Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

2015 Flatwater Sprint Titles

Created by angie pangi > 9 months ago, 26 Nov 2014
angie pangi
QLD, 1779 posts
26 Nov 2014 1:28PM
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Anyone have any info on the aussoe sprint titles yet? Place, date etc....

Need to plan

X angie

NSW, 526 posts
26 Nov 2014 2:36PM
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Penrith regatta centre in Sydney.

NSW, 526 posts
26 Nov 2014 2:38PM
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Check out paddle NSW sprints and also canoeing Australia I think.

VIC, 3982 posts
26 Nov 2014 2:50PM
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March 13-15, 2015. Sydney International Regatta Center, Penrith NSW.

WA, 846 posts
26 Nov 2014 11:59AM
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one of the best SUP event posters going around!

A lot of paddlers keen to attend this event next year - endorsed by Surfing Australia, run by Australian Canoeing and Presented by AuSUP - it is the best Flatwater racing outside the USA!

QLD, 4177 posts
26 Nov 2014 2:41PM
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Can I borrow your 14 sprint Lacey has ha

VIC, 3982 posts
26 Nov 2014 3:45PM
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teatrea said..
Can I borrow your 14 sprint Lacey has ha

I'll sell you mine. At a premium.

Here's the event poster, courtesy of Tim Patterson (Teeps) @ Digital Media Creations, who is doing some of the best artwork for SUP events:


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"2015 Flatwater Sprint Titles" started by angie pangi