Just picked up a second hand style and was hoping to get some feedback on what others believe is the best fin set up. It can with the standard large sunova stock single fin. Would appreciate suggestions
Supmonkey, great boards Ive had mine for nearly 12 months and love it.its the first 'longboard" SUP ive owned and opened up a whole new world of 'froth'.... never used it with the stock fins. I find most Sunova's are over finned (except shroom which I have gone back to the origional fins after playing with many)..
Currently have a 6.5 centre with either the large quobba's as sides or C-Drives or PC-7's .. Im 95-98Kegs, Have fun it is a great board it has really helped me develop my skill set. Ive had it out in all conditions from ankle slappers to well overhead. Super fun when you get up the front, step back and put weight on the tail and it rips... ENJOY.
Captain Fin Chris Christenson Tracker 9.5" for classic style and niseriding goes well on my 9'6" Style.
Fins (and Gins I would guess :-) ) are very personal, and depend much more of the person, intended surfing style (noserides, hot dogging, swooping carves, quick pivot turns...), waves, than the board itself.
Thanks Wazza.
didn't realise. ??
Although I am partial to G&T in summer, I was hoping for advice on " fins". Colas, I will mostly use it for nose riding point waves like Noosa
True Ames, Wayne Rich Power 7.0
(These fins are sick and a piece of work to behold. Wayne was taught by Renny Yater - 'nuff said).
I have a 7 " centre with the large quobba's as sides . Have run it with an box adaptor and a small quobba centre but prefer the 7".
BigHugg - Gadzooks - what are those things man?!?
They look like Greenough's but chunkier - they're fully tapped. and it's a twin. how do they go??
Tried this set up this morning and seemed to work a treat... varied conditions from hollow fast close outs to long nose rides... Think Ill stick with these for a while.. 61/2 centre small Cdrive sides...