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Atlantis Bam Bam Sup & Fin sizes

Created by SYDSUPSURF 4 months ago, 18 Nov 2024
NSW, 1 posts
18 Nov 2024 10:41AM
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Hey gang,

I bought a couple of Bam Bams off the marketplace at a very good price. The latest signature versions are 7'2" and 6'1".

I took the 6'1" for a spin the other day, and while I knew the fins that came with it were small (smaller than those on previous boards), I didn't expect them to be that bad. I couldn't track and go straight; as soon as I paddled on one side, I would just go sideways, making it impossible to catch anything. Even moving was difficult, lol.

I discovered that paddling slower and pulling the paddle deeper improved the situation a tiny bit, but not in a meaningful way-I was still crabbing.

Interestingly, I was very stable on that 6'1". I thought I was going to struggle with my 80kg coming from my ECS slab 7'11", but the board felt just fine, which is crazy. It's really weird to have something so small as a SUP. The ECS has Futures, so I can't try those fins on the Bam Bam.

Circling back to the problem at hand: I need other fins, XL/L, and I'm thinking of trying various configurations:

> 2 x side keels + 1 smaller thruster

> Normal XL thruster set

> 3 keels?

What do you guys think I should try to stop crabbing and catch some decent waves with it?

Saya suka SUP
NSW, 46 posts
18 Nov 2024 3:27PM
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2 large sides and 1 medium rear. They have insane hold & speed for their size. The only downside I've discovered is they can track too much, so on my bigger SUPs I use a smaller softer rear fin. On my small SUP it's not an issue.
What are the dims of the 6'1? Got any pics?
i too am amazed you're paddling it without issue

NSW, 751 posts
18 Nov 2024 3:52PM
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Syd..colas is the font on very small sups,lots of experience there,, as well as fins,perhaps read some of his old posts,I will be very surprised if he doesn't comment on this topic??

5173 posts
18 Nov 2024 1:51PM
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Hi, your problem is not the fins, it is the board length.
Paddling a 6'1" is totally different than a 7'11", you will have to learn a new technique, and practice on flatwater.

Please read:
and also: keep the shaft vertical:

This said, big fins can help at first.
- Try to use the biggest fins possible (twin fins, keels) for the first sessions and flat water practice. But this is not mandatory, practicing sprints as if you were catching a wave on flat water is the best way to progress.
- Controlling the angle (rocking) of the board with your weight becomes very important on short boards.
- Avoid chop, which makes things insanely hard to learn this technique
- Then, I would recommend the C-drive fins as they have huge grip at paddling speed while not tracking at surfing speed.
- Once you have mastered the technique (it will probably take months), you can switch to Quobbas.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Atlantis Bam Bam Sup & Fin sizes" started by SYDSUPSURF