Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

RRD Razzle Dazzle

Created by Special one > 9 months ago, 10 Oct 2018
Special one
30 posts
10 Oct 2018 1:54PM
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Has anyone had any experience of the RRD Razzle Dazzle 14' compared to other race boards?

NSW, 1 posts
30 Oct 2018 9:15PM
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I have paddled the 24 wide RRD . For me it sits between a flatwater board and an allwater board like the Allstar . its nose did not engage like a full flatwater board which allowed it to ride over wash and not nose steer. It was not a full dug out but quite recessed . Stability was good for the width & with the wider tail you could kick turn it quite easily .

49 posts
2 Nov 2018 12:43AM
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Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"RRD Razzle Dazzle" started by Special one