Just got my 10' Sunova Style.... this promises to be a really fun board!
Today, I just played on the nose in some small waves, exploring the boards potential.
I couldn't sink the nose & the tail never spun out... this board may take me from noserider, to "Tip" rider if I up my game some!
Nice work Rick!
I ride the same board, but am 25kg lighter than you. You've got me thinking I need to try the 9'6
Nice work Rick now its simple ,drop the size of that centre fin and start spinnin that baby,you will be lovin it even more .
Like you I have just had delivery of a Sunova Style 10'. I've ridden it once in waves and once in the flats and it is surprising how good it feels. I have two lead feets and even I managed a couple of nose rides on the small surf.
I did take out the stock fin and replace it with a more upright 8' and didn't use the side bites. Bought a nose rider fin for the bigger days:
Be interesting to compare notes over the coming months.
Ok... part 2 of the noseriding journey, the purpose of this vid is to show the remaking of my approach to a wave....
from occasional, short trip to the nose, to a real attempt to get noseriding wired and work my way to solid "Tip" riding.
I don't know if I still possess the body skills to hang 10 with style, but I'm going to try like hell.
This board is making it seem more likely.... it's almost stupid solid on the nose.
Ive been on a 10fter now for a month and seriously considering not ever riding my shorter boards again .. Ive never ridden a long board but i gotta say even tho I'm not getting too the nose I'm just having so much fun up near it ... like i think I'm having more fun than just trying too hit lips and stuff on my flow and hyper nut .. ?? This normal or just cause I'm new too it ..
Dunno just a diff sensation when on rail on a wall near or on the nose ..
Addictive as ....
I've installed Piros V8's in the Runway Nose rider....only because...........all my other boards have them and they are awesome. Should I be looking at a much bigger centre fin? So far the board is sticking to the waves like a certain substance sticks to a blanket.
STC always enjoy your vids and feedback i've got the same Sunova Style and had it out for the first time in a decent size wave at Big Left and couldn't believe how well it went and fast as.
Might be a dumb question, but here goes, did you have to wax the nose to walk up the front?
You've inspired me to get out there and try some nose walking
Thanks Mick and Smash
Yes Smash.... IMO a big single works best in the longboard SUPs I ride..... BUT...I have put some VP 8's in for the next session, to see how it runs as a "performance longboard"
Chickadee..... we are Style family!
Yes!!!!!! Wax the nose. I waxed mine, right out of the box.... but then, I wax everything right out of the box!
It drives Tino crazy...... he thinks it makes his boards look ugly, so he scrapes it off everytime he gets near them.
I run over and re-wax it so thick, he can't read the Sunova logo
Before noseriding, I strongly suggest that you put a 10", wide base fin, in the BACK of the box......then, when you get to the nose, you will find out just how good this board is!
A Rick Thanks for the excellent and entertaining as usual videos!
Interested in this Style. Do you have a good side view of the rocker line (most specifically the nose rocker) you'd care to post so I can see if its worth tracking one of these boards down?
Not sure if this Style is the one but I'd like more of a performance LB with some nose kick that can take a steep drop surfing a beach break and is comfortable to paddle to out of the way breaks. I do regret selling my 10'6" x 30" Hobie CM raw.
I'd think a 10'6" (or 11') x 30" x 4" or less Speeed might work as a board that surfs well, noserides a little and has distance paddling glide. Now that I've put a little weight back on I've really warmed up to the 9'2" Speeed.
Hi Jack L.... I have not compared both 10's, this is actually the 1st Style I have surfed.
I have seen a few 10'6 XL's standing in racks, they looked mighty large and stable.
The 10' looks pretty small by comparison, I was a bit concerned that it would be a "summer only" because of it's narrow width (for me) and low volume.
My 8'10 Speeed at the same exact width and volume was a "no go" for me in full winter gear, so I was very pleasantly surprised to be super comfortable on the 10' Style... I can easily do this board in winter gear.
I hemmed and hawed over 10' or 10 XL.
Eventually, I sucked it up and got the narrower one, because I wanted the nose to be a tad less wide. Super glad I did.
AkeG buddy.... how are you? Long time no talk!
Kinda of early in my experience with the Style, with only 2 sessions on it, but I feel pretty confident answering your question.
