Yes, crosswinds. But the thing is that rudders aren't actually that good at dealing with crosswinds, compared with other methods such as rail steer etc. And you are buying yourself a lot of complexity, upkeep, and loss of clear standing on the deck, so you'd better be sure you want it. But maybe with heavy loads on board you rely much more on a rudder through necessity? I've never paddled the same heavily laden 14ft board with rudder and without, so I don't know.
So . During my stay in SoCal . I actually got to paddle the dugout for a whole week.
I will post a little more when I get back home
Yeah ! Back in the cold in Denamrk- sorry for the lack of update.
I had the board for a week and paddledit quite intensively. I also got to try George Cronsteadts ppg-board briefly( flat deck).
I'm a SIC ambassador so of course i am biased. But I really loved the dug out
I loved the dugout allthough it paddled very diffrently form other SIC boards i have tried. IT is a 14x24 board with a lot initial roll but powerede up it felt very stabile. I paddled it both in flatwater in open ocean and in smaller waves.
The dug out would fill up a little when stopping but draines beautifullu of the back while paddeling.
super fast in all conditons.
I believe that George C
paddled the newest protype at the ISA wc wich is mixture of the 2 mentioned boards
Yeah ! Back in the cold in Denamrk- sorry for the lack of update.
I had the board for a week and paddledit quite intensively. I also got to try George Cronsteadts ppg-board briefly( flat deck).
I'm a SIC ambassador so of course i am biased. But I really loved the dug out
I loved the dugout allthough it paddled very diffrently form other SIC boards i have tried. IT is a 14x24 board with a lot initial roll but powerede up it felt very stabile. I paddled it both in flatwater in open ocean and in smaller waves.
The dug out would fill up a little when stopping but draines beautifullu of the back while paddeling.
super fast in all conditons.
I believe that George C
paddled the newest protype at the ISA wc wich is mixture of the 2 mentioned boards
Oh would so love to try the dug out! You are lucky. This really would expand the product range of SIC.
Personally I would like to see a semi-dugout with a somewhat square tail (like the mistral boards/and this photoed GC board). WOuld suit our NZ paddling perfectly. Dreams are free.
FYI - Unfortunately sic couldn't get GC a board in time for ISA so he paddled his friends board from NC 425.