Just thought I would share my project build, maybe encourage some of the like minded people to have a go......
I set out to build a new style sup board that would take a foil.
I wanted to go short but still have enough volume to float me, i ended up building a 7'6" X 30" x 4.5"
I have had Sups for about 8 years.
Here is a few pics of the build.
All the best.
well you made that that look simple !!
what weight did it tirn out ? Carbon wet layed out on bottom ?
what do you have on deck beside timber veneer.
Nice pics and good to see more guys giving making their own boards a go.
Post some pics of it in the water.
You are my hero for actually doing this....and creating something that also actually looks so professional!
I must ask:
Have u given it a run yet?
What were u using prior to the DIY set up and how does it compare?
Do u think it might still work with some normal fins (if fin fin plugs were installed) forofing around in small waves - or in places to risky/crowded for foil?
Again, my hat is off to u....
Great work on the board and foil.. how did your work out the profile of the foil wings mate? They look awesome