My take right now The 10'6 and 10' Surf is a more "High performance" longboard. It feels looser than what I have experienced on the Style so far. The Surf has more glide, more volume... and oddly enough, I highly recommend the ECO build over the XXX (but I may be alone in that theory)
Now, on to the Style
I have no idea how it surfs in the general sense, because I am stunned by how easy it is to surf from the nose. I have total control and feel super relaxed up there, I can stall, climb, drop and finesse the board without ever leaving the nose.
The only thing stopping me from truly "hanging 10" is my 50 year history of stopping at the brink. But I will get by that!
I run a single wide based, 10" fiberglass fin..... it never blows out.... just a controlled "slide" when necessary. I freeking love it!
Unless I miss my guess, the Style is going to take me where NO other longboard has in the past 50 years..... "Toes Over"
IMO, it's destined to be a noseriding giant, in the mode of classic Mals, without being a log.... I aspire to become a true "Tip rider" for the first time...... it is truly amazing! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the paddle during a soul arch
After I read your request I ran down and grabbed some quick shots before the sun went down.
Thanks for the advice STC - i hadn't even thought about the fin setup, was just going to go with the std. fin setup it came with - just so i know - what would you expect the difference to be when nose riding (trying to ) between the original fin setup and a single 10' fin, as i was thinking to give it a go on current setup anyway, before purchasing another fin?
I have had the 10' Style for a year now and really enjoy it.
I have been running the FCS II 10" Fat Boy fin for a couple of months and find it great, the beauty of this fin is you can easily make adjustments out in the water.
Prior to that I had the VP 6s on the sides
great to have a board which allows you to play around with the set up for different days
STC, a bloke told me once "it's not a 5 or 10 unless you get back to where you started" so walking of the end of the world doesn't count
SupChickadee, yes mate wax the front of your board
Thanks Rick . I've had the 9,6 27.5 style , too small for me at my current level and condition (knee reco 1 mth ago ) but love the sunova boards . Just looking at something a bit more stable . Really enjoy your vids and reviews .
Chickadee, love that name
I have found that I prefer a big single fin on longboard style SUPs.... but I just put a set of VP's in as a thruster set up to check out this board.... I will also run with the factory setup as well.... just to check this board to all the rest.
The big single, back in the box, combined with the super narrow tail of the Style, makes a very solid contact with the water.... the result is a very controllable tail, when you are up front. The factory setup may do that as well, with the sidebites gripping, but in other boards.... that setup has made them stiffer and less snappy IMO.
True, true.... the score doesn't count if you don't "qualify" it, by completing the move!
Right now.... I just want to learn how long I can push the board, before it dumps me
Thanks Jack!
Great video!
I weigh 80 kg and have a 8'5 Speeed. Would love to get a Style as well. I guess 10' would be a better choice instead of 9'6 if I want to catch small waves, right?
I have a Nalu 11' which I like but it is a bit big. Has anybody tried both Nalu 11 and Style 10? Any big differences?
Thanks Viatormundi, if you are fine on the 8'5 Speeed, you would find the 9'6 Style much easier.
My 10' x 29 Style at 130 liters is much more stable than my
8'10 x 29 Speeed @ 130 liters
The 9'6 Style is 1/4" narrower and same liters as your Speeed
I had the 10'6 Nalu, I believe it's a bit different than the 11 footer.
My 10'6 Nalu may be tad more "performance" than the Style, but the Style is light years better at noseriding.
If you go 9'6 Style, it will give you more overall performance than any 11' board IMO
x 2 what Creek says....I'm 82kg & I own both the 8'5 Speeed & 9'6 Style (I've previously owned a 10' Style...amongst other 10' boards) & I find the dims & volume of the 9'6 Style to be spot on. It's more stable vs my Speeed & it catches anything that my previous 10' boards would have. Cheers
Thank you for your answers. I will try to test ride 9'6 Style in that case. Regarding the wax issue, I can recommend the Rspro Hexatraction (www.rspro.org/products/hexatraction-board-grip)
Exactly! Hexa is great.... you can't see it unless the light is just right. Good traction, have not noticed any issues when on the nose.
haha thanks STC - but probably should be SupChookadee at my past middle age , but doesn't have the same ring to it!
Thanks will try out the custom setup and also purchase the 10' single fin - although i could probably have a party on the 10' style at 64Kg, but on those smaller days the glide will be handy and i couldn't believe how easy it was to turn and cut back in a decent size wave - can't wait to wax up and try the nose