Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Naish Nalu 11' or 11'4"

Created by LucBenac > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2018
432 posts
28 Dec 2018 2:43PM
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Might be a perfect question for DJ.
I am looking for a LongSUP for some relaxed surfing in small but not lined-up groomed swell (Tofino - West Coast of Canada or wind/storm swell) taking the time to enjoy it all. I am not into anything going fast and crazy but rather to transition from down-winding board to surf board and take smaller bumps early and from as far as possible away from the crowds looking for the big bumps. The Nalu seems to have an impeccable reputation and be a classic. i would never reach the mastery of DJ even if I had all the time to practice, nor can I get into the perfect place he shoots his video in so need a board that will help me rather than make life difficult.
I have tried a 10' by 30" 147L supsurf and feel that it was not the kind of board for me. A long board style looks a lot more like my cup of tea and stability over speed sounds good even if they sometime go together. I was thinking that the 11' would be the best choice but should I discount the 11'4"? I am 77kg/170 lbs and 6'.

VIC, 17460 posts
28 Dec 2018 6:16PM
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Ha.. Mastery of DJ.. too funny..

Over the years I've owned three 11'4" Nalu's upgrading them each year and since the new 11' Nalu came out a few years ago I've now owned three of those.. As good as the 11'4"x 30 is I much prefer the shape of the new 11'x 31" board.

I think if your main purpose for paddling is flat water I'd be recommending the 11'4" because of its flatter rocker.

I always found (at my average surfing skill level) the 11'4" was hard to turn and more susceptible to nose diving once the tail get lifted by the wave. I found the constant curve rocker of the new 11' Nalu makes it turn like a dream and it rairly nose dives.

I also found that the 11' board offered slightly more stability but feels like it has slightly less volume.. I think that is due to the slightly different rail and rocker shape.

Hope the helps.. Both are great boards..

5026 posts
28 Dec 2018 4:50PM
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Agree with DJ 11,4 might be the best for you .
i had the 11'& 11'4 ,i kept the 11,4 because i was mainly using it for what you are suggesting to use it for .
the 11,4 paddles faster ,both are great boards ..the 11 surfs better having the extra rocker .

there is a 10,8 too paddles really fast having a flat rocker ..a great nose rider too.
because you are only 77 kgs ,it would also be a good option .

Nalu's are awesome boards ...i have a 10,6 on the way

5064 posts
28 Dec 2018 5:13PM
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If you are not into noserides, I suggest you look for a "Cruiser" shape rather than a longboard. Cruisers are basically big wave guns (sleek with pulled in nose and tails) but with a flatter rocker for speed and glide in weak waves, and a wider tail.

Cruisers are more pleasant because they paddle faster and glide better: the wide flat nose of longboards are mandatory for noseriding but are an hindrance otherwise: they push water and plough in chop. Note that some longboards designed for fast waves are close to cruisers (Phil Edwards shapes for instance). The Nalu nose seems a bit of an hybrid between a longboard and a cruiser.In the prone surfboard world, that would mean a Skip Frye "Glider" rather than a longboard.
Example of these cruisers are Sunova search, the old PSH 12', Jimmy Lewis Hanalei, Gong Crusader (not made anymore). Many brands have "Cruiser" models, but on these longboards the rocker is key to performance, so you should stay with boards made by experienced shapers.

1508 posts
28 Dec 2018 6:32PM
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I think that the choice of 11-4 or 11 will depend on how small your waves are. I am used to surfing *really* small and crappy waves, and boards with generous rocker tend to make it pretty hard to get into them. I surfed DJ's Naish 11'0 on a very small clean day (thanks DJ!) and I absolutely loved the board (the stability is wonderful and it paddled better than I was expecting). But it seemed to me that it would work best in waves that were waist-height or bigger, and it didn't pick up really marginal ripples as well as you might expect for an 11ft board. By contrast, the 11-4 picks up tiny ripples a bit better, IMO. But by the time the waves are waist or chest-high I'd rather be on the 11'0" because as DJ says, the rocker is more forgiving and makes it turn better.

