As suggested by others posters i do truly declare no financial interest in Ke Nalu,There now thats done,I recently had the rare misfortune to suffer an issue with my Ke Nalu x tuff shaft and i would just like to post that Dean from Ke nalu has been first class on warranty and back up support.I have the Maliko 95 on xtuff shaft and its a great paddle.Thats all, happy ending.
Yes I did the same switched from two Kohini 84 to a Mana 82 and a Mana 90. All on Xtuff(S). Old shoulders and neck could not take the 90Flex......used them for everything.
I use the Mana 90 for downwinder. A very experienced paddle rin the Gorge and Hawaii also prefers it over the other models.
It has a very direct catch which works well when you are reaching and taking a few short strong strokes to get into a bump.
wouldn't even consider buying any paddle if it wasn't kenalu.......especially in love with the xtuff shaft
Depends on board and conditions.
Blackfish 24" Flat M82, Choppy M90
Blackfish 26" Flat & Choppy M82 DW M90
Ace-GT Flat & choppy M90
Riviera RP-DW DW M90
I just GPS which paddle is faster for board and sea conditions.
Thanks tightlines
I've got both the Wiki and Maliko that I use for surf, that I'm happy with. Every now and then I think of experimenting with the other blades but don't want to mess with a good thing.
Have an old small Wiki for surfing and an 82 Mana for racing. Old skinny fahrte with horrible shoulders. Sold a Molokai, trying to sell ho'olua.
The Mana is awesome!
Great paddles. Have had for 4 years without any dramas. Wiki xtuf combination for surf, konihi95 + 90% flex carbon shaft for flat/ocean. The bonus is that if you want to get the newest (mana) , you only need a new blade. happy customer
Are they up there with Quickblade? If so, how are they similar?
I'll be in the market for a new paddle soon.
The KeNalu product is absolutely first rate and Deano, the bloke that imports them is one of natures true gentlemen, except for his love of weird assed haircuts. I have used this product for both racing and surfing and I am extra hard on equipment. These things simply just keep working. They also feel so soft in the hand (and I do have shoulder issues). The final awesome thing about them is if they do break them is the replacement policy.
I had a severe SLAP II shoulder injury last year so I was looking for the ultimate shoulder friendly paddle. I went and did a demo-day of the whole line. The techie in me said to go with the new Mana 90...but out of the whole line I kept going back to the Wiki 84....there is something so sweet about the paddle. Catch is sweet, it holds solid, still has the pull for catching waves.