Hi there guys. Looking to purchase my first SUP, and would appreciate any advice. I am continually drawn to TSBW due range and price, hear mixed reports about service and quality. I have little to no surfing experience, have SUP'd a few times on flat water only. Would be keen to progress onto some small waves at some stage, so versatility is important. Aged 51, but fit. Approx 175cms and 75kgs. Sons up to approx 85kgSlidell to have a crack as well. Any thoughts on model and size, paddles, rail tape etc would be appreciated. Cheers.
(I originally posted this on the other thread - probably best to continue it here. Your son has lost some weight )
I am not personally familiar with the SW range, but as you may have gathered, you have to plan around maximum weight and 10 kg makes quite a difference... So for 85 kg and new to SUP you need to go for 9'6" as a minimum and probably 160 liters as a minimum. If you have good natural balance and are willing to put up with a bit of frustration (a few unintended swims) you can go a bit smaller - it won't take long (with frequent use) for it to feel quite stable. At 75 kg you could drop in size and volume, but then your son may struggle (but if he is young he should be fine). Many of the SUP suppliers will let you demo a board - but remember, what you may be comfortable on could be challenging for your son.
Hope that helps.
Many thanks cantSUPenough. Yeah, the boys are cutting! Appreciate the reply, will probably focus on what is best for me, I'll be using it far more often.
i hover around 100-105kg and started on a carbon 10' evoke. 32" wide 169L.
it only took me a few sessions to get the hang of it in small surf etc. if you have good balance you could start on the 9 foot one but will have a steeper leaning curve. The width will be the biggest help to start with.
i'll always have the evoke in my quiver to lend to friends or to use on really choppy days, so the money isnt wasted when you outgrow it skill wise.
Hey Hawkers and welcome. I'm a big supporter of TSW and can't rate them enough. I don't and never have worked for them and just a very happy returning customer. Yes they get the odd board with a drama but they pump out heaps of good quality stuff and standby their warranty. I'm on my third evoke where my first developed an issue, 1 email later and I got a call from the store, returned it 2 days later and it was replaced no questions asked where I upgraded to my first carbon. One of my other mates spent the big $$ and bought a big name yellow board which is a nice board. It developed large 50c size bubbles on the bottom side and he eventually got it replaced but it took 4 months of nagging and dramas where I had none of that at all.
That was 3 boards ago now and I've had no other issues whatsoever and love the evokes and have kept upgrading to the newer models. I was 95 kgs and surf the 7'11 no worries but I've also surfed my whole life. You can't go wrong with the 9'2 for yourself and son which will be great to paddle flat water and also start to learn to surf on. Definitely go the carbon if you have the $$ as they are really tough and light too. I have 2 good mates who are 112kgs ish and both surf the 9'2 evokes no worries at all.
I've lost a few kgs and about to buy a carbon vex chasing some short board memories and can't wait.
Their paddles are great too and if you have bad shoulders I highly recommend the platinum paddle. I upgraded to one after some good advice and my shoulder pain lessened greatly due to the smaller blade. Just don't leave it under the truck and drive over it like I did last week as now I have to buy another. Doh.
I do like rail tape and it's really a personal thing. I always use ion rail tape as it's easy to put on and great stuff. I use it mainly to protect the board when not in the cover, but not from the paddle as it's easier to tape the blade of your paddle with sparky tape and i do that too. Look up dj's video re that, legend!
Don't be scared of the cheaper priced boards mate and the people who slag off on the company as I've had nothing but great service with a really solid competitive product by a company that isn't trying to rip you off.
Cheers Whitey and happy surfing.
Hi yt04
Its good to see your input on the Evoke. I have been looking at them for a while and like Hawkers1965 I'm trying to decide between the Evoke and some other brands that are almost 3 X the price. i see they have just released the 2017 Evoke Carbon for just shy of $1000 which interest me a lot. I guess you answered my questions above in regards to your thoughts on them but have you tried any other brands to give a good comparison. Do you or your mates have or had any others and does the Evoke still top the list.
I would be using it 70% flat and 30% wave riding.
Age : 40
Weight : 86kg
Height : 187cm (6.2ft)
Mine lasted 3 months never ever again . Now onto a well known name brand for over a year yes it cost twice as much but I can resell if I ever need to and it doesn't even look like giving up the ghost .......you get what you pay for simple
Many thanks yt04, much appreciated. Looks as though TSBW have just reduced pricing across the range, so decision is made a little tougher......now too much to choose from. I see the Evoke carbon you are paddling is only available now 7'11", probably too short of the majority of my time is spent on flat water. Then there is the Vex carbon, but it is slightly narrower, so impacts stability? Or the Evoke EPS, then spend what I saved on a decent paddle etc? Plan to head up to Mooloolaba store and check things out, however an outside opinion is always helpful. Cheers
Hi Krist, thanks for your post. Can I ask what board you refer to, what the problem was and what you were predominately using it for? Did you approach the company and did they assist? Any further detail you can provide would be helpful. Problem is I can't justify spending what some of these "brand" names are asking. Just looking for something to get into the sport, predominately flat water while the wife paddles her kayak, and then as I become more proficient move onto some smaller waves. Cheers
2 for excellent after sales service. My issue was with a surfboard I purchased with a shop ding I didn't notice until I was at the beach. The waves called so I taped it and surfed. Rang them the next day, took it in, swapped it for a new one.
