Like the look of that board. All of Pat's designs are graceful and smooth. What kind of waves is that one intended for?
No extra volume on mine (below) - 70kg rider, 70L board.
Kami - have you made fish tail SUPs before? How do you like them?
Hey Colas, 8-4 x 30 x 4 1/2 ~120l. I'm frothing over the idea of surfing it. I'm curious to see the difference with my 5yo 9-2 x 28 120l performance shape.
And jeanG, that board is sick!!! You are a brave man, 1:1 crazy, I'm going for about 1.2:1. Seems to be my bottom limit. Your board is the board I dream of riding. What Pat's making me is what I can ride.
Waves like this, beachies up to a little overhead. Maybe more if clean.
@SurfinJ: Those waves look great. The board will be flying out there. Better keep us updated after you get it :) When it comes to volume, things are weird. For me, a 1.1:1 ratio is easier than 1.3:1. The water flowing over the deck keeps the board stable and calm.
The big downside to low volume is glide, which is reduced when the entire board is below water. Haha.
Nice boards you got both
The main trouble of SUP shape Vs Shorties shape is the volume distribution. Because to paddle stand up without longitudinal yaw need flotation by the tail. So to input this flotation need to improve tail's wide or/and thickness. The limit is when cant bury rails even with help of paddle lever.
Spent many hours on S3D to draw this board as perfect as I can , it's 85 liters to my 78kg 6'8" 27.5" wide and 4" thick , for small glass waves at home beach breaks. It has Srail to get thin rails, can be done in a Flextail version made of XPE tails parts stuck along the black line as you can see on tail bottom picture.
This board must be very stale out of its minimum dims.
Can draw versus for bigger guy as BigKiwi
For who care about this shaping exercice , I've done some adjustment around hips making it mores rounded to fit some more buyoancy close to the tail.
Hey Kami,
That's looking good!
Are you offering this design to fellow Seabreezers? I am in the process of designing a board with a friend/old-time shaper here in SoCal who owes me a board. Your design has most of the overall elements that, for me, I think would make a stable, easy to turn, fast board: snub-nose, parallel Srails, semi-wide fish-tail, single concave bottom in front, transitioning into double concave in front of the fins.
I'm currently surfing a 8'8" Naish x32LE at 141L
What I'm looking for is something a little shorter, but, hopefully more stable for primarily short interval, 2' to head-high beachies.
Me: 5'10, 83kg, intermediate, 60 yrs.
How do you think that shape would be in 8'4 x 31" at about 130+/-L?
Kami, thanks for your response....
What would the dimensions be?
With wetsuit, I weigh 85kgs. Will be surfing 2' to 6' beach break.
I'm looking for stability, glide and maneuverability. I'm afraid if too small, I'll spend more time falling and getting up than surfing.
SoCalGremmy, dims will be the minimum volume to make float your 85kg plus 7 kg of board/ paddle, so must be a minimum of 92liters with an extra for your confort of 8 liters. So 100 liters, no much otherwise you won't surf with shortboard attitude. Input some more rocker too .
Read infos in inches .This is a 102 liters, 7' long and 29'' wide.
Thanks. That's a beautiful design, but I'm not ready to go that small.... I need to evolve in smaller increments.
I'm thinking something more on the size of the old style board you built for your mate last November, but with some of the design elements of this latest design.
I'm more looking for a cruiser, easy to stand in the lineup, catch waves, but rip turns.... not a nose rider, though.
Hi SocalGremmy,I watch the old file of my mate and did some adjustments ; size, rocker narrowing tail as well.
Is this one fit better the bill
Hi Kami,
That's getting better.
Can we go to 32" wide and maybe 8'2" in length with step rails?
On the bottom, I'd liken to start out with concave up front transitioning into a double-concave from about the center out both sides of the tail.
BTW, I sent you a private message....
Can you do that by reducing the thickness and keeping the length @ 8'2", width @ 31", thus retaining a large surface area for stability and tracking?
Hi Socalgremmy, drawing my own project I already did the more stable board for the length of 7' If you ask to stretch this board too much you will have a ponton IMO
But here we go to 8'2" 31"lup to your request as you see below. Fins are very important; need to be 4 fins as a quatro . As you see there is a flat entry enhanced by concave to paddle on to enter wave, some belly in forward center going into a strong rocker to roll on while surfing along the parallel outline tail completed with good vee concave front of fins to dig rails as much as you can do with some help of the paddle.
Rails are blocky to get more cross balance but this board is thin about below 4" such thin still allowing 115 liters which is enough volume to make you glide paddling because this board is very well balance and float flush in water not sinking from tail
Are you pleased of this
I love it!
I am not in a hurry and don't want to rush you, but, thanks for your hard work...
Tell me more about the bottom at the tail.....
Can you locate the carry handle and locate 2 leash plugs at the tail about 6" apart?
I hope, after time, practice and improvement to be able to go smaller, but, for now, I feel 8'2"x31 is the right step in that direction.....
Do the concaves in the rear flow out the sides? I figured they would flow out the rear, between the center and the corners of the tail.
Merci has you find it beautiful.
Finally I sent to CNC this morning with some change about the step tail deck because I want to add a some parts of XPE foam which remove the EPS flyer of this board like I did on the white pictured below.
SoCalGremmy, you dont have to go so big even with choppy water because this shape is very stable for its size . Look on this diagram and note the quarters of volume are almost equal so the board go flushed to the water from nose to tail. I will do adjustment to your 8'2"31" but thats not desserve that much volume increase, last call
You very right to point about concaves in a forward position, I've done expressively that because SUP don't use the tail and I think the water release flush to tail . There is no water pressure back of the front fins so the flow is going flat free. Water is releasing or trailing along the sharp edge of the tail. Watch all the new proned shape around with mono concave, they all got deepest concave forward front fins position.
Hi Kami,
Stepping up from 8'8"x32'x141L to 8'2"x31x120L will be a big step for me, IMO.
Tell me, what is the step rail at the tail for?
Can you show me complete drawings of mine?
SoCal Bob
Hi Kami,
Maybe after a while getting good on the 8'2", I'll be ready to go even smaller....
I hope.