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Gulliver SUPs - All Rounders

Created by surfox > 9 months ago, 9 Oct 2013
QLD, 39 posts
9 Oct 2013 10:06PM
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Would welcome any comments about Gulliver SUPs. Particularly interested in quality. Currently have a Naish Mana. Wondering how Gullivers would compare in terms of quality.

QLD, 4 posts
10 Oct 2013 9:18AM
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Hi an old saying , if it looks good and feels good it must be. I have 3 different brand SUPs . 2 much raved about and 1 not so well known. 1 of the most raved about has a twist , it is 2 years old. They all go well for the conditions. it is usually always the same with any new board you buy , you wonder how long this has been going on. Most come out of the same factory so have a look at the finish and feel then pay your money IMHO

NSW, 73 posts
13 Oct 2013 11:24AM
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hi Surfox
I,ve got a Gulliver cruise 10 ,6 this was my first sup and had it 12months at xmas ,and although I have progressed to a more surf orietated board(Naish Hokua) the cruise model is a great first board ,along the lines of the nalu ,I estimate it would suit anyone up to 95kgs beginner with a 60 /40 split from flat water paddling to surfing .I found the gullivers build quality fine with no complaints not to say there isn,t room for improvement. I found the deck depressions where my feet position for flat water paddling a little concerning but no delalimation had occured but this happens with nearly all brands of sups with extended use , even my naish has feet depressions. The price for a first board board even with freight from Queensland to Sydney was under just over 1k which I think was good value and I don,t regret buying the board its been well worth while the investment and I would hesitate to recommend the cruise to a novice or beginner.
ps I have no ties with gulliver whatso ever and I,m just sharing my experience.hope this helps


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Gulliver SUPs - All Rounders" started by surfox