Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

14 ft hollow Board build

Created by tarquin1 > 9 months ago, 30 Mar 2020
954 posts
30 Mar 2020 6:50PM
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I think I started a post ages ago but cant remember.
Anyhow. First design board. Then get frames CNC cut.

954 posts
30 Mar 2020 6:55PM
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Make panels. Reinforce frames in standing area.Set up frames on flat level table. Start cutting and gluing panels to frame structure.

954 posts
30 Mar 2020 6:59PM
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Glue more panels. More reinforcement under standing area. Drains and reinforcements for handle and leash plugs.

Piece of piss mate! That's only taken me about 6 months.

831 posts
31 Mar 2020 12:24PM
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This board deserves its own thread.
As from the "Shed" thread very impressive with a lot of hours involved.
So leash plugs to go in then bottom construction?

1566 posts
31 Mar 2020 6:42PM
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515 said..
This board deserves its own thread.
As from the "Shed" thread very impressive with a lot of hours involved.
So leash plugs to go in then bottom construction?

This is a professional job Tarkin

Also, a lot less than the whole construction, I'm called by the plumbing pipes settled in both outside corners of the deck. As I imagine to be so I'm thinking about rode holders, what's really for, please Tardy

As rightly said by 515 this board deserves its own thread, I will avoid to troll yours with my own project of '' Soloskiff" which is a kind of 14' motorized fishing SUP board. So my quick question would be to ask you if that kind of project is makable using the frames cut and stuck composite panels process as you have done or better to cut and assemble EPS cut blocks together
Here the plan and picture.

954 posts
1 Apr 2020 5:02PM
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The pipes are the deck drains.
The panels take a long time to make and you need a big flat table and vacuum pump. They don't bend very easily. They are very strong and impact resistant though. They also use up a lot of epoxy because of the peel ply etc. You need to get the frames cnc cut. A foam core is easier to just glass. Would you shape the foam yourself or get it cnc cut?

831 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:41PM
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The problem with posting here is that it doesn't seem to keep a draft. Anyhow Kami I appreciate your skills with drawing sup surf boards.
The fishing sup looks good but maybe try a hard chine plywood/foam sandwich construction to reduce cost and time.

954 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:52PM
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Yes I was thinking ply could be a good building material. Where are you located kami?

5168 posts
2 Apr 2020 1:35PM
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515 said..
The problem with posting here is that it doesn't seem to keep a draft.

I suggest you use a browser extension that saves what you type. It is invaluable, so you get a copy of your last texts entered on any web page, should a problem occur.

I use "textarea cache".
For Firefox:
For Chrome:

1566 posts
2 Apr 2020 4:07PM
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colas said..

515 said..
The problem with posting here is that it doesn't seem to keep a draft.

I suggest you use a browser extension that saves what you type. It is invaluable, so you get a copy of your last texts entered on any web page, should a problem occur.
I use "textarea cache".
For Firefox:
For Chrome:

Colas, 515
I already use when I type here...It seems to me that my syntax is worst than my grammar, this is why it's looking like a draft probably.
I better keep reading here on Seabreeze SUP forum rather than some other surfing forum which seems to be more a surfing language than an academic one.
Thank you for your input Seabreezer's, you make improve my English.

1566 posts
2 Apr 2020 4:57PM
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tarquin1 said..
The pipes are the deck drains.
The panels take a long time to make and you need a big flat table and vacuum pump. They don't bend very easily. They are very strong and impact resistant though. They also use up a lot of epoxy because of the peel ply etc. You need to get the frames cnc cut. A foam core is easier to just glass. Would you shape the foam yourself or get it cnc cut?

Thank you for your reply, your own experience make me think about my own project. Thx, Tarquin.

I first think that it needs a powerful vacuum pump to bend the composite panels. I don't have the pump either the large table.
As I'm located near Bordeaux, there are places which are able to CNC both ply frames( *dxf ) and large EPS blocks (*s3dx)

So as 505 in the way reckons to do, I will do the bottom shape with EPS because of the CNC will cut properly the nice bow I already design. I spend a lot of time learning on Shape3D the best way to design bows. It's very tricky to design that kind of shape but to design that, it makes enhance my Shape3D knowledge. If you want to design another project with that kind of bow, tell me I will do it for you. ( it seems that you use S3Dx files ?)

The deck, broadsides and seat will be done with frames and plywood because of the straight and square shapes they got, plywood will fit good those boxy shapes.

Your own experience or advice makes me think about my own project. Thx, Tarquin and 505.

Please keep on posting on your own project, now

831 posts
2 Apr 2020 5:02PM
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Thank you Colas, always wise comments.
Sorry Tarquin for questioning in your topic.

I also love fishing and interested in you design and will you be trolling or after bottom feeders? If its windy (over 10 knots but no more than 20) then getting to from spot not an issue with an electric motor.
Another question is the box a chilly bin (esky) ?As I have seen one guy on his all round sup tie it on his board to sit on, keep his fish in, mount his rod holders on.
From experience sup gives you better vision into water ( my brother trolls with a hand line hooked onto him with carabiner) but kayak with lower seated position gives more stability when hooked a good fighting fish. I'm guessing you could sit down ahead of your chilly bin and also put your legs over the sides for extra stability and steerage when hooked a kingfish.

