Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Sunova Shroom - video thread

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 19 Jun 2016
4102 posts
22 Jun 2016 2:34PM
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funny pics STC......people do get emotional and dramatic........"to shroom or not to shroom"

1566 posts
24 Jun 2016 1:29PM
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Tino42 said..

Most of criticism of this nice concept has been focused from the twin thruster fins shape but IMO , supthecreek's powerful turns as shown on pictures come from the very good position of the front fin first before the twin thruster. Those front fin positions are combined with the outline hips that Bert design properly as usual... as I can see on the Supthecreek's session pictures.
And the surfing functionality of the confort and stability of this board comes from the right tail lift of this Shroom. I love that board concept.

NSW, 325 posts
10 Jul 2016 8:47PM
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What is the difference between shroom and speed.

why would you choose one over the other ?

196 posts
10 Jul 2016 7:32PM
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Hi Normster,

Without having tried the shroom, i'd say it looks like a domesticated version of a high performance board that is the speeed.
I'm not saying that it is any better or worse, but if we look at those dims, we'll quickly realize that for the same volume, the shroom will be a lot wider than the speed (about 4.5"), therefore more stable. If we think from a different perspective, with the same volume, you'd be able to surf a 5" shorter board.

So, the way i see it, this may be an awesome board for those who want a much shorter board which is very stable. I can almost bet that it turns sharp because of the s-rails and generous rocker. This design feature allows for a much lower rail apex and a generally thinner rail which should be easier to get into the water during a turn.


Ps. Just to add 2 more cents, i think this is the board that will allow those who are in the 9'5 - 10ft range boards, to go comfortably shorter. Like in the 8'3-8'6 range length.

2610 posts
11 Jul 2016 5:31AM
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I don't really have the full story yet, but I will basically back up what Johnny said.

The Speeed is the more serious board that can do most everything well, in most sizes and conditions.

The Shroom is a great board for smaller, less powerful conditions.
It can be ridden in decent size waves, but you have to stay off the gas a bit to work the rail.

If I ever get real waves again, I will try to get some decent footage on the Shroom to compare with the Speeed.
There is still a lot I don't know about the Shroom.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Sunova Shroom - video thread" started by supthecreek