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Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

NEW Jimmy Lewis Super Frank 7'6"

Created by Jimmy Lewis Boards > 9 months ago, 30 Sep 2017
30 Sep 2017 6:51PM
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After taking up foil boarding a few months ago I thought I'd lost all interest in Sup surfing (after doing M2O & the other distance races I just wanted to go Foiling or short-boarding) It seemed slow & boring after foiling where everything is magnified x 10 until I surfed the 7'6 x 31" Super Frank today in 2-3 foot fun beachies....
Usually after foil boarding on my 7'6 JL Sup Foilboard & I jump back on my surf sup I really miss the stability of the foil underneath & it takes a few waves before I get back to into the swing of things so it was with much trepidation that I took the NEW 7'6" Super Frank for a spin today (I thought I'll need it to demo for the upcoming demo season anyway so I better get on it)
I normally ride the 7'10 Super Tech (94L), 8'1" World Wide for the onshore days (112L) or 8'5" Striker for the fun full days (116L) so the 7'6" x 31" Super Frank (115L) was probably shorter than I was use to but with plenty of volume to stand on (minus the foil)...
As soon as I jumped on it to paddle out I couldn't believe the stability & glide of the board but without the corkiness normally associated with the volume & width of a board with that amount of litres....
I was nearly out the back when a set came through so with no one there I turned & paddled straight into it.... I couldn't believe how easy it was even though it was a late takeoff I glided in easily & went straight off the bottom & into half a dozen turns all the way to the beach before flicking off the back & cruising back out for another one...It was like I hadn't been off my surf sup at all...
The things that amazed me the most about the Super Frank were it's stability but without "corkiness", it's drive but it's looseness & the way it accelerated into & out of each turn....It has a really pronounced double concave through the fins & tail which I'm sure made it accelerate so quickly & the nice low rails gave it plenty of bite & drive without catching....
I'm really excited & pumped to get back out & surf sup now that I've christened the new Super Frank & can't wait until the new 7'6 "Lean" arrives (7'6" x 29.5" 100L)....
I used my Future's WCT fins out of my shortboard today so as not to open a new packet of fins....
Jimmy's blurb-
The Super Frank is the ultimate SUP groveler. It's meant to be ridden quite a bit shorter than your normal board and still offer plenty of stability. Flat rocker with a very deep single to double concave for high speed and drive in flat and weak surf. The outline has the wide point a bit forward coming into a performance thumb tail to make the board very responsive and easy to whip around. The Super Frank comes in two widths for each length so you can choose the width and volume that best suits you.
5 Fin Box Set Up.
Comes with JL 5 fin set. (allows for thruster or quad fin set up)
Thruster set Size - 4.5"
Quad set size- Front 4.5" Back 4.0"
SIZES7'6"x29.5"x4" (100L)8'x30"x4.2" (115L)8'6"x30.5"x4.4" (130L)7'6"x31"x4.4" (115L)8'x31.5"x4.5" (127L)8'6"x32"x4.5" (141L)

5169 posts
30 Sep 2017 6:16PM
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Welcome to the world of ShortSUPs! You can see why I have been addicted to my sub-7' boards for 6 years now.

Try to get on a 6'-something board one day (designed by a shaper with expertise in sub-7' SUPs), what you felt on a 7'6" is nothing compared to a good 6'8"...

Also, this means that for me, SUPing is not boring compared to foiling. Short SUPs are slower than foiling, but the accelerations of a 6'8" are more intense, because you can put yourself in the heart of the wave power, even small ones, without fearing the dangers of foiling.

WA, 713 posts
1 Oct 2017 5:52AM
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Still loving the 8 x31 Super frank, running with standard Jl thruster setup now and going great after three months


1 Oct 2017 11:43AM
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Glad you're enjoying it Phil :)

5 Oct 2017 9:54AM
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First delivery of Super Franks in ALL sizes arriving in the next 2 weeks....

NSW, 142 posts
11 Oct 2017 9:57AM
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Hi Rob,

I am 90kg and enjoy a bit more stability. I had a week on the 9 3 World Wide at Sanur and loved it. Incredibly stable (155lt) but so fast and fun on the wave. I spent heaps of time off Baby Reef when the boat wakes were really churning and never felt slightly wobbly.

I surf a 9 6 Naish quest in Sydney which is bullet proof for the Manly beach breaks but very heavy at 11.5kg. It is also super stable (170lt) but doesn't turn with ease like the much lighter world wide.

I am thinking that 140lt might be my ultimate volume, which makes for a lighter board and easier to travel over seas. I would like to do more over seas surf sup.

Can you describe the differences between the super frank and the world wide and which might suit my circumstances. Which would be more stable at 140lt? What do the boards weigh? What makes them different in terms of how they ride the wave, and what waves are they best suited to? How do they compare in terms of glide onto a wave?



11 Oct 2017 10:56AM
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Hi Ben,
Glad you enjoyed your JL....
I think the Super Frank is a better all-rounder especially in the bigger sizes than the WW.... There's less volume & area in the tail & the rails are lower & so overall the Super Frank will give you the same stability but more performance....The bigger sized WW's are really for heavier riders who can sink the tail & rail...Both boards are small to medium surf performance boards though....
I was just in one of my retailers shops but the JL's on the scales & the 8'6 Super Frank came in at 7.5kg (even the 10'3 Maestro 213L came in at 9.5kg) & this is for the JL Signature Sandwich construction....

NSW, 17 posts
13 Oct 2017 7:34AM
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So what other boards on the market compare to the Superfrank,Im riding an 8'8 X32 and looking to upgrade.Whats the rocker on the super Frank like with late steep take offs?

QLD, 398 posts
16 Nov 2017 12:24PM
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Hi Paul, I used to ride the 8'8 x32 and now am on the 8'6 super frank, the frank has more glide than the x32 so gets in earlier and there is plenty enough rocker on the frank. I've not had any problems with late take offs, unlike say a hypernut where I found I had to change my technique. I absolutely love my frank so far and find it efficient and fast.

Hope that helps.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"NEW Jimmy Lewis Super Frank 7'6"" started by Jimmy Lewis Boards