Rode my "wife's" new Sunova Kruze today . Bought it for her for flat water paddling as we paddle in the creek a lot. Took it out in small surf and got a cracker wave or three.
Very old style surfing but I was amazed by a board with not much rocker how fast it was and the nose stayed up. I haven't surfed for a while after a big wipe out that led to a stroke then a heart attack and bypass surgery six months ago so I was really wrapped to have an easy paddle onto a wave turn and fly straight down the line.
Not a board for throwing around but very Kruzey. Dimensions are 10'6 x 30 x 171 litres.
Wow, mate that's a bad run! Glad your on the mend by the sounds of it. Sound like a pair of Kruzes will be cruising around soon.
Another Sunova model !?! Looks pretty good though.
And jeeze, have you been through the ringer! Glad to see you popped out the other side!
Magnet! Wow... sorry to hear about your health challenges..... but super stoked to see that you are on the mend!
I am happy to hear that you are back on a SUP!
Just avoid those rocks from now on.
"Very old style surfing"
That's what I loved about that board.... it forced me to slow down, not try to surf "high performance" with it..... much happier when I ride a longboard like that.... it's smoother and more stylish.
Welcome back, mate! Had a similar adventure almost a year ago without the surgery.
Went to a bigger board over the winter myself.
Best of luck with your recovery.
Hi Rockmagnet,good to see you back to health and back in the water.
There's nothing better than spending quality time with your better half and friends in the water.
Keep smiling.
"Whatever it is you want to do, this board can handle some of it."
LOL, a line taken from the Sunova web site of the Kruze description.