Morning Legends,
I am looking for a 10' comp board to add to my quiver.... Something around 29" wide and 130-135ltrs would be pretty well spot on.
Been searching for a Deep Jackson Close model but they seem to be as rare as rocking horse poop at the moment.
Something reasonably new, light and performance based. I am in the mid 90kgs bracket so not a popsicle stick.
If anyone has anything suitable that might not be advertised yet flick me a DM. I am South Coast NSW based....
Love my 10' x 29" Jimmy Lewis Destroyer...Got it specifically for 10' comps....Light, strong, stable but amazing performance in any conditions...
With a beautiful pulled in rounded pin tail & fuller nose with a 5 fin setup... Performance with stability & paddle power...
Paul where about in NSW are you located I have a Demo 10"x 29 125l Jimmy Lewis Destroyer you can try.
I am on the Central coast.
The board has a nice pulled in tail and low volume for a 10' with a comp rocker line ..
Thanks for the responses fellas.....
That JL Destroyer does look like a very nice board. But I have made a great score in picking up Hillys old custom Smik from a top bloke up in Qld.... Cheers Dave!! Cant wait to get it down here and take it for a spin... looks like just what I was after!