Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

A few protected waves the swell

Created by Slatz > 9 months ago, 28 May 2020
NSW, 181 posts
28 May 2020 7:46PM
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I was initially bummed that I had to head down the coast last weekend and help out my oldies on their property. I had waited ages for such an epic swell and had was looking forward to some solid barrel time on the shortboard.
But there is always a silver lining, and that lining was a super fun session on my 8'11" Throwdown scroing some sunrise waves at a few local breaks down south.

I actually surfed 4 different breaks on Saturday morning, starting with a head high A frame reef which was a little too inconsistent and crowded for my liking, but still scored a beautiful first wave right through to the rock shelf, so I paddled down to the point where I scored one right through to the inside. Paddled further down to another right hand reef scoring a fun one and ended up surfing at a super fun little river mouth with a heap of people I hadn't seen in ages, sharing waves, laughing and having a ball.

How good is surfing? I'm still smiling

495 posts
29 May 2020 11:09AM
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Nice! Looks like fun. Thanks for posting.


VIC, 9 posts
29 May 2020 1:31PM
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Hey Slatz,

what size board are you riding

NSW, 181 posts
29 May 2020 5:37PM
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Suplife said..
Hey Slatz,

what size board are you riding

This board is an 8'11 x 29" x 4" Throwdown model and comes in around 116L

I was testing a new moulded blank for this board which was only 13kg/m3 and did our standard team layup with Innegra deck. I am stoked that it is still going strong over 3 years later and I have put it through the wringer. My motto has always been "surf it like you stole it" and this board has been out in some very solid conditions and also some stupid close out sections where I should have bailed and apart from standard wear and tear it is still going strong.

One of my favourite bands is Sublime, so I got our artist to do the sublime artwork on the bottom with a line from one of their songs.

The only thing I would change is slightly tweak the fin positions but apart from that I love coming back to this board.

I usually ride a 7'11 @102L so this is a big step up for me, but I really love the flow I get on this board as I'm not trying to rip the **** out of every section and can just enjoy linking turns and skating sections. It's also good in windy conditions as the extra volume really helps

Heres a few photos.

5106 posts
29 May 2020 4:53PM
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you scored ..nice surfing the art work ..

2681 posts
29 May 2020 10:24PM
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Love that song... Sublime rocks and digging your artwork! .... I'm stealing that lip smack picture
Nice to see you ripping it up and your words on the value of a "step up" are spot on.

NSW, 181 posts
1 Jun 2020 9:01AM
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supthecreek said..
I'm stealing that lip smack picture

Hhahaha you wouldn't be the first. I have seen that photo on several facebook profile pics.
It's an honour


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"A few protected waves the swell" started by Slatz