I also agree with Colas. As I say, I surf *really* small crappy waves a lot. The sort of dribble that most people wouldn't bother with. Often, I have more fun in those conditions on a downwind or race board, than a surf board. But I've bought a huge number of surf SUPs over the last 10 years in the search for the best "ripple-rider". The PSH 12ft gun does work pretty well, but is a little low volume in the tail for really tiny crappy waves. The general outline is along the right lines though. Lately I've been using a Gong Perv 12'6" for these tiny conditions. This is a pointy-nosed 215L crossover board, with a fairly flat rocker and a moderate tail volume but surf-shape rails. It is also wide (30"). This combo means it has a huge planing area, but paddles fast into ripples, while it is still possible to turn it. And you can stand on it for hours even in terrible chop without your legs wobbling. I think a version of this board that was around 190L might be a perfect ripple-rider...

But, as I say, some DW boards actually surf small crappy stuff quite well. The JL M14 is probably the best of the production boards, although my 16ft custom surfs better than the M14 as it is thinner - the rails of most DW boards are too thick in the middle for them to surf very well.

I think you are very wise to go for longer boards in crappy small conditions. They are simply more fun. Learning to properly turn a long board in low-energy waves, and to generate speed, is a skill in itself, and can be hugely satisfying when you get it right. And then when you finally encounter some decent waves, it feels just sooooo easy!

WA, 66 posts
28 Dec 2018 8:33PM
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on Nalu 11'4s can anyone advise on the year of this one ? .doesnt seem to have had any deck grip just wax, also two holes in mid board ,one with bolt in and the other appears threaded but no bolt? unsure what should be here.
also wonder if replacement decals are available as I will probably lose these when refurbishing. any advise appreciated

432 posts
28 Dec 2018 11:10PM
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Thank you all for the advices. I think that my inexperience made me provide the wrong description. I am looking for a bord for 3 to 4 feet steep bumps or low energy mushy 5 to 6 i.e. taking over from our Bullet 12 for ankle biters and that I can get close to a line-up without been linched. So surfing at the periphery and marginal conditions where it would be too much for a 200L board but just enought to have a relaxed ride. I am nowhere close to talk about nose riding, need to learn how to walk first. I like the idea of a constant rocker. Over time might graduate to over waist height if all stars align.

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 12:22AM
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Would the jimmy Lewis Cruise Control 11' x 30" 170L be something to also look at? It seems like an hybrid board that could be fitting the bill.

5064 posts
29 Dec 2018 12:52AM
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LucBenac said..
I am looking for a bord for 3 to 4 feet steep bumps or low energy mushy 5 to

Mmm, I guess you should describe the wave face height compared to your body (is it knee / waist / shoulder high?).
3 to 4 feet means good conditions for me, where all boards will work, even performance short boards...
Anyways, I would avoid longboard shapes if there is wind. The design goal of a longboard is to maximize lift in the nose, which means it will want to jack up each time it encounters chop, and you will have either a rodeo ride, or have to keep the nose high above the water. You want something that will pierce along any chop without slowing down.
Area10 board choices should be more adapted to your intended conditions.

PS: How could I forget the Gong Perv, which is the new cruiser in the line...

1101 posts
29 Dec 2018 1:48AM
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77 KGs is very light for either of the Nalu's you mention. What about the 10,6?

I had an 11,4 and I am 90 kgs. Loved the board...I don't think I ever nosedived it...had plenty enough rocker from memory u less you were really going steep. I surfed it on small fat waves, weak waves and bigger waves and loved it. Just a bit big at the end of the day for an all round board...but it was great otherwise.

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 2:09AM
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It should be knee high to waist high max. By the time it gets there i would likely have left the water to the pros. Under knee high i could use the Bullet 12. Sorry it seems so difficult to size waves depending who you are talking to or the shape of the wave, the forecast.......a perfect waist high down-winding would be a monster surfing for me.
Wind a factor.
I do like the look of the Gong Perv. Not sure about the sizing i.e. it feels like a size in between the 12.6 and the 10.6 would be great. the 12' Sunova Search might be the right volume and size? As a nooby, i do need the stability.

1508 posts
29 Dec 2018 2:46AM
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LucBenac said..
It should be knee high to waist high max. By the time it gets there i would likely have left the water to the pros. Under knee high i could use the Bullet 12. Sorry it seems so difficult to size waves depending who you are talking to or the shape of the wave, the forecast.......a perfect waist high down-winding would be a monster surfing for me.

