End of summer board sale time again. Got this Laird Surrator in the PVC carbon version from Exit Surf in Christchurch for $1500 including shipping. Very keen on trying it out....but first mission will be a flat water paddle to explore the stability
this about the best site for info on this board. Is in French but lots of pics and graphs
And you got the carbon version too! Amazing board--the 9'10 is great for bigger waves (shoulder high and bigger) and surfs smaller than its size. One guy I surf with moved from another brands' 8'10 board to the 9'10 Surrator and feels it is just as maneuverable and better in every way. I surf an 8'10 Surrator which is great for my 85kgs--they are a bit tippier than other boards their size due to the pronounced rocker and pulled in nose and tail but this makes it super maneuverable on the wave. Oh and word is that the 9'10 is the board that Laird shot the pier with...
Did a tiny flat water paddle in glassy conditions on river this morning. All good....seemed to paddle fast. Is 4 litres less volume than my sunova speed 9'2
Tried it out today at Makorori centre break......strong offshore and fast breaking hollow waves. No stability problems. The best board .I have tried.....fast and fun.....super easy to turn. Was almost high tide so didn't have to scowl at any rocks
Hi any more feedback on the surrator at all? A carbon 8'10 has come up locally and thinking of adding it to the quiver for hollower and bigger days when need a bit more float and rail line.
I just found an 810 surrator at cash converters New Plymouth they wanted 1000 but i got it for 475 keen to try it but not sure if it can be as much fun as my 88 hokua
Looks like you may have to put the Sunova into the bargain bin - trying to sell my Jimmy Lewis Quad and maybe this beatiful board will go to the bargain bin as well!
Great buy--still loving my 8'10! If your Hokua is an x32 very different board... will be interesting to hear your ride report.
Yes it's an x 32 and I love it seems so easy to surf and very loose as long as you keep working the board from the tail it's fast but not a board for just standing and trimming on. Thinking that the laird will be good in bigger meaner waves perhaps but just seemed too cheap to not buy it and I like to not always ride the same thing. Sounds positive reviews so far 805 how is yours compared to your hokua and which do you prefer. I m 60 and 85kg and the hokua feels like magic to me.
Not sure of the year of my 810 but its 30.? Wide which should help as I don't want to struggle I find the 32 hokua really easy and just goes so well but I tried other size x 32s and didn't like them much
Yes I think 30.3 is what is on it and 118 litre maybe it is one of the early ones or just wrong numbers not carbon either but feels quite light hopefully I will be able to paddle it comfortably But at the price i couldn't resist having a crack. A few years ago I had a similar looking jamie Mitchell board that felt awesome in bigger waves
Still deeply in love with this board. Have got the "fat guy" version.
Only prob is deck pad ripping away at edges.....probably going too fast
It will be my first surf since March after recovering from an accident so I will probably start with my bigger boards but will be keen to see how stable it is in the next few months.
Had to take off my surrator deck pad.......the edges ripping away. Major effort getting glue off board. Have just done back so far using Creatures deck pads. Think its looking okay....kick pad a tiny bit over 400mm from back of board
Did find a soft spot......helmet impact or something. Boldly drilled 3 holes through deck pad and used tiny funnel to put resin in. Already had resin.......or would have taken to expert. Also will be covered by deck pad
Looks good although I like to get my back foot right back close to the leash plug, I took my 810 for a little paddle in the river yesterday and it feels okay, not as stable as my x32 but easy enough while paddling.will wait for a good day to surf it.