Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling


Created by DavidJohn > 9 months ago, 30 May 2020
VIC, 17434 posts
30 May 2020 7:48AM
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Robby talks about windows.

NSW, 1030 posts
3 Jun 2020 11:40AM
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Yeah nah let's see how long those windows last on the Naish.
As much as they should be essential, I've read that they are heavy, stretch and fragile. Naish had to release new bags for their wings so they don't fold them on the windows.

WA, 7272 posts
3 Jun 2020 10:46AM
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I had Duotones with windows, did not miss them when I got Wasps. You still need to lift up because you cannot see ahead of you, only to the side which the photo above illustrates so well. The leading edge blocks 90% of the view so believing windows solves the issue is simplistic. It is so easy to pump up on the foil, then lift the wing and get a 180-degree view and keep doing this regularly. Look before you gybe and while the wing is flagged on a swell. The fragility, deformation and weight are not worth it. Windsurfer sails moved on from pvc ages ago due to the soggy feel and weight. Plus they get salt spray on them and become opaque.

5031 posts
3 Jun 2020 1:05PM
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hilly said..
Plus they get salt spray on them and become opaque.

There are different qualities of PVC, some are better than others, but all are heavier than cloth and do not like to be folded hard. A compromise can be to fold the wing so that the pvc is always on the outside of folds, avoiding sharp bends.

A good trick for maintenance tips is to look at boat sites, they have a great deal of experience with soft PVC windows, e.g:

209 posts
4 Jun 2020 4:13AM
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In the windsurfing old days before monofilm came out, windows would be made out of PVC. They would stretch and change shape at a different rate to the rest of the sail and it would get worse over time. Hopefully modern PVC is better.

307 posts
4 Jun 2020 5:40AM
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I have a mix of 2 wing brands, with and without windows. Going to the wing without windows feels very uncomfortable when I have been using windows for a while. You don't know what you are missing, without windows (so to speak).

NSW, 2196 posts
4 Jun 2020 10:42AM
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emmafoils said..
I have a mix of 2 wing brands, with and without windows. Going to the wing without windows feels very uncomfortable when I have been using windows for a while. You don't know what you are missing, without windows (so to speak).

Agree I started without windows now windows.
Borrowed a wing without windows and felt blind.

19 posts
6 Jun 2020 1:14PM
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I've got all sorts of posts sticking out the water and shipping navigation bouys on my patch and I find the windows helpful in keeping a tab on where everything is, just to confirm my position and not run into anything that's sitting in my blind spot.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Windows" started by DavidJohn