I do like the look of the Gong Perv. Not sure about the sizing i.e. it feels like a size in between the 12.6 and the 10.6 would be great. the 12' Sunova Search might be the right volume and size?

Yeah, as Colas says, you need to describe the wave sizes relative to your body - what you wrote previously is quite confusing if you are a surfer.

Given your experience with DW boards, and the small size and crappy quality of the waves you will be riding, the Sunova Search 12 sounds like a good bet to me. In fact, I considered getting one before I got the Gong Perv, but I wanted a 2+1 fin setup (which the Gong has), and the Gong has a better handle and is literally about half the price - so the choice of the Gong rather than the Search was a no-brainer, really. But the volume of the Search was actually more what I was looking for.

Both of the Naishes would be nicer once the waves get to a proper size (eg. waist-to-chest and bigger), and it is wonderful to stretch yourself by learning to noseride. I suspect that in quite big onshore choppy conditions the Naish 11 would be a huge amount of fun (I've only tried it in ripples, but you could feel how well it would turn in bigger stuff).

But whatever you choose of these options, you are gonna have a ball!

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 6:01AM
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Well now i need to think things over between a Nalu and a gun shape like the Search. Both are really good looking boards and should have some staying power. Have to account for local availabiliry too but i am not in a rush at all. Cheers.

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 8:19AM
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Well thete was an Atlantis Venom on sale in Oz for AUD 799. My heart started beatinh strong except the shipping to Canada before customs clearance was AUD 899....
Beautiful looking board specially at that price. Not sure these are distributed here.

1508 posts
29 Dec 2018 12:29PM
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Yeah, it's such a shame that so few brands make boards like the Venom/PSH Gun/Gong Perv (and if you go back in time, the original 12ftx27.5" C4 Holoholo (which I should never have sold) are so incredibly adaptable. I've done many 10-15 mile paddles on my PSH 12ft gun, as well as surfing it in everything from ankle slippers to around double overhead. These boards are actually much more "All-round" IMO than the spoon-nosed longboard shapes that are marketed as all-round boards. The issue I guess is that pulled in (pointy) noses rob the board of some stability, and since most all-round boards are sold to beginners, stability is all-important.

I used to have a Surftech 10-5 Mickey Munoz Fun Gun that I sold. I should have kept it. I've still got a Gong Crusader 10-9 though. Both boards are in the "user-friendly gun" category. Unlike the Jimmy Lewis Bombora, which is too narrow to be comfortable for most people in choppy conditions. It's a shame that Jimmy doesn't do a 12x29 gun with 5 finboxes (like the PSH Gun). Maybe a little more volume/width in the tail (swallowtail?) than you'd normally put on a gun, to help it catch small waves, and aid flat water speed. That could be an awesome all-round board for anyone past the beginner stage.

Maybe a custom Sunova Search? Get it with five finboxes, and dual leash plugs...

But, honestly, the Naish boards are really great too. So if you can get a good deal on one, it won't be a mistake to go for it. The stability of the 11'0" in particular is truly awesome, and that's worth a lot when you are in wind and chop. I recently bought a 11'0" x31" NFA Gong longboard (it's similar dimensions to the Naish 11' but was less than half the price in the UK) and I've been having a blast on it in crappy onshore surf conditions.

I wouldn't go for the Jimmy Lewis Cruise Control btw. I had one in my first days of SUP about 10-12 years ago. It's a fine beginner board. And you can happily cruise around in it for miles, as the name suggests. But you are too experienced for it, really, and should go for something more performancy.

The Surftech Gerry Lopez Big Darlin' 11-2 is a very nice performance longboard btw, if you can find one of those going cheap near you. It's less stable than the Naish but has a huge amount going for it otherwise. It rips in crappy conditions.

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 12:49PM
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Out of curiosity I looked at the 12' Gong NFA on sale. According to the web site cart, the shipping to Canada would be EUR 58 that is just too good to be true. It would be a total steal.
It looks like the most likely I will find around is a Nalu likely in GS which would be fine. And I like your comment regarding the stability of the 11'. Right now what I need the most to learn is stability. All my muscle memory is on DW boards and conditions and it just does not work in the surf :-)

NSW, 12 posts
29 Dec 2018 5:10PM
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LucBenac said..
Well thete was an Atlantis Venom on sale in Oz for AUD 799. My heart started beatinh strong except the shipping to Canada before customs clearance was AUD 899....
Beautiful looking board specially at that price. Not sure these are distributed here.

