Hello. Could someone please advise on which Naish Nalu board I should buy...Iam a beginner and will be using the board in the rivers,calm seas and a bit of small waves surfing too..Iam approx. 5,10'' tall and weight is approx. 100kg...and 51 years old.
I cant decide which one to buy...
11x31'' and volume 175L.
10'10x32'' and volume 200L.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
I'd also be looking at the Naish Quest 11'2", I think. It's a bit heavy, but the durability will be particularly useful when you are starting out. Price too.
Of the two you suggest I'd be going with the 10'10". The 11ft Nalu is for someone who Surfs more than flat water paddles.
But have a look at the Quest.
And wait for DJ to come on here soon and give you the definitive answer. He is the undisputed oracle when it comes to Naish SUP :)
Thanks for your reply...Do you think the 10,10 Nalu would go ok in small surf too being a much higher volume than the 11?
If you are a beginner I doubt it will make a lot of difference to you surfing-wise. You'll just be trying to stay upright and go straight in for a while and any board will do that. It will be a while until you'll be carving and nose-riding and doing all the things that the extra performance of the 11ft Nalu will give you.
Buy the board that suits the activity that you will be doing most. No board does everything: they are all a compromise. If you are going to be paddling distances and touring most of the time, then get a board that does that well. When you are more experienced you'll find that a good surfer can surf just about anything anyway, especially on small waves. The Nalu 11 is a really lovely board, but it's meant to be surfed, really. It's perfectly pleasant to paddle around on, but it does push a bit of water because it has so much rocker (which is what makes it so good in the surf).
Someone will be along in a minute to recommend the 10'8" Quest too. Although if you are starting out, at your weight you might find a 32" wide board gives you more fun. A board that is too tippy for you is just miserable, so don't be tempted by others to try to run before you can walk. Just get a nice stable platform and get out there and have fun!
I'm also around 100kg and I'd recommend the 11'2" Quest as my first choice.. It's very stable, paddles flat water very well and also surf small wave great.
The 10'10" Nauu would be my next choice.. It's slightly lighter than the Quest but a little less stable.
The 11' Nalu is a great board for bigger guys surfing but doesn't paddle flat water that well.
Having posted a pretty similar question a couple of days ago.... I wish , wish , wish naish would send a few boards to wa for a weekend or two as trial boards for all those interested to have a crack on. You just can't demo one here
have got a mana already but really need to stand - or fall off as the case may be to see which quest or nalu is the one.
here's a shot of the 10,8 quest left ,11'nalu right.don't know if this will shed any light on your decision ,but the 10,8 has less rocker ,it paddles faster than the 11'...yes maybe a little tippier being 30 instead of 31 .most people i have given a go on the 11'have had no issues .the 15 litres extra and 1 ' wider make it more stable ...
i sold the 11' because i wanted the smaller board ,and loved the polynesian designs underneath....i did wish it came as a thruster like the 11 nalu ..but it was a good price ..i have had a few goes on the 11,2 quest ..its big .and easy .i surf everything so didn't appeal to me ,but it was very good in the rough, and had good speed ..don't forget the 11,4 nalu ..its still a great board ..it was everybody's favourite at one stage .
my daughter has one ..no bodies aloud to touch it .
the choice is yours echidna66...they are all good
Hi all,
I am considering my first Naish board as well. I have been looking into Nalu and Quest models and my local dealer suggested the 11"6' Nalu saying it is one of the fastest and more efficient boards great for cruising and to catch some waves as well. I was personally considering the Quest 11 2 but he said the Nalu's performance is unparallel in the all around board category.
I weight 97kg by the way somewhat fit and will be moving to a rigid SUP after using a red paddle 10'6 for about a month .
Any feedback is appreciated, or other recommendations etc.
Thank you
I was 105 Kg, beginner and started with a 10'10''x32''.
Great board, top stability. I used it in all conditions and it is like a warship. Top for all-round and with a new fin (D. Ching for exemple) you can use it for fitness session.
I'm riding now a SIC RS but I will keep it for my wife or for fun.
Maybe you could also try the SIC F12'0 for heavy paddlers. https://www.storesicmaui.com/boards/12-0-f.html
Thanks for the input guys. I am leaning towards either the Nalu 10'10" or the Quest 11'2" at this point. Which one of the 2 you would consider more versatile and which one better for plain paddling in flat water and mild weather conditions.