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Big Waves WA.

Created by Fergus > 9 months ago, 30 Jun 2015
WA, 136 posts
30 Jun 2015 3:50PM
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This photo just dropped into my Inbox. Taken last Sunday down south. A big wave spot frequented by SUP surfers. Some of the local lads who love this place and surf it this size would of been spewing as they were at the State Titles on the weekend. However at least one of them was out there on Friday on the first day of the swell.

WA, 491 posts
30 Jun 2015 5:04PM
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Yes and after paddling into some epic waves he then wore one on the head out the back,

his leggie broke and he had to swim in all that way

he was pretty low key about the whole experience when he was telling me about it.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
3 Jul 2015 3:23PM
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Indo was better than state round and down south Thats if you didnt break your leg or fight with a local bogan.

Less agro than Mandurah by the sounds , SUPs most welcome Not especially an event on there once in a life time bogan swell
and a bit warmer, and cleaner than down south , but to big at ULUs and many locations for one of the days and for any leg rope , great to see Bali fully firing with Venom.

Huge swells you got to be thinking about rubber / floatation protection warm water or not / a hand full of the locals pulled into some freaky **** in the old boardies ......... eventually getting caught out .............wild to watch.

Suprised at how many people are using 2 leg ropes on there SUPs

After stretching out 2 in under 6 foot ,i kind of understood , looks dont kill , but long swims can

Epic photo above thats 4 sure

VIC, 611 posts
3 Jul 2015 6:20PM
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king of the point said..

Suprised at how many people are using 2 leg ropes on there SUPs

2 leggies tied together to make it longer or two leggies side by side?

VIC, 17517 posts
3 Jul 2015 6:47PM
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Pretty sure side by side..

NSW, 1301 posts
3 Jul 2015 7:47PM
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If you cant make the swim back in due to a snapped leggie maybe you shouldnt be out there in the first place.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
3 Jul 2015 6:46PM
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robdog said..
king of the point said..

Suprised at how many people are using 2 leg ropes on there SUPs

2 leggies tied together to make it longer or two leggies side by side?

Just ankles leggies side by side on top of each other / some crew seemed to twist them up a bit.

If you made one long one say 20 foot i doubt it would make much of a difference to its strength.

I was lucky on both occasions it did not break , but the inner core line was stuffed , in the end i had to tie a big knot into the weakened part.

Both leggies WAVE HUNTER 10 FOOT 9mm calf / Balian 10foot 9mm stretched out and i Snapped me 10foot 7mm Balian the board sprung back out through the wave ending up 2 meters from me and i was able to just cruise over and get it ,

funny enough it was the only 3 times i got caught out with a 6 to 8 foot bay drainer , and on each occasion i tried my damndest to slot my board in a position so it would release early , but you just get skull dragged , i was happily air breathing on the back side of the wave going with it as much as possible praying for the leggie to hang in there.

Someone really needs to make a hard core 12mm to 15mm 10 foot leggie for 6 foot and above or do more testing with the materials they are using it should of and could of easily not stretched out dispite towing a 100kgs

2680 posts
3 Jul 2015 8:07PM
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At Mavericks, my friend uses an extra long big wave leash, attached to a waist belt (with quick release loop)
The excess leash is coiled up at his back, to keep it out of the wave until he falls.
I don't think they break too often.

Here's a link to a 15' Big wave leash

WA, 7608 posts
3 Jul 2015 11:58PM
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Gets hectic


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Big Waves WA." started by Fergus