rode the 7'9 VBOX. (shape version 5, I think the are on refinement 8 by now)
me: 75 KG intermediate.
Waves; up to shoulder high beach break.
I paddled the board without any waves, just in chop. Similar stability to my Luke Short 8'1 x 30.
A different feel because of the light weight of the board. (I think it is insanely light)
Finally got it out in the surf. No issues there as it was fairly clean. Catching a wave was no problem at all.
The revelation came once on the wave. Insane how it reacts to any input. Very fast to accelerate to speed. Once you got the speed you can throw it around with so much ease. Normally I would have to be careful to maintain speed and not to pearl. The VBOX I could put as much rail pressure and dig in the rail on the bottom turn and race right back down after the top turn. It just maintains the speed. Is it faster than my other board?? not sure, but the difference is the ease it keeps the speed up through turns. This thing just made the absolute most of average conditions and it was the first time I surfed it! I can't compare it to other boards shaped in a similar style but if you haven't tried one, make sure you do.
I was surfing next to an experienced surfer. He was on a 7'2 Minion. ripping it up on a day that wasn't a ripper, so there surly is something to these shapes.
No Question what my next board will be. This was so much fun>
I was curious if any one bought this style of board and sold it to go back to the traditional shapes?
Hi Porchey
You sure that board is a 7'3"? Looks like it says 7'5" x 27" in the photo.
I picked up the 7'3" demo from the shop today, and am a bit confused by the volume claims. On the board it says 7'3" x 26.5" x 4.2" = 103 litres, but on the website it states the board should be 96 litres. Any idea which number is correct?