Thanks for posting that the Venom is on sale, just bought one just now interest free, to easy. Been thinking about buying this board for a while now for long paddles in the estuary but didn't want a race board and I will also use it in the surf when its one foot. Yeeew

5064 posts
29 Dec 2018 3:06PM
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LucBenac said..
Out of curiosity I looked at the 12' Gong NFA on sale. According to the web site cart, the shipping to Canada would be EUR 58 that is just too good to be true.

Yes, too good to be true :-)

Normally towards the end of the sale, you should have a message telling you they will get back to you with a proposal for the shipping. But it was already 200 euros for shipping a 9' board to sweden...

Just email they will be happy to answer you, even if you do not really plan a purchase.
But I guess you will be able to find very nice boards closer to you.

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 11:39PM
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philthyphil said..

LucBenac said..
Well thete was an Atlantis Venom on sale in Oz for AUD 799. My heart started beatinh strong except the shipping to Canada before customs clearance was AUD 899....
Beautiful looking board specially at that price. Not sure these are distributed here.

Thanks for posting that the Venom is on sale, just bought one just now interest free, to easy. Been thinking about buying this board for a while now for long paddles in the estuary but didn't want a race board and I will also use it in the surf when its one foot. Yeeew

Glad you did. I was all excited about it. Such a nice board at that price, it was a nobrainer if the shipping had been less.

432 posts
29 Dec 2018 11:49PM
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colas said..

LucBenac said..
Out of curiosity I looked at the 12' Gong NFA on sale. According to the web site cart, the shipping to Canada would be EUR 58 that is just too good to be true.

Normally towards the end of the sale, you should have a message telling you they will get back to you with a proposal for the shipping. But it was already 200 euros for shipping a 9' board to sweden...

Makes more sense compared to shipping here in Canada. But then it kind of defeat the low price. I will keep checking the used market during the winter. Thanks for all your input.

432 posts
30 Dec 2018 12:12AM
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DavidJohn said..
Ha.. Mastery of DJ.. too funny..

I always found (at my average surfing skill level) the 11'4" was hard to turn and more susceptible to nose diving once the tail get lifted by the wave. I found the constant curve rocker of the new 11' Nalu makes it turn like a dream and it rairly nose dives.

I also found that the 11' board offered slightly more stability but feels like it has slightly less volume.. I think that is due to the slightly different rail and rocker shape.

Hope the helps.. Both are great boards..

Well if the long rides on your videos are not mastery then what is.....I am drooling every-time (with chicks or no chicks on the video :-) ).
The comments on the 11'along with same from Area10 make it interesting and seems to open possibilities for skill improvement and bigger waves in a distant future. For flatter water, a gun shape might be a good choice compared to the 11'4. It all depend what I will found locally but at least now I have a better idea of what to look for. Cheers.

432 posts
30 Dec 2018 6:14AM
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The Christmas Day that started the ball rolling on this post :-)

494 posts
30 Dec 2018 9:12AM
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Hi Luc

l am looking forward to the time we can get out in the waves together in 2019! A 10 foot board sounds great to get into the waves and when you are ready to step down in size I have a selection of Sunova boards for you to take out. Having some rocker in the board will help I think with our beach breaks. It was good to spend an afternoon with you and your lovely wife talking over a cup of tea. Thanks for stopping by. I remember Catherine telling me once that her best students in the surf were flat water racers and down wind paddlers because they come with a very good paddle stroke. I think you will enjoy surfing and surprise yourself with how quickly you progress.

Wishing you all the best in the New Year,


432 posts
30 Dec 2018 9:48AM
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FRP said..
Hi Luc

l am looking forward to the time we can get out in the waves together in 2019! A 10 foot board sounds great to get into the waves and when you are ready to step down in size I have a selection of Sunova boards for you to take out. Having some rocker in the board will help I think with our beach breaks. It was good to spend an afternoon with you and your lovely wife talking over a cup of tea. Thanks for stopping by. I remember Catherine telling me once that her best students in the surf were flat water racers and down wind paddlers because they come with a very good paddle stroke. I think you will enjoy surfing and surprise yourself with how quickly you progress.

