Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Sunova 14' "Stinger"

Created by MangoDingo > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2019
NT, 891 posts
20 Sep 2019 10:33PM
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It's 'Stinger' season up here in the Top End...

To say I'm psyched is a monumental understatement. Dylan and the crew at Sunova have crafted a stunning 14' beast for me.
I've been grinning like a panda in a bamboo plantation all arvo - so stoked!!!

473 posts
21 Sep 2019 2:05AM
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Nice colour dude

90 posts
21 Sep 2019 4:00AM
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Wow just awesome!!!!!

QLD, 1458 posts
21 Sep 2019 6:28AM
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Big enough to fit you and a salty.

VIC, 2840 posts
21 Sep 2019 9:12AM
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NT, 891 posts
21 Sep 2019 1:42PM
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Yep - cheers fellas - I'm as toey as a Roman sandal to get the big girl in the water!!!

4977 posts
21 Sep 2019 5:17PM
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perfect for the top end ,out run any croc

489 posts
21 Sep 2019 6:21PM
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What's your ETA to Bali on that rocket ... ?
Man , you going to fly . Looks like a point break on steroids.

489 posts
21 Sep 2019 8:51PM
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Now you need to fess up with the design brief and the specs.
Those Nightcliff outer bombies won't stand a chance.
Or are you chasing Cullen bay Ferry wakes for a surf to Mandura and back

2594 posts
22 Sep 2019 7:04AM
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Dingo Dude.......Wow!!!!!

Croc color should keep the critters away.... I can't wait to see this touring the points in North of North!!!

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 12:00PM
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Tardy said..

perfect for the top end ,out run any croc

Tardster'! Yeah man - the Green Machine for sure dude~!!!

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 12:03PM
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supthecreek said..
Dingo Dude.......Wow!!!!!

Croc color should keep the critters away.... I can't wait to see this touring the points in North of North!!!

Mate - you should know the colour - I asked Dylan for 'Creek Green' - he was all over it!
I reckon it looks filth - and I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof to get it in to my grubby little paws.

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 12:07PM
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Bighugg said..
Now you need to fess up with the design brief and the specs.
Those Nightcliff outer bombies won't stand a chance.
Or are you chasing Cullen bay Ferry wakes for a surf to Mandura and back

BigH - I'm all over it man - gunna throw my hat in the ring for the Darwin to Timor next year!
Yeah man - she's just a straight up 14' Search dude with a thruster set-up.
I've got a sick set of True Ames fins on order - should arrive from the States soon.
Freakin' sweeeet~!!!!
You can take her for a spin when yr next on yr way through ...

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 12:09PM
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Nozza said..

Nozz' - I think it's time to get the 14' Search Crew goin' mate.

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 12:13PM
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4977 posts
22 Sep 2019 1:40PM
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I'M going for a 12 footer so i can do a 360 on it ,
next year ,thinking black with purple writing ....

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 3:52PM
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Tardy said..
I'M going for a 12 footer so i can do a 360 on it ,
next year ,thinking black with purple writing ....


4977 posts
22 Sep 2019 4:11PM
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hey mango ,your gonna have the biggest smile on ya face when that box arrives .

fins ,if ya doing long paddles on it ,I've noticed with my long boards 11.4 & 11.6 ,a single has less drag ,and its quite bazar
how much faster it is with just the one .

greens my favourite colour the full gloss too.....sick mate ..

NT, 891 posts
22 Sep 2019 6:08PM
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Tardy said..
hey mango ,your gonna have the biggest smile on ya face when that box arrives .

fins ,if ya doing long paddles on it ,I've noticed with my long boards 11.4 & 11.6 ,a single has less drag ,and its quite bazar
how much faster it is with just the one .

greens my favourite colour the full gloss too.....sick mate ..

Sweet as - thanks for the heads-up man.
I've got a Wayne Rich Power 9" (True Ames) and 2xside bites 4" ( also True Ames).
It's gunna be a freakin' Timor Sea outer bombie beast / flat-water cruiser.
Dude - it's gunna be a long month!!!!

NSW, 3768 posts
22 Sep 2019 7:02PM
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489 posts
24 Sep 2019 1:46PM
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MangoDingo said..

