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Biggest Baddest Bucket List meets the Tunnel Rat

Created by OG SUP > 9 months ago, 5 Dec 2013
VIC, 3516 posts
5 Dec 2013 11:37PM
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Kristi was stoked to try out the 6'10 Laguna Bay Tunnel Rat today in 30 - 35kt squalls and it performed pretty well even in evil conditions.

When you see this board on the water it looks tiny to say the least but still retains a lot of stability, cant wait to see it in some decent surf on Saturday

Lookout for Kristi and the Tunnel Rat on the Biggest Baddest Bucket List in the very near future :)

SA, 1200 posts
6 Dec 2013 9:03AM
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Board looks the shape...
Looks like dogman is having fun...again....

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
6 Dec 2013 1:10PM
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TAA said..

Board looks the shape...
Looks like dogman is having fun...again....

im always having fun.....hahahahaha

went for a quick surf at wink early this morning with local sup frother JED

bit bumpy but ok waves in amongst the pack animals

then traded my little 7'10 sup for a 10'2 LB and went out at bells with young shred head kristi she had grabbed my tunnel rat 6'10 again

and was keen to try it out at bells

the wind turned it to junk really quickly and after a few repetitive backhanders i dragged her over to winki to get a few better shaped waves than fat AS!!! bells

the crowd was low and the absence of hotheads made for a pretty cruisey surf

after a few waves we returned to the carpark to find the Biggest Baddest Bucket List crew suiting up for a prone surf at bells

mate..... have those guys landed a cool trip of a lifetime (i thought i had it

so i left kristi to tune up the boys and work her

while i reported in to maccas for a coffee n 600 cheese burgers


VIC, 534 posts
6 Dec 2013 1:45PM
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**** there are some dicks on this forum. Why would you red thumb.

QLD, 2031 posts
6 Dec 2013 2:04PM
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matt18 said..

**** there are some dicks on this forum. Why would you red thumb.

I red thumbed you for cutless instead of gutless...

VIC, 534 posts
6 Dec 2013 3:14PM
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husq2100 said..

matt18 said..

**** there are some dicks on this forum. Why would you red thumb.

I red thumbed you for cutless instead of gutless...

I should proof read first
any way gutless

QLD, 7076 posts
6 Dec 2013 2:18PM
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Hate to be picky , but in the top pic someone was cheating on the bottom noughts & crosses , the blue nought had an extra go and the yellow cross was in a no loose situtation.... Cheating bastard
Fun looking board.

VIC, 3516 posts
6 Dec 2013 7:34PM
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Kristi had a rad time today, teaching the stars of the Biggest Baddest Bucketlist the Vaggabrothers how to SUP. Over the last six months, they've travelled to six continents ticking off some crazy activities on the way. Kristi said it was great to meet Alex and Marko and get in a quick SUP surf session - and I have to say for their first time, they killed it! Kristi said she had an awesome time, the guys were so down-to-earth and she can't wait to see episode :)
Check out what Alex and Marko have been up to over the last six months:

VIC, 3516 posts
6 Dec 2013 7:55PM
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Doddude doing the ahhh I think its called the Harry Potter?????

Kristi giving the Tunnel Rat another run

QLD, 4177 posts
6 Dec 2013 8:26PM
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Cool pics , the girl rips

VIC, 113 posts
6 Dec 2013 9:56PM
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tha dogman said..
she had grabbed my tunnel rat 6'10 again

Dogman, last time I checked, possession was nine tenths of the law.. so since it's currently sitting in my garage does that mean it's legally ninth tenths mine?

Ahh I'm just kidding, I guess I better bring it back to your wheely-kennel tomorrow

I'll be sad to see my tunnel rat go

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
7 Dec 2013 11:40PM
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guess who has got fatty the tunnel rat now

he will be back in january


VIC, 3516 posts
8 Dec 2013 12:39AM
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Safe trip back to the pound in Mini W Dogdude.

Kristi said she had all time fun on Thursday and Friday in the lumps and bumps.

Tully a 6'10 x 27 1/2 x 3 3/4 is required


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Biggest Baddest Bucket List meets the Tunnel Rat" started by OG SUP