Wishing you all the best in the New Year,


Thanks Bob. It was a pleasure. The same to you and Wendy. Sup is the reverse of many things. Start big and then go small rather than the other way around :-)

5064 posts
30 Dec 2018 3:12PM
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LucBenac said..
Makes more sense compared to shipping here in Canada. But then it kind of defeat the low price.

Actually, realistic shipping prices is what makes it possible for local shapers to still make a living everywhere (among local knowledge, customer service, quick delivery, ...). I love the Gong brand, but one company undercutting all competition worldwide would be neither sane nor fun.

494 posts
31 Dec 2018 1:20PM
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Hi Luc

There is a Starboard Blend, 11'2" for sale on Craig's list. It has been posted for several months and my guess is you could likely pick it up for $400. Not as beautiful as the Nalu but might be worth considering if it is in good shape. This looks like an older model but Starboard still makes the Blend.


432 posts
31 Dec 2018 2:04PM
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Well it looks like Faith and a little bit of FB word of mouth might have put an older Nalu 11'4" on my way. I would be trading my Bark Vapor (love it but the Maliko is so close in range and faster in many aspects...) and receive the oldy plus some cash. I do not not know what year it is but could be 2010. It looks like the picture attached but in worth condition.

1508 posts
31 Dec 2018 6:54PM
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Looks good. But you shouldn't be paying much for a board that old, so don't get tempted to pay over the odds for it. But if it's going cheap then it will certainly work well in the kinds of waves that are showing in that Christmas pic you posted. Those older Naishes were a bit heavy, but I think they were more durable than many of the recent ones, especially the paint job. Check carefully round the handle.

432 posts
31 Dec 2018 11:22PM
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Area10 said..
Looks good. But you shouldn't be paying much for a board that old, so don't get tempted to pay over the odds for it. But if it's going cheap then it will certainly work well in the kinds of waves that are showing in that Christmas pic you posted. Those older Naishes were a bit heavy, but I think they were more durable than many of the recent ones, especially the paint job. Check carefully round the handle.

Thanks for the tip. I will. My friend weighted it a 22 lbs so I am assuming that it has not taken any water as it looks like the posted weight. The idea there is that we trade boards. I always like that better than just buying as we can all share and try different boards that way. Otherwise there was a 2018 Nalu 11" brand new. A beauty but I do not have the cash for it unless selling the Vapor fro cash and adding some :-)

1508 posts
1 Jan 2019 1:41AM
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If it's a straight swap then your friend will be getting the better deal there. In the U.K. that Naish would sell at not more than about 500 GBP probably, but a good Vapor should reach 600-750 depending on condition. Maybe more for a ghost Carbon in excellent condition. But you've got to take these opportunities, and that Naish at 22lbs and a 2+1 setup should do you very well indeed. It's the sort of board you hang onto for years, long after you've added more specialist surf SUPs to your quiver.

Incidentally, I generally like the construction of the 2018 Naish boards. 2015-2017 not so much... I wish all brands would make boards with full PVC sandwich. Please, Naish and everyone else: Forget the wood look. Wood just soaks up water, and it's tricky to fix a ding in a wood finish area in such a way that it doesn't end up looking like a dog's dinner.

432 posts
1 Jan 2019 2:10AM
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Area10 said..
If it's a straight swap then your friend will be getting the better deal there. In the U.K. that Naish would sell at not more than about 500 GBP probably, but a good Vapor should reach 600-750 depending on condition. Maybe more for a ghost Carbon in excellent condition. But you've got to take these opportunities, and that Naish at 22lbs and a 2+1 setup should do you very well indeed. It's the sort of board you hang onto for years, long after you've added more specialist surf SUPs to your quiver.

Incidentally, I generally like the construction of the 2018 Naish boards. 2015-2017 not so much... I wish all brands would make boards with full PVC sandwich. Please, Naish and everyone else: Forget the wood look. Wood just soaks up water, and it's tricky to fix a ding in a wood finish area in such a way that it doesn't end up looking like a dog's dinner.

Nalu plus cash is the plan.I am planning to have it professionaly repaired so I have a Classic in my hands.
2018 are very nice but i do not have the $$$ right now.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Naish Nalu 11' or 11'4"" started by LucBenac