After that experience I didn't hesitate purchasing a carbon evoke a year later.
I have had the Evoke a year and it's been a burster. You get what you pay for doesn't necessarily correlate when the materials and manufacturing are the same.
Shape was, the Evoke surfs very very well. I have a mate with far more SUP experience try mine and he immediately sold his Starboard and Naish and bought a high end paddle, an Evoke and pocket some coin. He surfs some solid waves with his Evoke too. People may be absolutely happy with there premium brands, but I doubt their premium brands are twice, let alone three times, as good.
Go have a look in the store and check out the rocker, bottom curves and rails and make your own judgement. It really is a sophisticated shape with a durable finish for an extraordinary price.
I have 2 carbon evokes and can only recommend them. I have dropped one of them from about 1.2 metres onto its rail to my concrete floor and was amazed there was no damage. I have tried some other well known brands but if you are buying new then the difference in price to the higher profile brands just doesn't add up. If buying second hand then the price gap is not so much a motivator. For me the SW has been a good experience and I will likely buy a new Runway longboard very soon. Really if you are concerned about quality, you shouldn't be. Also, in regards to shape/design take a close look at rail, rocker and planshape and I think you will find they do not lack for craftsmanship. My big issue was getting a board that worked in the waves, I have to say after 40 odd years standup surfing some of the established brands had stone age rail shapes etc. By the way I don't work for the company or know anyone who does. I just think they put out a quality product with decent design, sales and delivery. I was skeptical before buying. So much so that I dropped into the Burleigh store when I was working up that way to touch and feel and look at the shapes. Once done I returned to NSW and ordered the 7'11 evoke online. Tjat was 2 years ago and I have since added another that my wife uses on the flatwater. So yes they are cheap and versatile and in my opinion a no brainer.
Get the the best you can afford from a shop that is close to you that also does repairs. That's a simple formula.
Is the evoke suitable for flat water and casual paddling as well as surf? Are the larger 10 or 10'6 boards as well liked as the 7'11 surf sups?
We are looking for our first boards, located in south east Melbourne so will be a lot of bay paddling during the week. Thinking of evokes or going the whole hog to a Naish Nalu or similiar- any advise is welcomed :) I'm 83kg 5'10 and my wife is 52kg 5'6
Aeronz, definitely the biiger boards are good for flat water. The evoke is a great allrounder and you will be very happy. I wouldn't go any. Over that the 10' for yourself and you could probably drop down to the 9'2 for your mrs. Good luck.
Hi guys heading upto noosa in couple weeks time. Just wondering if you can hire the evoke from the store? Currently ride the 10ft evoke but would like to try the 9'2
Thanks kayd
This is an old post but I have had the Vex Carbon for just on 3 yrs now and have given it a pretty good thrashing.... It has not made one trip to the repair shop and apart from the deck pad coming loose, there is not a mark on it. Strong as! I also have an Atlantis Runway that seems just as tough.
I do not believe the products from SBWH are cheap in construction but they are very good value. Boards were shipped quickly and packaged really well. Don't discount a bargain because of a name......
Have a look at the sideways boards. Cheap as ****. I got one for 600. I thrashed it by riding it onto the sand and then wacked it with the paddle time and time again, so it is dead now, but if it wasn't I'd still be riding it on smaller days. Shape was fun as ****
I had a carbon evoke 7,11 was good at the start and loved it but after every surf it seemed to get heavier and heavier. I had stored it upside down in the house for a few weeks came back from holiday and the board bag was full of water may have been an issue with my vent in my board taking on water over the many surfs i had with it.
Just wondering how come they dont make an 8'5 evoke or around that in between size? Massive drop in size difference from the 9'2 - 7'11
Currently ride the 10ft evoke would like to drop down in size but would the 9'2 make much difference?
I agree they need a size in between . I had the 7'11 and it was great quality but I really need something bigger but not as big as as the 9"2
Yep thirded. Have had two 9"2's and they are a bit big for me. Dont want the drawbacks of the 7"11. Bring back the 8"10' they used to have!!
Yeah that would be good if they bought the 8ft range back. Do they bring a new evoke board out every year ???