rested in front of me and the head resting on the deck, it allowed me to prone paddle 1.3km like a breeze in one go after breaking my paddle after a 5h SUP session at an outer reef...
Thanks Hilly. Geographically challenged so no demo unfortunately. But the 6'10, although a bit long, will just be more relaxed I'm thinking.
Thanks colas. I think I like the idea of having the 2 very different options (super manoeuvrable prone vs. longer cruzy sup)....without going into a 'quiver'. I guess it varies the muscle groups a bit keep everything 'ticking over' without wearing out those sacred shoulder joints...
What about the One 6'5x28"@127l. This is a custom but think it's becoming a standard size for One. Paddles very well either standing up or prone paddling out. Stable wth the recessed deck and has good drive paddling onto the waves.
In contrast the 5'8x26"@104l is great to surf but not to paddle long distances.
Sorry but pictures just loaded this way.
My personal ride for this exact situation is a 6'8x26" @97L I am just under 90kg.
If you're in NSW I would be going straight to Dale Chapman with this question IMO
I'm at your weight beginner foiler and imo 6'6" x 30 would be nice as well as a nice custom board by One from jt737 pointed out (nice). I ride the jimmy Lewis Flying-V 6'5" x 28 115ltrs and it didn't take long for me to get it. My next board will be either custom or production 6'2" x 29 around 120ltrs.
The production ONE board will be 6'5 x 29 x 127L with the recessed deck and sounds like it would be perfect. These will also be full Sandwich molded in either full carbon full PVC sandwich or full PVC glass sandwich and both are stupid light and very very strong.
One board looks very nice....and the smik looks smik. If someone sees anything like this come up in the 6'6 range below a grand I'm most keen! Custom/brand new a bit too delightful for me unfortunately...
Thanks guys for nudging me more towards a 6'6 though....