I still have my minion in my quiver and love surfing it as a fun board in anything from 1 -6 foot surf.
Just wondering why they seem to have gone underground around the Goldy as you never see them anymore.
If anyone has upgraded from the minion I am interested to see what you are riding now. Mine is 7'8 x 27.
Seems when the hype disappears so does the board
Mate I still have mine in my quiver as my sub 8ft board, along with 8'5 Speeed and 8'7 Acid. Trouble is my my girl has taken a liking to it now and takes it for a spin
I still have my 7'4 Minion in the quiver but hardly use it as conditions have either been no waves for months or windy offshore or on onshore so the 8'10 Sunova Acid has been my go to board. The Minion blows me away when I do get to ride it, the acceleration and looseness is amazing. Pity I've hardly riden it over the last year.
Apparently the newer Minion models come with a long overdue Goretex vent plug as you don't want to leave it in the sun from my experience.
I know a dude who reckoned the Gullivar V/Box was better than the Minion but Gullivar seem to have gone out of business?
Nice one Matt!
Chest mount or headband?
Is that a GoPro? If so, what setting do you use to get such a great field of view. Mine are too myopic.
Thanks STC. Yep hero 4 silver running 1080 superview at 25fps. Camera is mounted on top of my gath helmet. I point the camera down a little, i find if you set it level with your eyeline you dont get much board in the shot.
Thanks Matt
I think I will spring for the original Sessions (on sale now)
I like that Superview..... it gives a very useful vantage, because it really shows how a board works.
I'll just bolt a "visor spring clip" to my kook hat.... light and manageable. No more headband mount to fall off !!!!!
Today Headband view
minions haven't gone anywhere - i'm getting my new (second hand) 8 footer next week, my third - i have a 7 10 i love in clean conditions, no other board i've ridden (and there's heaps) just does what you want it to like the minion, surfs really instictively, but i wanted something i could use more often, so i grabbed an 8 4 stretch minion, great board super stable and still turns well but for me at 85 kg a bit too much volume, lost a bit of the magic, so i'm hoping the 8 footer is my Goldilocks one - just right!!! anyone want a stretch minion 8 4 - see buy and sell!!! would be perfect for someone up to 100kgs or even more....
My 7'8 MV2 just gets better n better - still reckon its the most awesome thing I've ever ridden. Like stevo says it is so loose and the accelerator just works by itself. I'm doing stuff I never imagined I'd do at my age. Even getting out on it in the not so glassy days now.
Well I've had mine a few weeks now. 7'3" x 27 3/4" - 95L. Although it is not as stable as my previous board (7'6 Hokua GT), it's not too far off it and it hasn't been too hard learning to adapt.
I've been amazed at the speed it generates, and the loose, skatey feel. When I saw the size of the fins that came with it I thought they were overkill, but you definitely need all of it. It's really light and easy to throw around, so much fun in a range of conditions.
But, in 5 sessions, I've put dents in the rails (from hitting with parts of my body) on two occasions. Considering that in 3 and a half years of sup surfing I've never dinged a rail, I'm really surprised by this. I'm considering hanging on to the old Naish instead of selling it because compared to the minion, it was bulletproof (yes you read that, a Naish). I'm torn, it's a really fun board, but I do value durability highly. Maybe I should just keep both and have all the toys .
Having said that, does anyone have any recommendations for repairs? I'd usually use one of those UV resin things, but I don't know if the sun is strong enough this time of year (or if we'll get sun anytime soon). I was thinking just one of those selleys 2 part epoxy things - won't look as pretty but I'll be covering it with rail tape anyway.
Welcome to the club, they are a fun board but totally different construction to your Naish.
If you are a rail hacker/ basher (with your body) then rail tape your rails, and then your blade edge with electrical tape.
Also adjust your paddle stoke slightly away from your rail (20 yrs of outrigger paddling)
Or take it to a repairer who knows epoxy boards and fix it right the first time. Don't let any water soak in.
The sun will cure those cheap exposy resin fillers atm , depends also on how bad they are damaged.
Any pics of the damage to the rails?
Note that you may have dinged your rails more because you were able to surf more aggressively with the minion, and be more often in the critical part of the wave.
On the repairs, please invest in a good surf brand epoxy resin. It is night and days compared to all the repair kits or the epoxy glues (and microspheres,and syringes). Add a cheap ($10) scale precise to 0.1 gram to be sure to have a perfect mix ratio, and repairs will be a breeze. The lack of a precise mix ratio is what makes these "2 part epoxy things" worthless. Pre-mixed UV kits like Solarez are much better for this reason.
UV curing kits are great, but may not stick as well as true epoxy resin in the long term. My advice:
- weight all your boards when new (a luggage scale is nice), so that you will be able to detect water entry later, or when to stop trying to dry a dent.
- water is your enemy, and salt prevents epoxy curing: get out of the water immediately after a ding and rinse it, and dry the dent.
- do a quick repair job to waterproof it: solarez and UV kits are nice for this, helped with a UV torch lamp that can be bought on the cheap on the internet, and allow repairs at night. This way, you can be in the water immediately, and it will stop the board bubbling through your real repair job.
If there is water in the board, you can still go surfing, and re-drill holes to let it dry between sessions.
- Once you have the time, do a proper repair job with real resin and glass or carbon on top of the solarez. Repairs are incredibly easy when you are not stressed by time nor by the bubbling. And tape over the repairs with PVC tape to avoid resin drips.
Thanks for the replies guys. I've already cut out the offending part, so a photo won't be much help. I've repaired plenty of surfboards before so am used to working with polyester resin and fiberglass cloth, was just wondering if I could get away with using some of the easy 2 part epoxy stuff - it seems if you want to buy the proper stuff you have to buy it in quite large quantities
My apologies everyone for turning this into a board repair thread, but hopefully this is the last question.
I was advised by a chemical guy that I could use a one part UV activated epoxy to seal the foam core, and then use polyester resin on top to properly shape the repair. I know you'd have to be 110% sure that you've sealed the foam, but the idea sounds workable - I assume also that the polyester resin would lock the UV epoxy in place.
Just a big warning here .You can't put polyester resin on bare polystyrene foam ( it will eat the foam) , that's why everyone uses epoxy......