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Action Sports WA Bridge The Bank

Created by Maxeeboy > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2015
WA, 335 posts
26 Aug 2015 9:51PM
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Can't wait for this event, had a ball last year, nice southerly breeze with runners, whoo hoo

SUPWA is stoked to open registrations for our annual Bridge the Bank race to be held on Sunday morning September 20th on the banks of the beautiful Swan River.

Thanks to our major sponsor Action Sports WA, The 2015 Bridge to Bank is our annual community event aimed at all paddlers who desire to give racing a go in a fun environment.

Don't have a race board? That's ok, as we have made it a 'handicap event' that will be determined by the combined board lengths and completion times.

This gives everyone a chance of winning, no matter what size board you choose to use collectively.

The Action Sports WA Bridge to Bank is a fun mixed pair's race with the males starting at Narrows Bridge Perth and paddling the 8km to Pt Walter. From there, you tag your female paddling partner, who then paddles the 3km last leg of the race to Swan Yacht Club to the fininsh.

The course can be reversed if needed, depending on the wind direction on the morning.

At the completion of the race, we are having presentations and food at Swan Yacht Club. Bring your family & friends along. Cheap food and drink - kids more than welcome.
If you don't have a have a sup partner, that's ok, please let us know & we will match you up.

Registration: Bib number and briefing at 0800 sharp (even if you entered online you need to attend this breifing to get your number). Meet your partner at Stirling Bridge for the briefing then they can drive to Pt Walter Spit for the next leg.

Division: Mixed division only (each paddlers needs to enter separately)
Presentations at the Swan Yacht Club in East Freo after the event.

Share the stoke, see you on the water for a fun morning as we Bridge the Bank together.

Click here to enter ~ only $20 for SUPWA members &
$30 for non-members.

WA, 846 posts
27 Aug 2015 1:37PM
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Second only to the Fig2Fig, this has to be one of the biggest SUP participation events in WA. Great to see new sponsors Action Sports WA involved - it's a fantastic paddle for any level and a good opportunity to get your spouse/partner on the water!

Looking forward to it!!

WA, 335 posts
28 Aug 2015 5:10AM
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Stimo is ready for the Bridge the Bank & upcoming DW season, training hard & he has a very colourful array of DC boards

WA, 335 posts
29 Aug 2015 3:24PM
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Hope it's blowing the dog off the chain for this event

WA, 6 posts
30 Aug 2015 4:54PM
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This is a fun event for guys & gals, can't wait. great to see the guys doing the extra k's too
As they do :) See you there, come & share the joy, yummy food afterwards too.

WA, 1 posts
31 Aug 2015 6:42AM
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Yummy food, I'm there
Never done Bridge the Bank, now just got to find a partner.

WA, 335 posts
31 Aug 2015 6:06PM
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There is a desperate & dateless category if we run out of lady paddlers to partner, ha ha.
Cmon ladies, only a 3k paddle for you with guys doing 8ks.

WA, 6 posts
1 Sep 2015 9:30PM
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What I like most about the Bridge the Bank is the cool vibe.
Great to see partners paddling together & an awesome opportunity to step up your paddling while still in a recreational environment.
Action Sports WA, have some cool prizes too
Any ladies on the breeze coming or is this just a boys place?

WA, 335 posts
4 Sep 2015 5:20PM
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Registrations are looking good
Good spring sup times, Whoo Hoo
Never done this event?
Now is the time, plus party time after

WA, 793 posts
7 Sep 2015 8:05PM
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Great event for beginners and social paddlers alike.
If you can't find a partner let us know and I will try to match you up with someone, or if there is a surplus of one gender we will have a "Desperate and Dateless" division.

WA, 6 posts
13 Sep 2015 1:11PM
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C'mon ladies, here's your chance to strut your stuff on the water.
PS I just don't know what to wear hehehe

WA, 335 posts
13 Sep 2015 1:13PM
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I hear Stimo has a rib injury, buggar

See you next Sunday morning, yewwww

WA, 40 posts
14 Sep 2015 8:10AM
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The long range forecast is looking good for a Narrows to Swan Yatch Club race Easterly winds on a slight outgoing tide.
First time in quite a few years it will be run in this direction.

WA, 846 posts
14 Sep 2015 9:54AM
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how good it that forecast looking! Sunny day, perfect wind direction.

I have my SUP partner - complete new paddler to SUP, she is so excited. Great day for new paddlers, easy distance, wind behind you, sunny day!

WA, 335 posts
15 Sep 2015 4:46PM
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Secret training pool for the bridge the bank

WA, 846 posts
16 Sep 2015 9:28AM
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Noticed there are paddlers entered, but not their partners. Make sure your partner has entered for Sunday.

The weather gods are smiling - this is a perfect day for a SUP paddle - if you know anyone with a SUP - get them along. Even if they don't have one. Plenty of options to borrow one. promises to be a great day!

WA, 136 posts
16 Sep 2015 3:50PM
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Emails have said that morning briefing is at Stirling Bridge at 8am. Is that car parks near the Left Bank side of river? Is it possible to enter on the day as I have some friends from down south coming up who I'm trying to get down.

WA, 793 posts
16 Sep 2015 7:11PM
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Fergus, as yet we haven't decided where the registration will definitely be. We will make a decision on Friday evening and send out emails to all competitors and members. It all comes down to wind direction so it will either be Swan Yacht Club or the Narrows Bridge.
Entries close 7pm Saturday evening as we need to enter teams onto the timing app.
Stay tuned for more info mate.

WA, 1103 posts
21 Sep 2015 9:21AM
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Many thanks to the crew from SUPWA for putting on this event & thanks to Darren & Action Sports WA for the sponsorship.

Despite my coming last, if anyone has managed to keep time records, I'd be interested (sort of) to know what time I did. There's always next year

WA, 179 posts
21 Sep 2015 9:49PM
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Hi Juddy.
Combined times here:

Estimate ~30 minutes for your partners time and the rest is yours.

Supreme effort by yourself mate, on a board not entirely suited to the conditions.

WA, 1 posts
21 Sep 2015 10:48PM
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Was great fun even in the conditions. Thanks to SUPWA & Action Sports WA.

Any chance we could get the full handicap results please?

WA, 3489 posts
21 Sep 2015 10:48PM
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Yep great effort Juddy and Nat, would have been super tough on the 10'5 paddling into a cross/headwind.

I was considering entering on my 12'6 or 14 but thought it looked like too much hard work in those conditions, yep I know I prob need a bit more concrete in my diet.

Nice work by Michael and Cristiana for the win as well, backing it up after their wins in the bop and downwinder at Gero last weekend.

Michael was paddling well last season but it seems he has taken it to another level this year.

WA, 335 posts
22 Sep 2015 6:20AM
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Yep it it was a grind out there, I'm still recovering.
Well done to Mike & Cristiana for taking the line honours & everyone for having a go.
Wind behind your back sounds like much more fun
ps Michael & Cris were both on the new Fanatic Strike, considering headwinds & cross chop up to 17 knots with bigger gusts that came through in open parts of the Swan River, go Team Fanatic.

Well done Brooke from EPS East Perth Sup, just got the win over Steve from Freo Pod


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Action Sports WA Bridge The Bank" started by Maxeeboy