You won't have seen one of these before because I'm getting the first one ever made :) Here it is being shaped.
14ft x 26" x 4.5"
A low volume gun for downwind, surf and general ocean fun.
These Hypr Hawaii boards have a patented concave design that really works - they increase stability greatly, and enhance speed on a wave or bump.
If you are someone to whom the old PSH 12ft and 14ft hull paddlers used to appeal, like I was (I still own a PSH 12ft gun) you'd better check these out. These are even leaner and meaner, and are made with the very best construction materials and methods. You can have them made in tropical hardwood, or like I am having, double-carbon full PVC sandwich, with thick wooden stringer and old-school wood nose and tail blocks. These are low rocker boards for guns, and this makes them surprisingly fast flat water paddlers. Expect them to be only a smidgen slower than a race board in ocean flat water, and a whole lot more "surfy" downwind and in surf. I have Hypr guns in 10-6, 11-6 and 12-6 sizes already, so know quite a bit about how they handle. I've put a picture of my 12-6 Hypr gun at the end. It's in a "redwood" finish, created with thick tropical hardwood veneers. These boards are very strong and durable, and the quality of the workmanship and materials makes your standard Cobra-built SUPs look frankly very poor.
Want one? Contact Ian Foo at Hypr Nalu Hawaii (based on the Big Island, Hawaii). Or the UK/EU distributor is Richard Webb (check him on FB).
And no, I have no connection to Hypr Hawaii. I am just an ordinary punter like anyone else, and I paid full price for my boards.
Now that what i call a surfable 14 .nice mate .let us know how it surfs ..
the wood nose looks grand .
Cheers. I'm frothing. The 12-6 is extraordinarily good for DW considering it's a surf shape. Hell, even the 11-6 will pick up bumps. So the 14 should go like a rocket. There is a slow fat long wave bombora about a mile offshore near me, and this will be great for that. These boards are very strong, stiff, and durable, and they don't chip because there's no paint to chip. And of course they look like nothing else available on the market (take a look at the amazing finishes and constructions on their website).
I'm totally fed up with Cobra-made boards etc that chip and flex and are made with the cheapest materials they can get away with. By contrast, the Hypr boards are made really well, old school style, using the best materials and with real craftsmanship and attention to detail. They look good enough to hang on the wall. And are very strong and durable. And yet they aren't really any more expensive than the commonplace over-priced painted, fragile and chip-prone stuff we are often offered by the bigger brands. It's going to be hard to buy any other brand now I've seen the quality and design from Hypr, tbh. And they are so FAST.
Anyway, I'll write a report once I've got the 14. Cheers!
That's funny. I was in the same position: Fairly happy with my lot. Except I was also thinking, "it's a shame that no-one makes a low volume, medium rocker, gunny and beautifully-made 14 that would surf and downwind really well, and be pleasant for flat water touring too, cos I'm a bit bored of floaty boaty flouncy bouncy raceboards that chip and ding as soon as you look at them, and that surf and downwind like a 10ft jelly on a rollercoaster".
And then hey presto...
Can you let me know how far the finbox is from the tail on the 11'6. Are you happy with it there. Making an 11x28 at the moment. Thanks.