Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

3 piece paddles

Created by Casooley > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2011
QLD, 4 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:31AM
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Hi All,

I'm waiting on delivery of an 11 foot Red Air inflatable (travel a lot, and to keep on the boat) and am looking for a decent 3 piece paddle to travel with. Any recommendations, and also, where can I find them in Oz? The only ones I've read about are the Werner Nitro/Fuse and the C4 ones.


WA, 3 posts
28 Jan 2011 12:52PM
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I had a 3-piece C4 paddle that lasted a week bf becoming a 4-piece!!
Apparently have now all been recalled. So I'd look at other options.

VIC, 3516 posts
28 Jan 2011 4:52PM
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Oxbow had a 2 piece that worked ok when i used it!

Other than that I had a custom adjustable Dean Snow (LSD on the forum) and that works a treat.



NSW, 80 posts
28 Jan 2011 6:31PM
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Mjappy said...

I had a 3-piece C4 paddle that lasted a week bf becoming a 4-piece!!
Apparently have now all been recalled. So I'd look at other options.

Hi Michael yes all the first batch of 3-piece paddles have been recalled due to a weakness in the middle section. Your name doesn't show up on our list so I am assuming you purchased through your local retailer, if this is the case then please see them for a new stronger replacement or feel free to contact me direct 0434 729 508 to discuss.

QLD, 7076 posts
28 Jan 2011 6:10PM
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Boardworks do a great 3 piece which is adjustable as well , the paddle head is solid plastic a touch heavy but a really good shaped blade that paddles really well. This paddle comes with the SHUBU inflatable. You can get it through Balmoral Paddle Surf in Manly.

QLD, 4 posts
30 Jan 2011 1:46PM
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Thanks all, after chatting about it with a mate who knows more than I do (not hard) I ended up going with the Werner Fuse 3 piece, so, fingers crossed it's the goods!



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"3 piece paddles" started by Casooley