Bighugg said..
Now you need to fess up with the design brief and the specs.
Those Nightcliff outer bombies won't stand a chance.
Or are you chasing Cullen bay Ferry wakes for a surf to Mandura and back

BigH - I'm all over it man - gunna throw my hat in the ring for the Darwin to Timor next year!
Yeah man - she's just a straight up 14' Search dude with a thruster set-up.
I've got a sick set of True Ames fins on order - should arrive from the States soon.
Freakin' sweeeet~!!!!
You can take her for a spin when yr next on yr way through ...

Have written extended stop over on the calendar for early next year break
So you'll have all the choice spots sussed
I remember us discussing the Point Break and how it would work up there, you'll get good mileage out of Search in off season.
Agree with Tardy on long haul standard sides drag , your Cdrive as sides will have less drag .

NT, 891 posts
24 Sep 2019 8:23PM
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Classic BigH! That's great news!
No dramas man - we'll definitely make sure we snag some top end waves for sure ( remember to pack the booties and skins for box jelly protection)!
Cheers for the tip on the sides - soundz like the big centre is the goods on the big sticks eh.
I'm fairdinkum that keen to get her out in the waves and stomp the back foot on the big bugger.
Full old-skool drop-knee carves a la Midget (or Casso) on a massive board - hell yeah!!!

I was tellin' a few of the local lads about the new stick and they were laughin' - reckon I'll have to tell them when I'm gonna start turning for a wave to give them enough time to get out of the way. Reckon I might need a loud haler on board - "get out of the way!!! Comin through!!!!" Aaaaaaargghhh!!!

489 posts
1 Oct 2019 6:18PM
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So expectant young fella,
whats your due date ?
We coming through 21st this month

2594 posts
1 Oct 2019 9:16PM
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just a 14' teaser to get your engine revved

NT, 891 posts
2 Oct 2019 9:54AM
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Bighugg said..
So expectant young fella,
whats your due date ?
We coming through 21st this month

Sick BigH!!!
The Stinger's not due til late Oct/early November - I'm frothier than a 21st birthday party at the Carlton United brewery at the mo'.
Got down the beach this morn' - some sweet little runners.I've got the Style and the Flow here mate - so we'll definitely be able to hook in to a few Rapid Creek nuggets when you're here.
I'll be headin' down home to the Mornington Peninsh for the Merry festive holidays - you gonna be around that time of year???

NT, 891 posts
2 Oct 2019 10:14AM
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supthecreek said..
just a 14' teaser to get your engine revved

STC~!!! You're the OG core-lord man!!! you're all over it !!!
Dude - that's EXACTLY the sort of conditions we get here in Darwin throughout the Dry Season - super clean runners, just asking to be lazily carved up on 14 feet of schralping goodness.

Mate - I'm like a kid on Christmas eve- fairdinkum I'm that excited. my girlfriend reckons I've got the thousand yard stare going - like I've just seen a UFO - only permanently! Having trouble concentrating for any length of time over 5 minutes.

Keep rippin' STC -

UP the Search!!!

NSW, 3768 posts
3 Oct 2019 3:47PM
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supthecreek said..
just a 14' teaser to get your engine revved

Nice cross stepping there Ricko.

4977 posts
3 Oct 2019 5:29PM
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that board can catch anything ....sea ..ick .Rick ...makes a day where you'd sit out ,fun ,and it turns ..

NT, 891 posts
13 Nov 2019 11:49AM
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The eagle has landed. Check it.
Scott and the crew at SurfFX have just wired through some pics of the new stick.
Fair dinkum - these blokes have been legendary getting everything sorted and answering my million emails - can't recommend 'em highly enough - I've got no affiliation - just acknowledging decent work.
I'm frothier than a snail that's been chewin' snail bait - deadset - I'm gonna have to go for a walk to calm meself down.
Just gotta be patient now til the big girl makes her way up north.

VIC, 1469 posts
13 Nov 2019 1:30PM
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on ya MangoDingo

VIC, 1366 posts
13 Nov 2019 5:05PM
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Jolly green giant looking very swish!!!!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Sunova 14' "Stinger"" started by MangoDingo