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Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Gong Boards in Australia

Created by Rossall > 9 months ago, 12 Sep 2021
WA, 713 posts
12 Sep 2021 2:42PM
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Does anyone know why Gong boards won't ship to Australia ? New Zealand, Kazakhstan and just about everywhere else in the world but not Australia

VIC, 1697 posts
12 Sep 2021 9:33PM
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5164 posts
12 Sep 2021 9:50PM
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From their web site, they state they do not ship rigid boards or one piece paddles outside of Europe. All the rest is OK (inflatables, sails,...)They do not ship rigid boards to New Zealand, Kazakhstan,... where did you get this info?

454 posts
12 Sep 2021 10:22PM
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No USA either!

5164 posts
13 Sep 2021 12:39AM
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cbigsup said..
No USA either!

Well, last time I checked, the USA are not in Europe :-) (yet?)

NSW, 746 posts
18 Sep 2021 8:14AM
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colas said..

cbigsup said..
No USA either!

Well, last time I checked, the USA are not in Europe :-) (yet?)

I don't like our chances of getting anything French at the moment

5164 posts
18 Sep 2021 3:26PM
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justaddwater said..
I don't like our chances of getting anything French at the moment

Ah ah :-)
This said, I do not see any anti-OZ feelings here in France. The blame game is on the US, not really on OZ. And is limited to government officials, and I guess the shipyard that was contracted.

1566 posts
19 Sep 2021 4:38AM
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justaddwater said..

colas said..

cbigsup said..
No USA either!

Well, last time I checked, the USA are not in Europe :-) (yet?)

I don't like our chances of getting anything French at the moment

USA seems to do some weaponry free hours nowadays, go for it

NSW, 746 posts
19 Sep 2021 9:03AM
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To our valued and loved French supping allies we say SORRY

VIC, 1697 posts
19 Sep 2021 10:03AM
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justaddwater said..
To our valued and loved French supping allies we say SORRY

Speak for yourself jaw, it was a dumb decision to go with outdated technology at the time and a much better decision now IMO

NSW, 746 posts
19 Sep 2021 12:52PM
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Thanks for the reply mick,as I'm not that politically motivated who's decision was it in the first place? Oh and by the way the smiley faces usually mean to be taken lightly and in good humour,I hope your day improves

VIC, 1697 posts
19 Sep 2021 1:30PM
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justaddwater said..
Thanks for the reply mick,as I'm not that politically motivated who's decision was it in the first place? Oh and by the way the smiley faces usually mean to be taken lightly and in good humour,I hope your day improves

Sorry mate if you thought I was having a swipe at you and yes I realise your comment was tongue in cheek.

NSW, 746 posts
19 Sep 2021 3:33PM
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It's all good mick,I hope you are getting waves,stay safe .

5164 posts
19 Sep 2021 2:24PM
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I found this article seems to give a good summary of what happened:

And shows the major hypocrisy of the French authorities to feign discovering the issues at the last second.
- nearly 200% budget overruns (from 36 to an estimated final 90 billions). We also have these issues on nuclear reactors construction.
- delays
- arrogance: unilaterally deciding to reduce the number of OZ jobs
- attitude: If had arrived systematically 15 minutes late for meetings at my Job, I would not have lasted 5 years...
This draws a familiar picture of arms manufacturers being used to do want they want because contracts are decided politically, and they feel entitled to business practices that would be unthinkable in a competitive world.
The only fault I can find on the OZ side is being surprised that the French economy stops in August, or workers need healthy decent lunch breaks. It would be like not anticipating that China stops for their new year holidays. Workers around the world need decent vacations and meals!

WA, 713 posts
19 Sep 2021 9:52PM
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Just as an update of sorts I wrote to Gong via their customer support link on the website a week ago asking if they could consider shipping to Australia in the future but so far no reply at all.

If I ever get a response I will
post in here.

NSW, 57 posts
2 May 2022 11:05AM
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Rossall said..
Just as an update of sorts I wrote to Gong via their customer support link on the website a week ago asking if they could consider shipping to Australia in the future but so far no reply at all.

If I ever get a response I will
post in here.

I'm assuming you haven't had a response.

5164 posts
2 May 2022 12:30PM
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Rossall said..
Just as an update of sorts I wrote to Gong via their customer support link on the website a week ago asking if they could consider shipping to Australia in the future but so far no reply at all.

I don't think you will get an answer. They cannot commit to anything in writing, especially in these troubled times (Chinese covid lockdowns, insurance rates skyrocketing for transport due to the Russian war), and anyways, answering you "we could consider shipping to Australia in the future"... is actually no information at all, it can mean anything...
Plus, I am sure they have no idea what could happen in the future. What I know is that they are always looking for foreign distributors, got approached many times by would-be OZ importers, but the deals never went through as the OZ guys were not ready to commit to the quantities needed for the Gong business model (economies of scale via high quantities sold). But it could happen in the future, but there is no way for Gong to know in advance until the deal is signed.

VIC, 406 posts
2 May 2022 2:43PM
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colas said..

Rossall said..
Just as an update of sorts I wrote to Gong via their customer support link on the website a week ago asking if they could consider shipping to Australia in the future but so far no reply at all.

I don't think you will get an answer. They cannot commit to anything in writing, especially in these troubled times (Chinese covid lockdowns, insurance rates skyrocketing for transport due to the Russian war), and anyways, answering you "we could consider shipping to Australia in the future"... is actually no information at all, it can mean anything...
Plus, I am sure they have no idea what could happen in the future. What I know is that they are always looking for foreign distributors, got approached many times by would-be OZ importers, but the deals never went through as the OZ guys were not ready to commit to the quantities needed for the Gong business model (economies of scale via high quantities sold). But it could happen in the future, but there is no way for Gong to know in advance until the deal is signed.

Interesting you say that Colas, a few years back I approached Gong to become a distributor into Australia, I had everything in place to make this happen. However it was managements unwillingness to relinquish control and the extra demand on inventory that put a stop to getting it up and running. Nothing to do with quantity commitments from my end!

VIC, 797 posts
2 May 2022 7:05PM
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I asked last year about a board. The staff for me were really helpful...

The only option really was for Gong to ship the board to family/relatives in Scotland and for them to ship to Aus for me.

In the end it all just got too hard

WA, 713 posts
3 May 2022 6:36PM
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And would cost you mega bucks.

WA, 713 posts
3 May 2022 6:36PM
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And would cost you mega bucks.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Gong Boards in Australia" started by Rossall