954 posts
2 Apr 2020 5:48PM
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No worries. That's sort what I was thinking too. Get the bottom cnc cut in foam. You could even do the sides in foam as it is so boxy. Then glass or put plywood where you want. You are going to need reinforcing around the motor. What do you intend to use as a motor.
Send me a PM if you want kami and I will send you a list of suppliers I use for epoxy,fiberglass etc.
I have used Atua cores in the past for my CNC cut foam. They are good.
You can use PU wood glue to glue the plywood to the foam. Much cheaper. You can just weight it down if you don't have a vac pump. If you are thinking of doing more boards or projects a vac pump is about 100 euros. Then about another 50 for fittings etc.

1566 posts
4 Apr 2020 4:59PM
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515 said..
Thank you Colas, always wise comments.
Sorry Tarquin for questioning in your topic.

I also love fishing and interested in you design and will you be trolling or after bottom feeders? If its windy (over 10 knots but no more than 20) then getting to from spot not an issue with an electric motor.
Another question is the box a chilly bin (esky) ?As I have seen one guy on his all round sup tie it on his board to sit on, keep his fish in, mount his rod holders on.
From experience sup gives you better vision into water ( my brother trolls with a hand line hooked onto him with carabiner) but kayak with lower seated position gives more stability when hooked a good fighting fish. I'm guessing you could sit down ahead of your chilly bin and also put your legs over the sides for extra stability and steerage when hooked a kingfish.

I love fishing too, I start going out to sea fishing by trolling stand up on a StarBooard 9'8'' 30"140 litres and for 9 years now I'm using It's a very practical kayak to go out through the surf line up and go fishing hand free for holding the rod behind the line-up and also is able to ride some waves on the way in with rods and fishes locked inside the safety of the front deck cabinet.
But staying sat down for 4 or 6 hours out to sea is quite tiring out even body stretching before and after the fishing session and the sitting position doesn't allow the frothing view of the fish surging off to the surface as you know
Thus, I think to have this motorized SUP like this . I already buy the engine need the skiff now.
I let you watch all videos about that kind of fishing skiff.

1566 posts
4 Apr 2020 5:22PM
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tarquin1 said..
No worries. That's sort what I was thinking too. Get the bottom cnc cut in foam. You could even do the sides in foam as it is so boxy. Then glass or put plywood where you want. You are going to need reinforcing around the motor. What do you intend to use as a motor.
Send me a PM if you want kami and I will send you a list of suppliers I use for epoxy,fiberglass etc.
I have used Atua cores in the past for my CNC cut foam. They are good.
You can use PU wood glue to glue the plywood to the foam. Much cheaper. You can just weight it down if you don't have a vac pump. If you are thinking of doing more boards or projects a vac pump is about 100 euros. Then about another 50 for fittings etc.

I've already Yamaha 5 ch short base 4 strokes. As I live close to Atuacores, Stephen would do the blocks and its close neighbour is doing water cutting under *dxf, should do the frame too.
I need a pump too, anyhow I need it for my other SUP projects but I don't know what to do first. Quietly fishing on the lake? or dropping on the crowd at the surfing peak?
Anyhow, your advice on furniture or your building tips would be great and will save time and money, thanks a lot Tarquin.

Keep on posting your own project, please.

954 posts
5 Apr 2020 1:24AM
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Progress and leash plugs. I will drill holes and epoxy these in place from the inside.

831 posts
5 Apr 2020 10:43AM
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Hi Tarquin those leash points are looking bulletproof .
Question, being hollow will you have inspection hatch or vent?

Hi Kami wow I'd never seen the solo skiff before. That's incredibly awesome
You will have to start separate thread soon.

Found out just before we (NZ) went into lockdown that my mate with sailing cat, with more reconstruction to be done, has vacuum pump from old printing machine.

954 posts
9 Apr 2020 6:43PM
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Leash loops in.

831 posts
4 May 2020 3:20PM
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Hi Tarquin,

Just wondering if you have any updates on this build. Really interested in what you have done on the "bottom panel" with the mono concave.
Hope you and your family, friends are keeping safe.

954 posts
4 May 2020 7:19PM
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It's been a mission but I got there. The white panel is expanded pvc foam. I used this to get a more even pressure. Couldn't do the whole bottom in 1 go so had to cut the panel in half. Nearly finished fairing the bottom.

831 posts
5 May 2020 7:56AM
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Very impressive skills

1566 posts
5 May 2020 2:49PM
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And so much work, bon boulot!

954 posts
5 May 2020 4:17PM
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Give you an idea of the bottom shape and why it was complicated. Getting close. Glass the bottom next with a good overlap up the side.

954 posts
6 Jun 2020 9:55PM
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Well its finished. Came out heavier than expected. Just under 14 kgs. It's really rigid and tough though.
Paddles nicely. Only been for 2 paddles. Went for a 10 k today and it's really stable. Some choppy conditions at one point and it was fine. Tracks well. Happy in general. Need to get it out in rougher conditions to see how it handles.

831 posts
7 Jun 2020 1:36PM
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Well done, that had to be great sense of achievement with both design and construction

954 posts
8 Jun 2020 5:03PM
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Yes pretty happy in general!
One other thing. I put a leash point just fwd of the standing area as some people said how much they like them. I have a short coil leash to a waist belt. I really like this setup. You dont get the leash clanging around when you are paddling or dragging in the water or wrapped around the fin after a fall etc. Not to be used in rough conditions or surf though.

QLD, 41 posts
9 Jun 2020 9:06PM
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wow tarquin that is unreal to be able to build something like that at home sooooo good . nice work


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"14 ft hollow Board build" started by tarquin1