Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Sunova Search - a video - cuz people are asking

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 2 Dec 2017
2681 posts
2 Dec 2017 6:18AM
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I put together a short video to answer some questions I have gotten, in response to recent threads

Spoiler alert:
I am a known Sunova FanBoy

VIC, 1469 posts
2 Dec 2017 9:41AM
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that's nice supthecreek

VIC, 2872 posts
2 Dec 2017 9:42AM
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Nice one!
Now you're making me wonder if should have gone the 14'.
But then again, what would be better than one custom Search but two?

Dancing Bear
NSW, 7 posts
2 Dec 2017 9:42AM
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Brilliant .... thank you

2681 posts
2 Dec 2017 9:14AM
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Nozza said..
Nice one!
Now you're making me wonder if should have gone the 14'.
But then again, what would be better than one custom Search but two?

I have always wanted to try the 12', it must surf really well.... and your custom will be spectacular!

Liquid pulse
VIC, 23 posts
2 Dec 2017 12:39PM
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That was brilliant STC
I love those conditions and editing
I would pass on paddling in the snow i have to say
You'd have to be keen
I'd like to get a similar board
Loved the little runners
8'10" Allwave rider (2103)
surf wind and flat water
Me a few decades ago
Like the small stuff

4103 posts
2 Dec 2017 10:21AM
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Just got my sunova 9 foot 2 fixed by by high tech local surf ski manufacturing firm. Had my sups fixed by them for 8 or 10 years. Honest rock bash so all good. Repairer said no carbon in rails.....just a marketing ploy. Could this be true? Seem pretty strong to me

NSW, 2159 posts
2 Dec 2017 2:44PM
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I've seen a few Sunova's over the last four years. Inside and out. On the beach, on the rocks and on the side of the road!! All the triple X balsa boards have carbon rails.

4103 posts
2 Dec 2017 11:54AM
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Hadn't seen the guy before.....maybe a newbie

954 posts
2 Dec 2017 2:27PM
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Great vid thanks. The Search! Sums it up nicely. Just needs a shot of you bombing a overhead barrel and it can do everything. The bit at the end of someone else on it shows how it slips through the water nicely. I am building a 11 ft similar style board. Would have gone longer but couldn't get the blank,storage .
What camera do you use. Does it have a stabiliser.

1566 posts
2 Dec 2017 2:55PM
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Now, I know what picky means, thank you STP.

2681 posts
2 Dec 2017 9:15PM
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tarquin1 said..
Great vid thanks. The Search! Sums it up nicely. Just needs a shot of you bombing a overhead barrel and it can do everything. The bit at the end of someone else on it shows how it slips through the water nicely. I am building a 11 ft similar style board. Would have gone longer but couldn't get the blank,storage .
What camera do you use. Does it have a stabiliser.

ha ha... I gave up chasing barrels, I don't fit inside them anymore
Plus I damage easier these days.....

Hero Sessions 4, set on "Superview" (that setting can only be set from the free smartphone app)
cheapest, oldest version at $149 USD


Set up:
I created a simple mount for a Kook Hat and figured the best angle to set the camera.

My next vid will be, How to make the "Kook Hat Cam"

VIC, 2131 posts
3 Dec 2017 7:39AM
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Fantastic vid! How's the serenity! You really need to get out more

Has anyone ever downwinded a Search? I have a traditional 14' (26" wide) - for me (93 kg, 6'3) it is too narrow and I am too high off the water for me to be comfortable in anything but calm conditions - it does fly along though. The low COG of the Search, and its sleek, surf lines makes it look like a great all-rounder. But if it worked well as a downwinder I would be sold. (I guess anything can downwind, but would I be left behind by others on traditional 14 footers? Of course, if I am not falling in I am more likely to keep up!)

VIC, 2131 posts
6 Dec 2017 7:09PM
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So what do you think? Can you downwind a 14' surfboard like the Search?

WA, 7495 posts
6 Dec 2017 6:07PM
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cantSUPenough said..
So what do you think? Can you downwind a 14' surfboard like the Search?

You can but it is nowhere near as good as the real thing.

VIC, 2131 posts
6 Dec 2017 9:19PM
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Wrong answer .... But it makes sense. I have a 14' Naish but it is so tippy...

NSW, 399 posts
7 Dec 2017 9:56AM
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cantSUPenough said..
Wrong answer .... But it makes sense. I have a 14' Naish but it is so tippy...

Have you tried a 28" CSE? I can paddle a 26 as well but I know what you mean by comfortable... I settled on 28 because I find it way more comfortable in most conditions. I had read a few articles that suggest wider boards with better stability can be just as competitive as the narrower boards on choppy/cross shore conditions..... and if you are not having a dip every 5 mins it makes sense.

VIC, 2131 posts
8 Dec 2017 10:36PM
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Emeboy said..

cantSUPenough said..
Wrong answer .... But it makes sense. I have a 14' Naish but it is so tippy...

Have you tried a 28" CSE? I can paddle a 26 as well but I know what you mean by comfortable... I settled on 28 because I find it way more comfortable in most conditions. I had read a few articles that suggest wider boards with better stability can be just as competitive as the narrower boards on choppy/cross shore conditions..... and if you are not having a dip every 5 mins it makes sense.

I haven't actually. I feel like I can go in two directions; get a 28" which would be good for downwinding and probably just fine for "paddling around", or get something like the Search which can also be "paddled around" but would work better on small waves.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Sunova Search - a video - cuz people are asking" started by supthecreek