Have a look at this. Tom Carroll Paddle Surf "Loose Leaf 8'0" 78L & Blane Chambers. I took this from Tom's FB page as I just think it is such a beautiful board.
I would love something around this size but with an 30L added.
I was trying to get some feedback on these months ago but nobody seemed to know much about them. I'd like the 9'6 for my size.
I've just got the 9'6". Agree, they are a bit of a work of art to look at.
It turns so bloody well for something that size, and it is a really refreshing change to get off the little bloated wide things onto something just super fast and nimble.
They are heaaeeeaaaps of fun.
I'm off to Hawaii next tomorrow for 2 weeks.
I am catching up with Blane Chambers to look at whats new in his stable so will ask him about this board for you.
Blane has always thought out of the box and is always trying to develop shapes that are great to surf and not too narrow for the average punter.
I have had many PSH boards over the past 9 years and am looking forward to chewing the fat with this very talented shaper/surfer.
awesome Wazza…if you can..can you ask him if he could keep the length about the same but add 30L to the board? How would he change the board to get the extra litres in whilst keeping the bottom as close to what is shown?