Hi guys, first thanks for all the info in this forum...it helps me a lot...
Im looking a first surf board for mediterranean waves, i ride usually a 10" touring board, my weight is 65kg, and needs a board that allows to paddle in flat water for training.
The options are Jp pro surf 8.6, Fanatic all wave 8.6 and a Custom Sailboards tarifa 8.6 30"
Looking the shapes...is the JP more oriented to "pro" surfers and hawaian waves?
Here 3 photos to see diferents shapes...in my opinion the easiest seems the Sailboards...
Which do you think will be better for start surfing and paddling?
Definitely not the JP.
Its a great board but it is high performance and will be very tippy.
I dont know anything about the Custom Sailboard ans so I would recommend the Allwave.
Thanks to all....Jp is now discarded...colas...here attach 2pics to ser The diferent rockets...what do you think?
The custom is cheappest board.
You can't try them out first? If not:
Option 1: pick the cheapest. Since you couldn't try the other you'll never know the difference. Once you're on it for a month you'll have a good idea of what you want for your next board and will have saved the extra cash to put into it.
Option 2: pick the Allwave. It paddles fine in flat water and surfs in....all waves.
Hard to tell, the custom looks nice, but we cannot really see the rocker. You can see the allwave rocker with a good flat section ins the middle that will give it speed n weak waves.
However, be aware that the resale value of custom boards is quite cheap, so only consider the custom if it is MUCH cheaper than the allwave (a pity, since the custom is most probably a lot more better built than a generic production board)
From the site, http://www.sailboardstarifa.com/en/sailboardstarifa/sup-custom-boards/tipos-de-construcci%C3%B3n.html it looks like an innegra construction, which should be very good. Try to contact the factiry with the serial number to see if this custiom is close to the solo (avoid) or allwave (ok) line. But the wide tail doesn't look like the solo line.
The custom one will be more difficult (narrower nose), but will be better built, and I guess more performing (lighter), and will be harder to resell. Since you mentioned flat water (meaning you are not only focused on surf performance), I guess the Fanatic will be the best bet.
Thanks guys...the sailboards tarifa is the all wave Oxi series and 250€ cheaper than the fanatic...and its lighter...its only 5.7kg...without pad and fins
I had the Allwave for a year and it was my windycrappychoppy board, there very stable and surf pretty good.
I used it quit a lot and it didn't even had a mark on it, no dents from the heels nothing. I can only recommend