Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Aussie Sup titles Geraldton photos

Created by johndg > 9 months ago, 7 Oct 2016
WA, 210 posts
7 Oct 2016 10:56AM
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I posted these photos earlier however the thread was old and I don't think many people looked. I didn't spend a lot of time there and consequently don't have pictures of everyone. The event was great and the conditions held despite the forecast throughout the event.

VIC, 1469 posts
7 Oct 2016 2:37PM
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is this the 10ft class photo or mix or open sup surf class?

NSW, 181 posts
7 Oct 2016 8:33PM
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Hey thanks for sharing. Its good to see a photo or 2 of me.
I got a heap of footage but have been too busy to edit it all together. I'll get there eventually
It was a great event and a good adventure just getting there.
Thanks to all the WA crew for looking after me, legends

WA, 210 posts
8 Oct 2016 8:00AM
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Just looked up Surefire surfboards to figure out who you are. I like the last shot of you stretching and with the paddle bending as most of us tend to favour one side over the other. It was good to see the quality of the surfers. One comment I had from an older short board rider was that he was impressed and had only seen suppers going straight and didn't know they could go more vertical. I guess that is a criticism of all longer and larger board riders.

NSW, 181 posts
10 Oct 2016 10:00AM
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Hahaha no worries Johndg,
Yeah I really like swapping sides with the paddle back hand but it can look pretty kooky sometimes if the wave fattens up. Feels good when the wave is steeper.
Unfortunately Paddle surfing has that stigma of big boards going straight, but some of the young guns are showing what can be done on a wave.

NSW, 310 posts
10 Oct 2016 8:57PM
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Board and style look sick Mick.
Few different boards, approaches and styles in this group of photos. Great thing about Sup comps to me is those variations you don't get in your usual short board comps.

2593 posts
11 Oct 2016 2:54AM
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Nice shots.... everyone is ripping!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Aussie Sup titles Geraldton photos" started by johndg