Gday all
Me and my GF have been looking at a Gulliver all rounder, we are looking at a 9'6 or a 10'2. There are only a few comments about them on here and they seem to be positive. They are offering a board, bag and Carbon fibre paddle for $1400. It sounds not a bad deal but I'd like to hear form anyone who has one or has ridden one to see what they think. We would be mainly using it in the canals and creeks with some use in the waves. Im 6'2 93kg and she's 5'10 58kg.
Gday ,
There was a sale on in the one of the SUP GC stores. Was there during the week trying to demo a couple of Gullivers between 9-10ft. seems the sale was only for ex demo and 2013 models, unless they have new stuff brought in since. We were actually after their new stuff. The fella there was nice enough to offer us a go on any model but we never took him up on it because they had sold out of the sizes that we wanted anyway. They had some good deals on similar sizes in other brands but was really looking for a deal on a 2014 Gully, round the 96-98 size. Anyway the fella said try the guys down at the shop called Roar at Currumbin. So we are planing on heading down tomorrow for a squiz and see what they got in store.
Hi. I've got a 10'6 all rounder and it's been great. I learned on flatwater and within days was in the surf (small). Goes well in surf up to about 4ft but anything bigger it's a bit of beast to handle. Great construction, good design and good all round performance. I'd recommend over no name brands any day. Guys in shop a decent guys as well and won't sell you something that won't work for you.
I've now moved to a 8'8*32 JP but still held on to 10'6 for flat days.