Backhand for you kami.
Yes t457118 , I'm goofie backside would be a real challenge on those gnarly waves.
As you reckon in an other topic about" switching stance" if I paddle into the wave front foot on the stringer and back foot on the tail pad leaning shoulder and knee forward the nose of my board, I should try my luck to not leave some of my buttock flesh down the reef bottom
BTW: lucky are these mates to get money and youth anyhow the way they paddle.
Haha, fun vid.
Friendly drop ins, carnage, and some nice waves and surfing. It has the lot.
I think you MUST go there.
I think you should Kami.....but it would involve a marriage deciding to divorce yourself from those thick short fat girls you usually hang out with.....and getting a new girll friend who is lean and sleek and can handle something extra