Hi Team
Does anyone have any intel on whether surfboard warehouse will be bringing in more stock of their surf shapes?
Getting Info from them have been challenging.
I would love to get my hands on a carbon evoke 8'6 or vex profusion 9 if anyone has one they want to let go?
I doubt they'll do the Vex again, as the original guys sold the business...
They've done cheaper builds on the Evoke's (no carbon) for a couple of years now
You may be able to find an Evoke at Decathlon, they stock some TSBW boards now. I've seen Evoke 10' in the one near me, never seen them stock the smaller sizes.
ECS are another brand that is similar, and they have a couple of sweet boards...
I asked the question a few days ago on their website chat - the response was that they are expecting new shipment of evoke and vex to land soon. The NZ TSBW still has evoke of different sizes, but no vex - no idea what the shopping would be!
I was at Decathlon in Tempe (S Sydney) on Friday, they have a Surfboard Warehouse section and i am sure i saw a carbon evoke 8ft something there
Had a large Vex years ago - epic board.
Just bought and had first surf on Mano 9.0 - like a cut snake on the face and reasonably stable.
Only scored it as I popped into the local SBWH and there it was, was nothing online at the time.
Good to hear some news about how the Mano guys. Was tossing up between that and the 8'6 evoke a few years ago, went with the cautious approach. Have loved the 8'6 evoke but always wondered how the Mano went.
Yeah the evoke is wide and chunky, which is why I could go down to 8'6 as a step-down from my first board which was an AllWave 9'5. It is now limiting my progression in some aspects so keeping a lookout for the next board.
Same rear tail-pad lifting issue after about 6 months. Bang for buck has been outstanding though.