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Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Volume for start up foil sup

Created by Youngbreezy > 9 months ago, 17 Dec 2018
WA, 1054 posts
17 Dec 2018 8:36AM
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Hi I am looking to get in on this sup foiling game and am wondering what volume boards i should be looking at. I understand because of the stability of the foil and the shape of the sup foil board's you can go down to very low dimensions but I am wondering what would be a good comfortable volume that won't be too challenging to get going but also won't be too much of a tanker either.

About me- 100kg 6'3", supping a long time currently riding 8'10" speeed 130l which is a fun easy size for me, I have ridden 120l boards in the past and could definitely go smaller than the speeed. But more a matter of quiver and cost etc. (I kite far more than I sup so that tends to suck up the gear budget)

also I have been kite foiling for about a year and a half and am at a pretty good level with that so I think that will help me get into sup foiling.

I have never been one of the guys to push the very lowest dimensions possible instead I like to aim for the best balance between usability and performance

QLD, 7080 posts
17 Dec 2018 11:25AM
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I've seen a few bigger guys like yourself have good success learning to foil on the Fanatic Sky 6`10 x 31 - 132 litres . Really is a big board when you look at it in the flesh. A few other brands have boards similar size so this is a good starting point for reference. This will definitely work for you but you will progress fast with your kite foil background , so don't need to go bigger. The 6-6 x 30 -115L the next Fanatic down may be a bit small.

5170 posts
17 Dec 2018 4:11PM
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Youngbreezy, kitefoiling will definitely will help you a lot to learn SUP foiling quickly. Friends who had kitefoil experience spared themselves at least 10 sessions compared to me.

I would try to get a short board, definitively less than 8', but keep some volume. Having volume (at least 120l for your 100kg) will help a lot taking off on small weak choppy waves, which are the safest to learn. Plus the long paddle back will be a chore on a sinking board. Piros suggestions seem quite to the point.

I'd advise you to add some fins for your first sessions to help manage the row. Going from a 8'10" board to a 7' one will need some advanced paddling technique.

17 Dec 2018 8:31PM
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Hi Youngbreezy,
I have a couple of customers/mates I foil with around the 100kg mark & are good sup riders who don't have the kitefoiling experience you do and one of them is on the NEW 6'11 JL Flying V & the other is on the 7'5... (I'm 85kg & ride the 6'5")
See info below-
The Flying V is Jimmy's latest foil SUP. Featuring max volume and blocky rails for maximum stability and paddling, the Flying V allows the rider to ride a much shorter board than usual for the ultimate in foiling performance. The beveled chine rails provide easy lift-off and touch-down, and the tail lift keeps the tail clear when pumping.These short lengths allow for much better performance, maneuverability, and glide once on foil and the extra width through the full outline of the board, especially the tail, gives you incredible stability, paddling and tracking for these short boards.The rocker line was also designed with stability, tracking, and paddle speed in mind but also to not "stick" in the nose when coming down from the foil. The tail rocker is also very important in giving you that initial "pop" and water release to effortlessly get up on foil.Generally a lighter board will allow you to glide longer on foil which makes our Signature and Carbon Sandwich constructions the perfect match for these boards to keep them very light weight while giving maximum strength and reinforcement for the Tuttle box. The deck pad has a center line as well as two horizontal lines for riders to get an accurate and quick visual reference for foot placement for riding without straps. Board has 5 different insert options for foot strap location and comes with foot straps.The boards feature both a Tuttle box and a plate attachment for maximum flexibility.
Now with "Step Tail, Bevelled Rails, Tuttle Box & Track Mounts"
6'11" X 29", 4 3/8" thick, 122 liters
7'5" X 30", 4 5/8" thick, 152 liters

WA, 7491 posts
17 Dec 2018 6:11PM
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Select to expand quote
Piros said..
I've seen a few bigger guys like yourself have good success learning to foil on the Fanatic Sky 6`10 x 31 - 132 litres . Really is a big board when you look at it in the flesh. A few other brands have boards similar size so this is a good starting point for reference. This will definitely work for you but you will progress fast with your kite foil background , so don't need to go bigger. The 6-6 x 30 -115L the next Fanatic down may be a bit small.

I tried to get the 6 10 but none available

WA, 1054 posts
18 Dec 2018 4:27PM
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Thanks for the replies everyone!! It's good to see you all recommend sensible volumes!

I think I will look to get something around the 120l mark as that is a good size for me and l probably won't need to switch down for a fair while.

The Jimmy Lewis 6'11 looks sweeet

I did have a look at a fanatic sky in the shop the other day and it is amazing how much board they can squeeze into the 6'10" length!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Volume for start up foil sup" started by Youngbreezy