Hi guys
Im new to the forum , i use to surf when i was much younger and looking to get back on a board and into sup surfing , im 6'5 and 150kg so finding a board isnt easy .....
Any recommendations ?
Plus one to what Chuck says... and if you type Avanti into the search engine at top right of this page and select the five years option on the filter, you will find a few threads where the Avanti and a bunch of other big board options are mentioned. I have surfed a couple of the bigger Naish boards like the Nalu -- and the biggest Odysseus, which went surprisingly well in little waves -- and they are great fun too. I reckon Blue Planet might also have options that would suit you.
If you have a good local shop, don't be afraid to ask for advice. I've found Ocean Addicts here on the Sunny Coast and Surf FX on the Goldy to be great to deal with.
Happy hunting.
Awesome thanks heaps guys , i did search around before posting and found a few old threads where naish manas and whoppers were recommended but the posters were more around the 120kg mark
I just checked out blue planets range and they have an 11'2 ala moana sumo model that is 40' wide and a 300L volume .....
Definitely a contender there !
I reckon 1.5 times your weight (or a tad more) will work fine (maybe it will take a short while for it to click, but it will. And all the falling off and clambering back on is great exercise). The Avanti, the Blue Planet Boss, etc...
To give you a perspective, there are some interesting takes re volume to weight in this thread. (I say a bit of volume is your friend at first especially if you want to have fun.)...
I'm a fair bit shorter and just a bit lighter.
The Avanti is a good option.
I had One make me an 11'2" x 36" x 229L board and it's absolutely brilliant! It was cheaper than an Avanti as well...
Worth a look...
Anybody heard of a Coreban 11'6 cruiser ?
Dimensions are 11'6 , 30 , 5 .
Its on gumtree for $500 near me.
wallie2444 said: Some advice i may give is don't go overboard with your first board because if you get hooked like me you will be updating within a year.
I would say the opposite: Go big! A board a bit too small will slow your progresses dramatically, but a board too big will still be fun. And whatever you choose, if you get hooked, you will buy new boards anyways.
At your height you want something WIDE. At least 33", do not hesitate to go 35-36"+... unless you only go out in glassy conditions, but even then keep wider than 32"
And at your weight at least 180 liters as a bare minimum.
On the length, anything will be OK as long as it is longer than ~ 9'6". Do not be afraid of 12' boards, with their glide and the power of the paddle, they turn quite easily.
I'm 6'9" and 120kegs and an Avanti was my first proper board. Still got it. Still love it. Having the right bit of kit - as opposed to splashing about with an old BIC windsurfer - made the world of difference to me and really got me into the sport. Which in itself is a warning!!! I now have 6 boards under the house - I swear they breed...Where are you located? I'm more than happy to let you have a go on my Avanti if you're somewhere in or around the Northern Beaches of Sydney...
The Jimmy Lewis Maestro.... Big board but still surfs unreal..
Prioritizing stability with massive width, we've shaped the board to also glide and turn like a performance surfboard. It's perfect for beginner and intermediate wave riders, and the width provides the perfect yoga platform. Full nose and squash tail for stability. Modified "surf" rocker, flat bottom front going into "V" in the tail makes for a stable, easy paddling, wave riding board.
2+1 fin box set up.
Comes with 8" JL swept fin and 4" side bites.
9'9"x33"x4.4" (180L)
10'3"x35"x4.5" (213L)
All 12.6 best boards in the world for a big boy!!
Other pick Jimmy Lewis 12ft Bombora.
Don't go to wide, try and keep it under 30in or you may be mistaken for an aircraft carrier.
I am only 65kg but have a big boys board ......hehehehe
Atlantis Venom. You'll love it
12ft . Less than 29 wide. About 170 L