My long awaited new baby finally turned up.
Extremely keen to get this wet. Hope I can handle it.
Got Simon to leave the deck grip off so I can try some arty sh1t but gotta do it quick because swell is on. Catching up with Brenno on weekend for his expertise to sort it out then straight into surf. Will try to get better photos once I've put the grip on.
Saw this sick stick in the flesh yesterday. It really is a sweet shape. My minion is still my favourite fun board, but all the differences with ET's are in the right direction.
The nose is more refined, not as angular and a tiny bit more rocker.
The V in the tail is smoother, but the rails right back in the business end are as hard and sharp as ever, thinning right out in to bugger all.
It will turn on a dime.
In other words I have serious board envy, and Ed is gonna have a ton o' fun.
Good to read news about Deep shapes
Please ET, What's your weight to compare from 115liters of this board
Kami, probably about 88kg? presently - I range from about 86-90kg depending on amount of surf and beverage intake.
Have to say, from my limited experience, this board is seriously good. I've been sup-surfing for nearly 4 years now, & been through 9'6 & 9'1 Allwaves, 7'2 & 7'6 Bambams, and a Vex 8'6. The "flexi" feel of this new minion is a complete change from all the previous "stiff" boards. Only way I can describe it (with my limited surf-talk knowledge) is that it feels like I'm riding on a magic carpet - so smooth, and sooo loose. We had a sneaky swell come in on Sunday morning with head high sets and pretty well perfect waves and I had possibly the best surf of my recent life on this thing - really felt like I was 20 something again instead of 60.
Simon tells me the new construction method he's employed - hand laid glass with pvc only on the deck is purposely designed to be very flexible - and it works. Just can't wait 'til the next swell
So, thought it would be good to catch up with ET, and have a couple of cold ones (always a good idea).
We got my young fella to take a few shots of ET's very new, and very flash 7'8" x 29" MV2, side by side with my very, very used and abused (but loved) 8'0" x 29.5" Minion.
Just in case anyone was interested in the differences.
Thanks Brenno - ET's MV2 looks a bit more refined (sick looking deck pad) but it's also crazy how much sentimental value older boards can have so the question is....are you tempted for an upgrade?
great looking boards - ET you say this board is 115 litres and you are 88 kg - depending ion the season
is this your "go to" board all the time - or what surf conditions will you ride it in ?
if you ride other board are they smaller or larger ?
id like to get one but just not sure of the litres to ride them at im 81 kgs +/- and it would only be in small/medium smooth days - so im thinking 105 litres ? i do have a big long board sup for real small or long paddle days
Normster - I kinda hope this will be my go to board, so far its damn awesome. Only had it a couple of weeks and only tested it in pretty nice conditions. I sort of wanted it to be a bit smaller, but Simon recommended the dimensions and I gotta say I'm glad because I feel that it will be my most used board. Before this came along my choice of boards are my little 7'2 carbon bambam for beach breaks, my 8'6 carbon Vex for bigger cleaner river mouth type breaks and my seriously battered 7'6 bambam for crappy messy days. Damn Brenno has now thrown a curved ball at me and leant me his 8'8 Deep hybrid to test out for a month or two. Nice board that could replace my Vex on those big clean days, so ..... life's pretty hard at AW1770 lately
Normster, further to your question .. my daughter has a 6'10 carbon bambam (I think its 105l), and I've had a couple of quick sessions on it and had a ball. (both times were pretty glassy though)
After being totally inspired by Brenno's amazing art work on his boards, I decided to try some myself on the MV2. Probably a bit busy, but had fun doing it and quite a few beverages in the process. Now I just have to wait for the covering clear coat to arrive in the mail so I can finish it off and get back in the water.